Part II Section 24-A Fools Game

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Oct 31st, 2029 6:14 A.M Smith-land
Stephan, Dillon, Eric All walked through the woods, guns loaded in search of Vanessa. "We have been at this search for days and have literally found no sign of her anywhere" Eric Said anger piercing his voice. "We will find her don't worry just stay calm" Stephan said. "How am I suppose to stay calm" Eric answered, Stephan put his hands on Eric's shoulders "the same way you've been keeping it together since this whole mess started" Stephan said as calmly as possible. "I need to smoke Nicotine next vape shop we see if we are even near one we are going on and raiding it of there Vapes" Dillon said. "That's what your worried about your sister is missing and that's the only thing on your mind" Stephan said. "She's why I need nic so bad this s*** is stressing me out" Dillon replied. "Rylies safe btw idk if you saw her yet" Dillon said. "Wait what" Stephan replied. "Yes she's in smith-town safe I thought you knew that that's why I never said nothing" Dillon said. "Thank you bro as soon as we get back I'm gonna go see her" Stephan said. They continued to walk through the woods in desperate search of Vanessa. "What's that in the distance" Eric said as he pointed forward they all continued to walk towards the Big Object, as they got closer Stephan realized it was a Crashed plane. Big Black bold letters were on the plane, but were blurry and hard to see because of the wreckage. Smoke slowly rose from the plane. "You guys see that, that means it crashed recently" Stephan said. They walked closer. Stephan inspected the inside of the plane, 3 dead bodies were inside. "There's people dead over here" Stephan said. Eric and Dillon walked over to Stephan, "Yeah we should probably go might be more planes around or who knows what could have shot this thing down" Dillon said. "Also Stephan" Dillon spoke up. Stephan tilted his head and looked at Dillon "what's up man" "I think From what I heard from Molly, Rylie is pregnant" Dillon said. Stephan's Eyes opened Wide. "I wanted to wait till you found out yourself but I just couldn't hold it in any longer" Dillon said. Stephan sat down on a rock and began to gather his thoughts. "What are you thinking about, are you okay" Dillon said. Dillon didn't hear an answer he walked away and continued to search around for stuff Stephan put his Ruger SR-22 to his Forhead continuing to think, he stood up "alright guy let's go" He said as he looked at Dillon, he nodded his head. They continued to walk in search of Vanessa. "We haven't seen her for Miles maybe we should head back" Eric said. "Maybe" Stephan said. They continued to walk, "Wait What's that" Eric screamed. He ran over to A body, everyone gained there attention towards Eric and ran over to him. "Oh no" Stephan said. Vanessa Layed there Bullet Hole in head. Her Cheek Was all Bitten off blood all over her body legs feet. "S-She's dead" Dillon said Stephan put his hand on his Shoulder. "We all die, and I know this is gonna be hard but you gotta pull through man" Stephan said. Dillon picked up Vanessa's body and they all began walking back.
Oct 31st, 12:45 P.M 2029, Smith-town
"Are you sure Molly like your actually sure" Rylie said. "Yes I'm sure" Molly answered. "But 8 months pregnant That's" Rylie got interrupted by the sound of feet shuffling into the Room. Stephan Wrapped his arms around Rylie and kissed her. "Are you okay" Stephan said, Rylie smiled and Handed Stephan the Paper. Stephan's Eyes widened in Shock "A girl" He said happily. Rylie shook her head. He began jumping in the Air out of Excitement. "We need to protect her at all cost" Stephan said. "Her and Grayson" Rylie Spoke. "I can't wait to meet her" Stephan said with a huge smile on his face. "Did you find Vanessa" Rylie asked. Stephan shook his head. "This is insane your stomach doesn't even look that big" Stephan said, "I know and I mean I throw up a lot but never thought it was because of Pregnancy I should of said something or took a test at some point and I'm sorry" She said and began putting her head down. "Listen it's okay everything's gonna be okay we got this and we will make sure our little girl overcomes this world" Stephan said. Rylie smiled "I love you" Rylie said. "I love you" Stephan replied putting his hand to her head. "I have to go let everyone know the news and check up on them I will be back" Stephan said. He stepped out of the room and began walking down the hall of Smithtowns hospital. He opened the doors of the hospital and began walking down the dirtish road. Booooomph, the sound of crashing lifted as Stephan bumped into a girl. "Hey sorry about that I'm in a rush and didn't even see you" Stephan said. "It's okay, my names Audrey" Audrey Answered. "Oh uh, Stephan" Stephan replied. "You new around here" Audrey asked. "Yeah sort of" Stephan laughed. "Maybe I'll see you around" Audrey said as she walked off. Stephan turned around and continued heading towards Lisa's house. He knocked at the door, Dillon opened the door and welcomed Stephan in. Stephan walked inside to See Eric holding Lisa. "I know mom it's gonna be okay I'm sorry" Eric said hugging her tightly. "Is there anything I can do" Stephan asked. "Noooo" Lisa cried out loud. "I just want to know how my daughter really died there's no way she would just go out there alone and get herself killed" Lisa screamed in emotional pain. Eric rubbed her back and looked at Stephan, Stephan looked back and gave a nod. He turned around and pushed opened the door stepping outside. "Keep her body here I'll be right back" Stephan said. He began walking to the hospital. He walked inside and began walking towards Molly who's sitting behind the counter. "Hey Molly, do you think you can do an Autopsy on Vanessa, she was bit then got shot as a walker is what it's looking like but Lisa wants to know what happened in actual terms on how it even got to that point. Mollys eyes widened. "The last thing I remember was us hanging out and walking with Mason who gave us Some Shrooms. After that we kinda went out separate ways all I remember is feeling dizzy and sick afterwards and throwing up" Molly said. Stephan looked at her, "hold that thought. Stephan stepped outside and began looking around for Mason. He walked down the street towards Lisa's house and seen Mason outside stacking wood. Stephan pulled out his Gun pointing it at Masons head. "You gave Vanessa Shrooms I'm only gonna ask once say the wrong thing I'm blowing your brains out right here and saving all of us the trouble" Stephan said In a Firm but Calm voice. Mason raised his hands, "yes okay why" Mason asked, "she's now dead she had a bad High went out got bit and shot in her head all cause you couldn't keep your drugs to yourself" Derek Approached slowly. "What's happening here"Derek said with a smile on his face. "Nothing this A** Gave Someone in my Group Shrooms and got her killed." Stephan said. "Did he now Mason you should know if you read the rules drugs are not allowed if your going to be living here, Stephan how about you become our new Officer, Arrest him and bring him to the Jail down the road" Derek said putting his arms on his shoulders then walking off. "Don't touch me you B-I" Mason stuttered as Stephan punched him square in his jaw knocking him unconscious. He lifted him into the air and walked towards the Jail. As he stepped inside he dropped Mason lightly onto the ground in the cell turned around and closed the cell locking it. "This is what happens to people who wanna F*** up families you Dirt***" Stephan said turning around and walking outside.
Oct 31st, 2:47 P.M 2029, Border of California, Smith-town.
Derek was writing down a message on a piece of paper. Footsteps sounded and the door opened. "Yes" Derek said. "It's Melvin listen there's an entire protest towards building a Bigger town and Creating a Currency everyone's sick of the way things are run" Melvin said. "Alright we'll give me a second I'll write a Bill set everything up sign it and will begin expansion then But the Funding to new Currency has already begun, I'm having money being transported here as we speak I'm on it" Derek said. "Time to Build The New World"
Thank you for Reading!! Hope you Enjoyed!

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