Part II Section 14-DisHonorable

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June 20th, 2026 3:00 P.M

Stephan looked at Zack "I'm going to look for Austin Please stay here with Grayson its been a few days we werent suppose to be here that long, he was just suppose to find food and supplies" Stephan said. "I will" Zack confidently said. "Let me go with you you need a form of protection" Jimmy yelled. Holding his Draco in his Arms, "Alright come along" Stephan said looking at Bennett while walking with Jimmy. Bennett nodded his head. Stephan and Jimmy began walking in the dried up forest. The temp 100 °F sun Beating off the Dried grass. Though some patches in the ground were still alive. In the distance a herd of deer were eating the patches of grass, "Jimmy Look" Stephan said. They began to creep closer, one of the deer looked up. Staring at Stephan and Jimmy. Then it put its head back down and continued eating, "Let's leave these little fellas Alone" Stephan said, They continued walking. With every step the leaves crackled. Jimmy then took a step forward and fell over, tripping over the little latch handle in the ground. "Where the hell does that lead" Jimmy said nervously. "I don't know but we are gonna find out" Stephan answered as he then put his hand on the handle and lifted up. A metal ladder led to a bottom thar you couldn't see in eyes view. "I will go first" Jimmy said hesitantly" he put one foot on the Ladder then his other and slowly began climbing down. His foot touched the ground "Put your weapons on your back down put your hands up and turn around" a strange familiar voice spoke. "BEN" Jimmy yelled in shock. "I wouldn't stay on there side If I were you, I seen you walking on the cameras, I killed Austin, if that's who your looking for" Ben said as he laughed. "I know I left long after shit went down but I could not stay there it was bad, Austin killed Our friend Jimmy these people are not good people" Ben said, "Wait who!" Jimmy said, " you will realize if you come back and stay long enough" Ben said. "If not I'm sorry but I'm shooting you right now" Ben said "Don't shoot I'm coming back" Jimmy said looking up. He began walking over to Ben, "Come down it's safe" Jimmy yelled up. "Alright coming" Stephan said. Stephan then looked down, as he began standing up. "I just heard everything and he doesn't even know" Stephan said as he pulled out his last grenade. "Let's end this s*** before it starts" Stephan said as he pulled the slider on the grenade and threw the grenade down the hole. He began to run. As he ran and got 25 Ft away he heard a loud Bang in the distance. The sound of a grenade exploding eroded from miles away. Stephan kept running, Stephan ran as fast as he could feet scrambling against the leaves of the Woods. "This motherf***** Betrayed us, I am going to kill this bastard" Stephan said to himself as he kept running, he got closer to the group. "ZACK BENNET, IS GRAYSON OKAY, JIMMY JUST TURNED HIS BACK ON US, WE NEED TO MOVE NOW GET IN THE VEHICLE" Stephan yelled, Bennet and Zack ran Grayson to the car and buckled him in, Zack sat to the left and Bennet sat up front, Stephan stepped into the car. He stepped on the gas and began driving the car down the forest path and onto the Road. "Austin's Dead" Stephan said, "WHAT" Bennett and Zack yelled in Shock. "Listen whatever happens no matter what we need to stick together" Stephan said. "I'm thinking we got one of 2 Choices, Bennet, we either Leave Or we fight back. What you think" Stephan asked. "I mean I say we Fight back" Bennet Said. "I mean is that even a safe idea" Zack Said nervously. "Yeah we Barley got weapons" Stephan said. "So sitting here won't get us Weapons, We have to take back what's ours from that Will guy" Zack said. "But how" Bennett Questioned. "We Find where he is, though two of us should go and one should stay back with Grayson" Zack Answered. "Bennett You and Zack go, I'll stay Behind" Stephan Said. "Sure" Bennett Said.

