Part II Section 20- 'MayDay'

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Oct 13th 9:45 P.M 2026 California
Stephan slowly raised his hands in the air. "Why did you lie to me" Jackson said. "Because James tried killing my friend and I had no idea what to do and I told him to let go and he wouldn't and I have a family I practically need to feed" Stephan yelled. Jackson began lowering the gun, "All I wanted was for you to tell me the truth, Now everybody's f*****. Jackson ordered all 20 men to follow him and they did they all disappeared as they grew farther from Vollentown. "What does he mean we are f*****" Vanessa said. "I don't quite know" Stephan replied. Helicopter sounds flew as a white helicopter read IZC flying by. "I remember seeing the same type of helicopter don't remember what color" Stephan said. Stephan began walking towards his house, he slowly cracked the door open. He began walking upstairs. He walked by Eric's room and seen him asleep. He then walked to his room opened the door and closed it behind him.
Oct 14th 9:25 A.M 2026 California
The sounds of birds chirping was very loud and grew louder as the morning Hit the smell of wet air formed as fog rolled around the town. Colton Began Patrolling as he was the first ever Police officer in Vollentown. He patrolled around walking making sure everybody was okay. His wound was starting to heal more. Colton saw Dillon and Molly in the distance walking and holding hands. "I wanna go explore it's been years since we actually got to explore you think we can" Molly said to Dillon, "Yeah duh why wouldn't we be able to we just need weapons so we don't get killed out there" Dillon said as he pulled up his shirt showing her his revolver "We will be fine" Dillon said they both walked towards the gates that slowly started opening. They walked together into the distance. They both looked around for buildings and places with supplies. "Thank you for coming into my life" Dillan said. "Thank you for being in mine" Molly answered as they continued to walk, a walker grew closer to them smelling the human flesh. Dillan took his knife out and stabbed it in the skull. They continued to walk on,
Meanwhile... Oct 14th 12:42 P.M 2026 California
Colton Walked into the Cook House. A small Town Restaurant. He opened the 2 front doors to the building. He began walking over to the Bar Area. Sitting down he ordered a Long Island as he saw it on the menu. The bartender placed the drink in front of him. He began sipping it slowly, the sound of an explosion grew loud outside the building. Colton stood up and ran over to the doors, looking outside Joe and Micheals house was on fire falling apart. Colton grabbed his shot gun and ran outside. In the distance he saw a Tank, and 15 people Jackson standing in front of it. John one of the Officers was inside the tank. "You all should of never Killed any of my men" Jackson said. "Your men they were never your men" Colton yelled out, "Who do you think there boss was" Jackson screamed. He signaled for John to shoot off another shot. BOOOM NRRRRR PFFFFFFFFTTT. Sounds of Explosion rose behind Colton as the Restaurant caught on fire one side of it collapsing. "No" Colton yelled running towards the building. Stephan, Eric, Vanessa, came outside, Vanessa holding Grayson back. "Listen kiddo the safest place for you right now would be anywhere but this house go hide in a bush or behind a tree" Vanessa said Grayson began running behind the house. "Stop" Stephan yelled "Why are we fighting, it shouldn't be us against each other, There are dead people eating us alive people we should all be thankful we aren't dead, we can fix this and change all of us can killing each other will just make us one of them" Stephan yelled out. "You got to the count of 10 to start firing back or we will endlessly shoot tanks and kill you all" Jackson yelled. "10" Jackson began counting down. "We don't have to fight you can live here with us" Stephan said desperately. "On second thought f*** the counting" he lifted his Pistol up pointing it then pulled the trigger. The bullet exited the gun traveling at a high speed. The tip pierced through Colton's chest Directly into his heart, he dropped backwards as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, blood slowly leaked out as he began shaking uncontrollably. Then he suddenly stopped moving. Complete silence rose across the lands. "YOU F****** A******" Stephan Screamed. He pointed the gun towards Jackson, Jackson Lifted his pistol towards Stephan. He dropped the gun and his hand began to bleed as he was shot from the side. The bullet smashing threw his hands left a hole, "F***" Jackson turned his head to see Grayson pointing a M9 At him. "YOU" Jackson screamed, as he took a step he felt the pressure of another bullet entering his leg. The feeling of hot blood leaked down his leg as he dropped to one knee. "Ahhhhh s***" Jackson yelled trying to get back up. Stephan walked closer and closer then pointed his revolver to the back of Jackson's head. "You f***** With the wrong people" He pulled the trigger. Killing Jackson with one last shot. Every officer stood there and didn't move dropped there weapons and put there hands up. "We only came here cause we followed him we didn't want to harm anybody" Mason said putting his gun down. Everybody began talking and figuring things out. Dillon and Molly began walking threw the front gates. Stephan began digging a Grave for Colton. He dug deeper and deeper, they all began lowering a Coffin with Colton in it into the grave Aidan stood by and watched Colton get lowered in slowly tears dripping from his face. "You were truly what kept me going I'll miss you man" Aidan said as he turned around slowly. Everybody all stood around the gravesite, Trying to Grieve and cope with yet another loss.
Thank you for reading this Section Up next Part II Section 21

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