Section 15 Life Always Changes

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Austin continued running, planning to lead this huge herde away, the huge horde following behind him bigger than any other one seen before... Blood dripping from their mouths, full of hunger and death. They slowly made their way towards Austin, who continued keeping a good distance.
Meanwhile, the guns pointed at the entire group. The group put their guns down. A lady walked between each soldier until she got to the front. "Our people will not harm you as they are only here out of pure pretection," Naty said. (The lady) "Who is your leader, I may ask," she continued. "He's out leading a horde away from here, he's gonna try and get it as far as possible then he's making his way back to where we were which is 2 minutes from here" felicity spoke. "Okay, well, come in. I'll show you around," Naty spoke. The group followed her in. Army behind them, they walked up to a huge place with the label "TOWN HALL," where they walked through the front doors.
Meanwhile, Austin got up to a huge hill horde behind him. The only option was to climb up. He put one hand in front of the other and began climbing, one hand after another one foot in front of the other. He got to the top walkers underneath the hill. Grunting and moaning to the sound of hunger in their stomachs. He grabbed the branch at the top of the hill. "This is definitely far enough." Then he put his right foot over his left, the rock from under him broke, and the branch began cracking. "S***, S*** S***" Austin spoke. Walkers still below him looking at him as if he was a tasty peace of flesh, Austin ripped his axe out of his pocket, then smashed it in the ground above the branch, the axe went into dirt that got stopped by a peace of rock, he then let go of the branch, and held onto the axe, dangling off he saw all the walkers at the bottom of the hill, Then using his upper body strength whipped himself above the hill flying over the axe. His heart beat fast as he was outta breathe like he ran a marathon.
Back to the group. Felicity walked into a room filled with 5 people.  Stephen the black hair blue-eyed Guy, Head of The Town. Sat in the middle chair, Christie, blonde hair and blue eyes, who sat to the left of Stephen. Then, to the right was Flint, a Black hair, hazel eyed guy. Next to him sat, Korban, a brown hair blue eyes guy, next to Christie sat Akyla, a black hair blue eyed women. ( Stephen, Christie, Flint, Korban, Akyla) all sat there looking at the group. "What are your upcoming plans? What were you planning to do?" Flint asked, "We planned on going to Virginia," Felicity said. "Still do," Nick replied. "Well, wait, I actually know the way to get there, and I haven't been there since the beginning of the apocalypse," Stephen replied. "I can take you there," Stephen continued. He stood up and walked down the small stairs below the chairs and desks. Then felicity drops to the floor screaming in pain her stomach beamed in pain "woah what's happening" Stephen said, "I don't know" Felicity replied back screaming, "are you pregnant" Christie said. "I have no idea," Felicity responded. "Well, let's take you to the doctor," Stephen replied. He picked her up and kicked open the 2 doors of the town hall and began walking up the small hill towards a white building, he put her down softly and lifted her arm over his shoulder "your gonna be okay I promise i will get you looked at" Stephen said, "t-hanks" felicity mumbled. Stephen brought her in the office. "Hey, who's this?" Dr. Sam said, "Felicity," Stephen replied, felicity still screaming in pain. The doctor gave her a pregnancy test. She brought it to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, Nick, Paisley, and Jesse went with Christie to the hospital, where they sat in chairs and waited. "This is the first time I've seen anything like this in a while," Nick said. "Yeah, man, me too. It almost makes me feel like I'm living in my life at its start again," Jesse said. "It makes me miss my Mom and My brother more," Paisley cried. "I know, kid me too, Your brother he was a tough one," Nick spoke as he hugged Paisley. "You're a tough one too," Nick laughed as the hugged ended. "Now I gotta go, find your uncle it's been a bit and he hasn't showed so maybe he's in trouble Nick stated, "stay here with Jesse" Nick spoke as he got up and walked to the door to leave. He pushed open the door and kept walking. He got down the stairs, and left the hospital then went back down to the town hall and opened the 2 front doors, he walked down the small highway into the large room where flint, Korban, and Akyla sat. "Can you guys help me get out of here? I have to find a brother that's lost," Nick spoke. "I can," Akyla said, then stood up and walked down towards Nick, "Thank you, I appreciate it a lot actually," Nick spoke as they walked out the 2 front doors. Akyla brought Nick to the front entrance of the town. She opened the big gate, and Nick walked out. Onto the road. The gates closed behind him. He began walking down the long road alone, His Ak in one hand, his knife in the other.
Meanwhile, Austin got to the intersection where he began randomly walking right, then left, then right about 2 minutes down, he got to a HUGE PLACE CALLED EVOLUTIONARY STATE. "HELLO," Austin yelled. Guns rose from the top of the gates, "WHO GOES THERE?" yelled Naty. "The names Austin," Austin said. "Ahh, right this way," Naty spoke and led him through the front doors. Naty walked up with Austin to the hospital. Both Austin and Naty went through the hospital door. She brought him to the front counter, "Austin here to see felicity," Naty spoke. Jasmine, the girl at the front desk, typed on her computer, "Okay, go in that door right there," Jasmine said. Naty walked up to the door and opened it for Austin, "this is where I leave you because I got to go protect this place and help out," Naty said. "Thank you," Austin spoke as he walked down the hallway. He walked into the room with felicity, who was pushing and screaming, "Oh my God, you're so beautiful. Keep pushing," Austin said as he ran over to her and held her hand. Stephen outside of the room shut the door. She continued to push and push and push Austin, squeezing her hand tightly, "You're almost there. You're doing it." she continued pushing and pushing... And then it was done. Crying from the doctors arms risen as the baby cried. The doctor left the room with the baby. "What should we name him?" Austin asked Felicity, "Augustus, " Felicity replied and laughed. "Um no, what about Liam, Yeah okay cool" Austin said as he laughed. "Fine Liam, it is," Felicity said. The doctor walked in the room with the baby in hands cleaned, "Here you go, she's healthy," the doctor said. "Thank you." Felicity smiled.
Nighttime rolled up Nick walked on the dark, long, cold road. His hands freezing, the wind brushing off his fingertips while he held the cold gun in his hands, "AUSTIN!" Nick yelled, "AUSTIN." He continued on. "AUSTINNN!" he yelled again. Then, it began to pour fast and hard. "Son of a b****," Nick spoke, 3 walkers came from the side of him. He lifted his knife and stabbed one in the head, then ducked the other, fell in front of him on the ground. He then turned around and stabbed his knife into the 3rd walkers jaw, then ripped the knife out of the walkers jaw. The knife split from its jaw, and blood spewed out. It fell lifeless. Then Nick turned around and stabbed the last walker in the skull. "AUSTIN!" Nick screamed again. "Where the hell is he?" Nick spoke. Then he got up to a HUGE HORDE OF WALKERS, "S***" Nick screamed.
Section 16 Crying Out (coming out November 7th)

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