June 20th 6:00 P.M 2026
"We have been walking on thus Road for Ages no sign of anything around here" Zack Said. "I know Everything will be fine trust me He's gotta be around here as he looked around he seen 4 buildings. "Hey Bennett I think I know this area This was where my parents went to see a Doctor" Zack said. "But nobody is around" Zack whispered to himself "Search the buildings anyway we are gonna need the supplies" Bennett Said. "Your right I'll take these 2 houses in the front you get the ones in the back" Zack said as he motioned towards the front door of the house on the left and slowly began opening it. Bennett started walking to the back of the houses. As he slowly opened the door a gust of wind smacked the side of his face. He kept walking in then slowly shut the door. He began pulling his Wooden knife he carved out himself out of his pocket. Loud snoring came from the inside of the big room next to Him. He continued to slowly tip toe his way to the room as the Snores grew louder. In site he seen a cushioned chair with a man sitting in it sleeping. Black Beard around his face. "OH MY god thats Will" Zack whispered and tried to hold it together. He began walking passed the couch area, creaking in the floor grew louder with each step. He turned his head, seeing a Table With Bennetts Golden Revolver he walked over to the Table tip toeing. He looked around, "Stephans Gun" Zack said excitedly. He grabbed the Revolver and tucked it away in his holster he then grabbed stephans AK and put it around his body with the strap around his head. He then began tip toeing passed Wills chair again. Will still sleeping. He got passed the Chair and got to the door. He then twisted the door knob, and exited the House. He slowly closed the door behind him as quietly as he could. Looking around for Bennett he's Nowhere to be found. Zack began walking over to the House on the right. He peaked through the windows just next to the Stairs to go in. Nobody was Inside The Kitchen Area. Zack walked over to the Stairs and began taking steps up them. He put his hand on the handle and Twisted the knob. The knob didn't turn as the door is locked. He then walked down the stairs and began walking to the back houses. He then pulled the Golden Revolver from his holster. He checked inside the gun to see if it was loaded. 3 bullets were left. He pointed the gun in front of him and continued walking. Nobody was in sight. He walked over to the house on the right and peaked through the window. Bennett Jimmy Ben and Blake were all in there standing and talking. Zack then turned his head. And started running in the direction away from the houses. He kept running "I need to make it back now and tell stephan" He thought to himself.

June 20th 9:50 P.M 2026
A tent was set up Stephans Car sitting nearby, campfire Set up. Grayson, Stephan, and Zack all sat there Thinking about life and everything that is going wrong. "We need to fight back, that's all we Can do at this Point we, the problem is idk if we even stand a Chance" Zack said nervously. "I know brother I know, all we got is each other and Grayson needs us we got this" Stephan said as he then helped Grayson up and into the tent to lay down. "For them Killing Austin I'm gonna End all there Lives if That's the last thing I do" Stephan said as he then went into the tent, "I'm going to bed your beds set up on the side when your ready to sleep" Stephan said as he zipped up the tent. "Thanks" Zack said as he then took a Sip of his last Watter Bottle.

June 21th 12:00 A.M 2026
Ben and Blake Walked Through the Darkness of the Early Morning, walking on the Damp Grass. "We gotta gather more supplies it'll be useful for us in our future plans" Blake said. "Trust me I know" Ben replied. Ben and Blake Walked Through the night

June 21 1:20 A.M 2026
"Look Over there" Ben said. Blake tilted his head up to see a huge Building Made out of stone with Ripped paper the one half said *bie* with letters under *Se* "I can't read this or understand what it's saying but let's check it out" Ben said. They began walking up to the Building. Walker noises grew louder the closer they got "You ready" Ben said to Blake, as he pulled out his double wielded sword on his back, with the strap across his Chest. "Yeah" Blake spoke as he pulled out his Synth, he then pulled out the last Firey Match the size of his Hand. He then took out the Match box swiping the match as hard as he could. A huge flame lit the top of the Match. He then put the matches flames against the Firery Metal, Made specifically to Hold Fire. Flames Grew on the Metal Peice as he then smashed the top of the match into the ground crushing the flame into nothingness. The Firery Synth grew Bright Into the Early Morning Sky. They continued to Walk Into the Broken Abandoned/Death like Sanctuary.

June 21 3:34 A.M 2026

Ben and Blake Walked throughout the darkness of the building. A walker pushed through a Door using its head. Blake swung his Synth up and swung down as hard as he could, the firery Synths metal sharp end cut directly through the top of the walkers skull Pericing into the mushy brain. He ripped the synth out of the skull. Noticing the fire Starting to die down. "When we get back to the group, Remind me to yell Will we Found this place, we could all search in here one of these days maybe find something we missed" Ben said as he turned his head noticing a Needle sitting on the counter where a cash register was along with papers filled with information. "There's still stuff in this needle" Ben spoke. "It says Cure-137Z" Ben laughed as he then stuck the needle in his arm. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Blake screamed. "It said Cure I'm fine" Ben replied. "You don't f****** Know that" Blake Answered. He then pulled the needle from his arm the pointy end of the needle slowly left the skin, "See fine" Ben laughed. All Blake could do was knod as he felt differently. They continued to Walk through the Building. "It doesn't look like there's much left over here and we should save the rest for when we come back it's time we head back" Blake said. They started walking the opposite direction and out of the building.

June 21 6:13 A.M 2026

Orange Flames rose from the ground. As wood clumped onto one another. The force of being thrown from Zacks hands into the fire pit. Grayson standing over the fire. "Hey guys, so um I'm sorry it took this long you guys kinda just disappeared from where we were at so I had to find you" Grayson looks up. Stephan turns his head. Aidan standing there with someone else along with a huge bus behind them. "I also found someone else his names Colton oh and a bus" Aidan said.


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