Part II Section 27-Blown To Peices

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November 6th, 2029 2:47 P.M. Oregon (deserted town)
Gunshot sounds blew throughout the area as Stephan and Grayson were shooting cans down. Stephan stood over Grayson as he would pull the trigger, teaching him where to aim. "For a 6 year old, you're doing pretty good," Stephan said. Grayson giggled as he pulled the trigger again. Stephan helped him guide the Rugger. The bullet smacked into the can, shooting it into the air. "Hey, that's enough for today. You're doing amazing, kid," Stephan said as he began gathering their things up. They both got up and left the area traveling back to the deserted town. "Your mamma would be so proud of you," Stephan said. "Thank you," Grayson said with his soft voice. The gates slowly opened as Audrey and Robby opened them. "What's the status on food left?" Stephan said. "About 5 Cans left," Molly said. "Okay, Me and Audrey will go out and look for more the rest of you. Stay here and rest. You all need it," Stephan said. "Robby, you look after the kids and everyone else," He continued as they got in the truck and drove off in search of more food and water.

November 6th 7:45 P.M 2029 North Carolina IZC Station
"Gather around everyone" Roswold said loudly "Thank you all for your Cooperation, I set up the Computers and Tablets All to the Tracker Long before they left and I just initiated The code to connect to the software" Roswold said as he began typing in a code and turning on the big screen that stood above the Railing. The screen showed a location in a Deserted Town, "right here is a town in Oregon right off of California, it seems," Roswold said as he scrolled closer. "The town is in a place known as Brookings." He went on to explain the hall began setting up the weapons and explosive devices. "Everybody once we are set up, we take off," Roswold said, preparing his bomb. They all got in their vehicles and began driving off, one after the other, Roswold drove in the back.

November 6th 4:45 P.M 2029 Oregon Brookings
Stephan and Audrey got out of the vehicle and began sneaking up to the Boarded up house. Audrey took a peak inside the window as Stephan went around. Audrey pulled the hammer from her waist and used the back of it to rip off the nailed in boards. She cracked one side of the board, then went to the other and cracked that off. She did the rest to the 3 other boards, cleaning off the path inside the house from the broken window. "Over here," she yelled out. She put her foot up and stepped inside the window, then moved her other leg to get fully inside. Glass was all laid out over the floor. Stephan followed behind. They began looking around, and Stephan walked over to the cabinets and began opening them in search of any food that is edible. Audrey walked into the living room to discover a dead body with his head blown off and a shotgun lying next to him. "S*** come in here," Audrey said, Stephan slowly walked into the living room. He walked over to the Rare Shotgun, "This is a nice gun," Stephan said as he put it around his back using the strap. "Remind me when we stop to grab something to clean this with," Stephan said. "Will do," Audrey replied as she began walking up the stairs. The stairs creaked with every step she took, She opened the First door on the right, loud growling was heard as a walked was chained up to the wall, "what the hell" Audrey said pulling her knife from her pocket. She took the knife, jabbing it into the walkers, Skull. The walker dropped onto the floor, lifeless. She wiped the blood off the knife via her pant leg, then placed the knife in her knife holster, she walked outside the room and went to the second room, in the room lied weeks worth of food, about over 200 cans worth. "STEPHAN," Audrey yelled. The stairs creaked as Stephan tan up them. He ran into the room and saw all the cans he pulled the bag over to them and began grabbing every single one of them. The bag filled up, and Stephan placed it on his shoulders, "This is very heavy." he laughed, and they walked out of the room and downstairs slowly and then out of the house. Stephan walked over to the truck, opened the back , stuffed the bag inside, and then closed it. He got into the front of the truck and closed the door. Audrey was waiting inside. He started the truck and drove off. They drove back into the deserted town. "We brought food," Stephan yelled aloud as he opened the truck, grabbing the bag of food. Everyone came over to help put everything away.
3 Days Later...
November 9th 3:52 P.M 2029 Oregon (Deserted town inside Brookings)
Stephan sat outside his house, Cigar in mouth lit. Loud banging at the gate was heard Stephan stood up and began walking towards the gate A loud Voice played on a speaker. "We know you're in there. We put trackers on the trucks and are prepared to blow this place to shreds," Roswold said. Stephan began gathering everyone and told them to slip through the back 1 by 1. Everyone began running towards the back of town, where there was a little gap in the gate. "No answer, LIGHT THEM UP," Roswold screamed. He lit the bombs fuse and chucked it in the Town Stephan looked down and ran. The bomb blew up, Molly Flying into the air, third-degree burns, and she crashed into the ground, smacking her head off the concrete. Blood oozed out the back of her head. "MOLLY!" Stephan screamed as he picked her up off the ground. Blood leaked onto his hands. He ran as fast as he could towards the gap. He handed Molly over to Robby, and they all exited the deserted town on foot. They walked down the long pathed road. Molly on Robby's shoulder, "I'm sorry Sadie when we get somewhere better we can talk more about everything you didn't deserve to witness what you did" Stephan said as they continued down the path. In the distance stood a group. "Surrender your weapons," Derek yelled. "I should have known what you guys were up to, you guys left in a hurry," Derek said. "You killed half my town, pretty much everyone's dead and Mason told me he seen you guys leaving, I was out scouting so I had no idea what happened or why you guys would plan to do such a thing" Derek said. Mason stood next to him, pointing his gun towards them. "We didn't kill anyone we left because you killed Dillon, and we didn't want no more trouble," Stephan said with his hands up, telling everyone to drop their guns and raise theirs. Derek looked confused, "kill Dillon why on earth would I do that?" Derek said. Stephan pulled out Mollys Lmat revolver and pointed it directly towards Derek's Skull. "You either tell us the truth or I blast a bullet through your brain and take the consequences after," Stephan said. "I didn't kill Dillon, I saw him dead next to my building and was confused myself, but I would never kill him," Derek said. The sound of a Pistol loading blew off as Mason pointed his gun towards Stephan's head. "I killed him, now unaim your gun or I kill you," Mason said. Stephan quickly turned the gun over and pulled the trigger, shooting Mason directly in his arm, forcing him to drop his Pistol. Blood slowly soaked through the arm sleeve of the shirt and dripped down his arm. He held his arm in pain. "F*** you," Mason said. He took his good arm and pulled his Navy revolver out from the other pocket. Stephan aimed towards his other arm and pulled the trigger. Mason pulled the trigger of his gun as well as shot the Revolver. Stephans bullet entered Masons hand, forcing him to drop the gun again. Masons bullet traveled directly into Robbie's left leg. Robby dropped onto one knee. PFFFFFFFFFFT, a gun sounded as the bullet left the gun entering Masons Head. Mason dropped immediately to the ground bullet hole directly in his skull, blood pouring out and leaking down his face. Grayson stood there Rugger SR-22 in hand. Stephan looked at Grayson in shock and had no words. No thoughts came to mind, but he was just blank filled with questions. In this moment, the clear questioning of himself sprung to mind as to why he would ever give a gun to a kid. Stephan ran over to Grayson, pulling the gun from his hand. A bling silence filled the air of shock. Derek began running the other direction and disappeared.
Thank you for reading! Appreciated

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