Month 21

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Month 21

Your home was a lot noisier this morning than it usually was. For once, your husband hadn't slapped his alarm six times before getting up, instead, getting up on the first ring and moving to the bathroom with a little pep in his step.

You watched him from bed, wondering if today was really that much of an ego boost to him. But then again, it wasn't every day that it was career day at your kid's school... and thus, your husband was excited to show off.

You couldn't understand him, as you didn't see the interest in trying to show off in front of a bunch of literal three, four, and five-year-olds. But this was your husband, and any chance to show off and boast about himself was a chance he would take with pride.

The loudness of your home wasn't just in your bedroom either, as it also came from somewhere else in the house. Grabbing yourself a robe, you wandered into Katsuko's room. Sure enough, she was already up and looking through her closet and trying to find what she wanted to wear on this 'special day'.

"Mama!" She cried, a bit startled when she spied you.

"Need some help with finding an outfit?" You asked, bending down to her level.

She had a few outfits picked out, but seemed unable to decide on which one she wanted to wear. Each was a very good choice: a red dress with polka-dots, an orange shirt that would go with denim overalls, and finally a simple t-shirt and black pants. The t-shirt exclaiming in big orange letters "BOOOM!"

A daughter of Ground Zero only got the finest Ground Zero merch after all.

"I think you go with the boom shirt." You told her and saw Katsuko nod her head.

"That's the easiest one to get into!" She cheered and started to get dressed.

You stayed in her room with her and helped her when she needed it, such as brushing her hair and doing it for her. But after five minutes, the little girl was ready and just needed to eat and brush her teeth.

As always, Bakugou had cooked breakfast and was waiting. Katsuko sat herself down and looked around.

"No Roro?" She frowned.

"He has a checkup later today, so I'm going to let him sleep as much as he wants." You told Katsuko.

"He's not going to like the boosters he's getting today." Bakugou hummed.

"I know... but I doubt you'd want to go with him and struggle to get him to stop crying." You teased him.

Bakugou merely glared at you as he sipped his black coffee. Katsuko laughed, finding it funny that her father was bad at consoling her brother. You merely ate your meal and asked Katsuko if she was excited for today.

After thirty minutes of chatter and brushing of the teeth, Katsuko and Bakugou were heading out the door to pre-school. You waved from the balcony of your apartment and smiled. Today was certainly going to be interesting for the pair of them, and you couldn't wait to hear about how it went when they got home tonight.


The hallways of the pre-school were decorated differently once again. This time it seemed the kids had to cut and make flowers out of paper. Some looked good, others looked more like a trash bag. But he didn't comment on it, instead allowing his daughter to chat his ear off.

Bakugou was only half listening though, as he knew his plan for today. That plan is to make sure he was the coolest parent of them all! He wasn't going to let dumb Deku or Half-and-Half outrank him here, or anywhere! Today would be his victory over the kids and all the praise would go to him!

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now