She's the prettiest girl at the party she can prove it withthe soiled right hook

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She's the prettiest girl at the party and she can prove it with a solid right hook

Lily POV

It's Miles birthday today. Frank is coming over with Gerard, Mikey is coming with his two friends I think their names were Ray and someone else I think it started with a P I don't know. Lynz was coming over today too. Cherry knew about me liking her. She's beautiful, sweet, cute, her laugh is makes me blush and my stomach fills with butterflies and fireworks set off in my head. I couldn't wait. Miles birthday theme was pirates I don't know why but I think uncle Gee got him into this pirate comic book.

"Lily! Cherry! Can you help me for a moment."

"Yes dad."

We both said at the same time. We kinda laughed about it, I mean we're twins and when we say something at the same time it's kinda funny to us. We walked out of the glass sliding doors and walked into the backyard.

"Okay Lily, you get that corner of the table and Cherry you get that side. We grab the corners of the wooden table that was previously in the front yard. I don't how dad got it in the backyard on his own but whatever, fuck off thoughts.

"Okay on the count of three we move it over here okay."

He pointed to the middle of the yard. That won't be too hard.


Me and Cherry kind of shurged off the difficulty of how this was going to be, I mean really it's a table.

"Okay 1. 2. Go."

We left the corners up and I wish we didn't shurg off the difficulty of this cause damn this is heavy. It was light but then it felt like holding a coffee table on your own.

"Hey guys need help."

Cherry dropped the table and dad did too so I did so after. Dad had his hands on his hips as he looked at uncle Bob eating a cupcake.


He had cupcake in his mouth as he talked. Blue white brown and red icing layed around his lips. A chunk fell off, he moved his hand to try and catch it but instead it landed on the porch.

"Bob.. I didn't have you come over here to eat all the damn food before everyone got here."

".. wait.. I'm not here for the food."

Me and Lily smiled really big trying not to laugh.

"..Just get down here and help please."

"Uh sorry man, the beard says no."

Dad stomped up the stares and made Bob come down and help by pulling his beard like someone pulling someone's ear.

"lets see what the beard thinks about this."

"Owh Owh Owh Owh! Okay! I'll help..."

Bob grabbed the corner next to dad and me and Cherry still tried not to laugh.


Bob mumbled. Dad mouthed '1.2.3. Go' to us and winked and we went, leaving Bob behind making the table drag on the ground.

"Woah Woah Woah!"

He grabbed the corner and we FINALLY made it to the damn middle of the yard. We weren't done yet. Cherry was in charge of making sure Miles didn't wake up or make sure he didn't wake up and walk out of the room and see everything we put out. I was with dad and.. well Bob.. he just sat there and watched.. but me and dad put up the rest of the stuff as mom made the cake and Uncle Gee and Aunt Natty decorated it.


everything was finally done and no one hasn't cared to go check on Cherry. I told dad and he laughed at me statement like it was a joke, then looked back at uncle Gee who was talking then he jumped up a little.

"Oh! Cherry!"

When me and dad finally got to the door cherry was trying her hardest to keep miles in his room. We heard banging and screaming coming from inside the room. Cherry held the door with her feet almost sliding on the carpet.

"Uh thank for FINALLY cheek in on me."

We heard some more bangs on the door.

"Let me out I have to pee!"

Dad moved cherry from the door then Miles open the door with his hand on his hip.

"Dad why did y- ah aye."

Miles couldn't finish due to dad picking him up and running him to the bathroom. Miles shut the door and dad to us to go tell everyone that he'll be out in a minute.  Me and Cherry walked in the living room and told only uncle Gee cause we were shy and we're not gonna stand on a table and yell that he'll be out in a minute. Uncle Gee nodded with a smile then hugged us both in his arms.

"Im sorry but you too have frown so much."

"Unlike dad ever did."

He began to laugh his ass off and we laughed a little too.

(A/N if Gerard laughed his ass off I think I would cry cause that man has a beautiful ass XD)

I looked outside in the backyard and seen Lynz playing with Miles friends. She had a eye patch and a plastic hook on her right hand. She was chasing them around and saying R. Cherry noughed me in the side with her elbow. I look over and see her smiling.

"Oh stop it."

I said like I was annoyed.


After the cake and the presents it was dark outside and we all decide to play a game. We turn all of the lights off, we hide in the house, dad will come find us, and when he dies he will poke up with the hook. Yea I know, a game that doesn't seem fun for people my age like Gerard frank lynz and Cherry but.. we played outside while the kids inside had flash lights. I run outside and slid through a small entry through the bushes that lead to the trees. Everyone else hid in the front yard. Lynz was the one who was trying to find us. I seen her walk outside and on the porch threw the bushes that we're infront of the trees. I knew she wouldn't find me so layed up against a tree and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes for what seemed like forever. I was kind of scared, I didn't think it was this dark. I felt a poke and someone yell 'AH!' And I screamed and jumped up. I heard them laugh and realized it was Lynz. She hugged me still laughing and I hugged her back.

"Im sorry."

She said still laughing.

"It's okay."

"Okay good.. someone like you needs to be okay.. Cause you make me okay."

She hugged me a little tighter and I smiled and hugged a little more back. She let go and we looked at eachother. The way her eyes shine in the moon light made me smile. She's the prettiest girl at the party and she can prove it with a solid right hook.

Please read the A/N at the end I would LOVE it if you guys would read this one c:

Hey guys.. we have 4K READS YAY!! I say we cause I count you guys as apart of this, you guys make me look forward to something, I love to write and I love to talk to you guys and have funny jokes and shit, even though you may live half way across the world from me or down the street I will always love you guys and still thank you guys for everything cause honestly to me you guys have more part in my story's than I do you guys are like my other awesome friends, if I could meet you I would hug you.. no joke I would hug you, drink some coffee with you, and listen to music with u lol  c: I love you guys HUGS
If you haven't learn already that I love hugs then.. where have you been hehe. btw TOMORROW IS GERARDS BIRTHDAY!!
    o  o
That's supposed to be a weird cat I guess lol yea Ik I'm weird.
Love you guys
Your weird, crazy, short, guitar playing, tattoo loving, coffee crazy, jacket slut 2, music loving, crazy killjoy, and artistic author.. Twiggs :)
You guys are better though c:

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