Part 2 Section 2-Mysteries

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April 6th 9:00 P.M,
Stephan and Austin walked Beside each other. Both with Snipers. "Have you been hunting" Stephan Asked. "Yeah, I have a lot" Austin spoke. "When I got stabbed in my arm I passed out, when everyone left on my journey to find somewhere I hunted that's all I really did" Austin Replied. They kept walking, darkness Rose high. Walker noises grew in the distance. "Get your guns ready" Stephan spoke. Plmfffffffff. Stephan looked over Austin's body dropped on the floor. Blood poured out of Austin's mouth. Austin continued to cough, he held his chest. "My chest hurts really bad" Austin Spoke. "Do you need to go to the Doctors that they have" Stephan asked. "Yeah I think so" Austin replied. Stephan helped Austin up, "let's go bro" he continued down the forest.
Meanwhile...April 6th 12:00 A.M, adams computer sat on his desk... everything silent, *bling* a Notification popped on the screen. The Email read From:Jimmy. With the subject, *Where is it located* then the computer went off again. *Blingggg* *Blingggg*
In the doctors... April 7th 1:00 A.M
One of the Hired Doctors walked into the room where Austin and Stephan sat "Well Austin it seems that you have Lung cancer i don't know how exactly you got it but" Doctor Johnson spoke. "Will I be okay" Austin spoke. "For now yes but I don't know for how long" The doctor spoke. "Okay well thank you doctor I hope you have an amazing day" Austin spoke as he got up. Him and Stephan began walking out the hospital doors. As Austin was walking he looked by some of the rooms. One of the doctors began closing a curtain in room 7. Sounds of a knife stabbing off someone's head and threw there brains sounded through the curtain. Austin continued walking out the door. Austin began walking to Adams house. Stephan followed. Austin knocked on Adams door. "He should be home it's LITERALLY 1:00 A.M" Austin spoke. Austin opened the door. The handle was loose, "Why does it look like it was smashed through" Austin Spoke. Austin pulled his Pistol out of his pocket and pointed it into the dark house. He began walking up the stairs, footstep creaks sounded through the house. Stephan followed behind with his flashlight he put on his sniper (it's taken off). "There's his room" Austin spoke and ran up to the door. Stephan followed behind. Austin slowly opened the door, Stephan stuck the light in the room. "Let's check his computer" Stephan spoke. They both ran into Adams room. Austin began unlocking the computer in hopes he didn't have a code. The computer unlocked. "YESS" Austin screamed. Austin looked into Adams email in search for where he could be. Austin read the last email Adam sent to Jimmy then seen jimmy's reply. *Where is it located* *I can track your computer if you need me to help* *also did you find out more about that new variant* The emails read. Austin looked up from the computer, "New Variants" Austin spoke. "We need to seriously find Adam" Austin spoke. They both closed the door and ran down the stairs. They then exited the house. "Let's go to the hospital and asked them if he's there" Austin spoke. They began running down the street. They got up to the hospital street. They began walking into the hospital doors. They looked at the lady over the counter. "Is Adam here" Austin spoke fast. "No I got a paper saying he was pronounced dead at 10:30 P.M last night." "You can't be serious How" Austin screamed. "Suicide" She spoke. "HOW WHY WOULD ADAM COMMIT SUICIDE" Stephan screamed. "I don't know that's just what the paper is telling me so that's all I know" The lady spoke. They both walked out the doors. "There's no way" Austin spoke to Stephan.
Meanwhile... 3:00 A.M
Silence layed the cold dark cell. Adam stared at the wall "what is going on in this place" Adam thought to himself. *ERRRRRRRRRR* The cell door opened. 2 Masked guys walked into the cell one punched Adam and the other held him down and tied his hands and legs together. Then they put a bag over his head. They began walking him out of the cell and down the hall. They walked him to the end of the hall, they made him step in this machine. 4 seconds later he slid down the machines walls and passed out. the masked guys opened up the machine and pulled Adam out of it they began dragging him to the back room, Adams body alive layed lifeless on the ground they lifted Adams body onto the bed one grabbed Adams arm, Adam stood up grabbed the sharp object that sat on the tray beside the bed and stabbed it threw one of the guys throat. the guy held his throat with the object still in it. he dropped. the guy on the left ran over to the wall and took the katana off of it. "that's mine Adam spoke." Adam ran over to the guy and tackled him, the blade from the sword sliced Adams arm. "AHHHHH S***" Adam spoke. blood leaked down Adams arm. Adam began Choking the guy in his throat. they both fell, Adam continued to choke the guy as blood dripped all over him. Adam looked over and seen his katana. He stood up. Looking at the guy who began standing up as well, Adam ran to the katana and grabbed it he turned around and the guy was running towards him, Adam leaned back and swung the katana like a baseball bat hitting a home run. SLCHHH, the dudes head decapitated and fell on the ground. Adam stood over his body with his sword, he turned around and began running towards the exit, he thought about it, and turned around then grabbed the mask off the guys decapitated head. He then exited the door saying exit. He entered a room it was dark and wet, he looked over and seen a door that lead to outside, "bingo" he ran with his katana over to the door and began opening it up. He looked to the outside. "Holy s*** how am I supposed to escape this one" Adam spoke to himself. He stood up and closed the door, he then proceeded to his house. He opened his door of his home, looked around and then closed his doors.

Meanwhile... April 7th 7:00 A.M
"We got an answer from Adam" Jimmy spoke to Dillon. "If we take a helicopter we can make it there faster, bust in secretly but we would have to land like far out and walk the rest of the way so we can be quiet about this and night time is the best time to do so, we need to make it in there Steal all of there information make it out and research this sh** and make sure we get Adam in the process" Jimmy spoke heavily. "Yes we got this" Dillon Replied. They both began walking down the stairs. They got outside and to the huge helicopter. Jimmy looked at Dillon "This is it" Jimmy spoke. They both got on the helicopter and Jimmy began starting it. The helicopter began flying.

Thank you for reading Part 2 Section 2!!!!

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