Section 23 The Big Crowd

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YEAR: 2025
December 1rst...
Snow began falling hard, walkers walking everywhere on the outside. Mike pulled out the empty clip to his AR. He pointed it in the distance, then pulled the trigger, 3 bullets shot out and splashed through a walkers skull. In the distance Mike noticed a Large crowd of Walkers coming towards Evolutionary. But this... this wasn't just a crowd of walkers. This was the biggest Horde any person has ever seen. Mike stepped backwards and ran into the stone part of the gates. "THERES A HORDE OF WALKERS WHERE GONNA NEED OUR MILITARY NOW" Mike screamed up. Felicity looked out and seen the Horde then looked over at the 200 soilders ready to go out there and protect the entire place. "Listen up, I cannot gaurentee everyone's safety this is something that even I've never seen before. But all I can say is I will be there fighting with each and everyone one of you. This is life or death and we need to protect the 50,000+ innocent lives at stake. Felicity then moves her hand down. "CHARGE" Felicity screamed, the entire army began running towards the Horde, guns blazed off. Walkers began to over crowd the guys as the numbers of walkers grew larger. "Son of a b**** this is a big Crowd of walkers" Andre a 27 year old man wearing army camo all over him and a bullet proof vest, The Head of the Military spoke. He shot off his AK and killed over a dozen walkers. Mike ran full speed ahead and head butted a walker hard off the nose. Then he pulled out his AR and blasted it threw the skull. A walker came from behind he smashed his head backwards into the walkers forehead. The walkers forehead skin crushed threw and slime began to pour down his face. "Ew" he turned around and twisted the walkers head off its body. Then stomped on it with his steel toe boots. Felicity ran back inside Evolutionary, "come on we gotta get you guys back in your houses until this is resolved" Felicity spoke. Everyone then began attempting to run back to there houses. The entire army continued fighting the Walkers off with 152 people left in the Army of men. A walker began walking towards Andre. He pulled a knife out of his Vest and Stabbed the walker square through the temple. The walker fell and layed there on the floor. Then another walker began walking towards him, Green slimy goo realeased from its mouth. Andre began walking fast towards the walker. Then stabbed the knife through its chin. The green slimy goo began dripping all over his hand. "EW" Andre screamed. Then moved his hand and the walker fell. His body immediately began feeling very cold. His lungs on the inside felt like they were closing. "LETS GOOOOOO" Andre screamed moving the rest of the army sideways. With 110 Soilders left. And over 500+ walkers left. Andre began doubting it was possible to overcome these walkers. Andre ran over to Mike, The MASTER Sg. "I don't think this is possible we might have to retreat and lockdown the entire place these walkers are getting bigger and bigger more and more as time goes" Mike makes a signal to Felicity. "The Head of Military told me that he thinks we need to retreat and lockdown the entire place and that this isint possible" Mike spoke. "But I have a plan, if we lock it all down and climb up and began shooting them from above maybe if we had enough people we could do it" Mike spoke again. "Yeah that might work" Felicity replied. Mike began running back the Andre, "Signal all your men back inside Evolutionary but go to the top and begin shooting the walkers one by one" Mike spoke. "Understood" Andre replied. "RETREAT" Andre screamed and the 109 soilders begin running back towards evolutionary. Andre then began to turn pale white. Out of nowhere Mike from the corner of his eye saw Andre immediately Drop. Mike hooked arms with Andre and began running as fast as he could. The gates began slowly closeing. He continued running faster and faster he got to the beginning part of the gate, then tripped over the side of the steel gate. Mike and Andres arms unhook, and mike falls forward through the gate. The gate closed. Mike turned around and realized Andre was on the other side of the gate. "S***" Walkers then began crowding all around the gate and walls. Over 7 walkers began eating away at the flesh of Andre. The sounds of walkers banging on the walls and gates grew louder. "This is one serious problem" Felicity spoke. "It sure is" Stephan replied holding Liam. The army began shooting there guns all at the walkers. But the Numbers kept growing. Then, the gates began slowly bending. Then, BFFFFFFFFFFT. The entire gate along with the walls caved in and walkers began spreading all over Evolutionary State. The entire army stumbled over as walkers overrid them and began eating away at there flesh. "Let's go NOW there's only one way out of here" Stephen spoke. "Yeah what's that" Mike replied. Stephen ran off with Liam. Then 3 seconds later came driving back in his Car, "Everyone hop in now" Stephen spoke. Everyone hopped in the car. Felicity up front holding Liam, while Mike and Shelby were in the back holding Miguel. "There's enough room for one more person" Felicity spoke. The car kept driving. "Everything again as we know it is gone" Felicity spoke. "Don't think like that everything will be okay" Stephen spoke. The car left evolutionary and hit the road. Dead walkers spreaded out over the long field in the distance. The car kept driving for at least 6 hours and 30 minutes. A sign sprung up stating 1 Hour to Ohio State. The car kept on going. For 1 more hour. They past a Sign stating *Welcome to Ohio* and kept driving.

3:00 A.M
Felicity and Liam were asleep while Shelby and Miguel were sleeping as well. Stephen and mike remained awake. "So what's your plan and where are we heading" Mike spoke to break the silence. Then out of nowhere the radio sprung on. Loud static Arose. "Yikes" Stephen spoke. "My plans are honestly to find a place to stay and I think Ohio might have some great ones we need to be somewhere for the time being until this all gets resolved." Stephen said as well.
6:00 A.M the car was still driving.
The radio sprung on and a strange voice came through it. "This is Seattle Lynnwood Officer Curtis speaking. I know everyone right now is struggling. We have 5 different officers down here alive that will protect anyone in need of help, our location is Lynnwood Seattle." Stephen looked at mike, mike looked back, "This is it looks like we know our destination." Mike spoke...

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