Part II Section 29-Emotions

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December 6th, 7:52 A.M Daly City (Blessedlands County) 2029
Stephan stood behind the counter, waiting for people to come in. He turned around and grabbed the broom and began sweeping a little "Hey Billy" Stephan said, "Hey" Billy answered, "may I go out for a quick run since no one has come in yet" Stephan asked. "Of course," Billy answered. "Thanks man" Stephan said opening the door and leaving the place, Stephan took a walk down the street as he continued to walk he seen a man in the distance walking past him in a cop uniform. "Hey, are you a cop here?" Stephan asked. "Yeah, my name is Jr, People call me Turtle, I've been here for years since right before the outbreak in 2023" Jr said. "Think maybe you could help some of my friends be cops," Stephan asked, "I don't know, I can look into it," Jr replied. "Thanks," Stephan answered. "No problem, I gotta go," Jr said "okay thanks for talking with me," Stephan answered. As he continued to walk, he noticed a funeral going on. There was a picture of a wife, daughter, and a man. The wife was on stage with a Officer that looked like a Sgt. "He was loved and will be missed, he died thinking he was in trouble he drove fast and crashed into a pole where the cop later tried doing Cpr in attempt to save his life when he realized he couldn't he brought him down and reported it hoping this man got a proper burial he didn't die a Criminal." The Sgt said. Stephan, filled with emotion, continued to walk. He turned around and began walking back to his job. He opened the door and closed it behind him walked up to the counter and behind it. "Thank you Billy" Stephan said. "Yeah no problem" Billy answered. He brushed his hands against the glass countertop and leaned forehead putting his head down and letting off a Sigh. The door opened and the bells Chimed. The man walked up to the Counter, "what do you guys sell here" The man asked. "Look around Westerns and old stuff devices and more" Stephan said. The man turned around and began looking around, "I think im gonna get this" he picked up a DVD case and handed it to Stephan. Stephan took the DVD case and looked for a price. "That'll be $7.00" Stephan said placing the case down. The man pulled out a $10. "That's all I got" The man said. Stephan opened the cash register and placed the $10 in there he took out $3 and gave it back. "Thank you for shopping here have a great day" Stephan said as weird as it felt. The man walked out of the store and took a left down the street.
December 6th 7:49 P.M Daly City California (Blessedlands County)
Stephan began walking back with $250 in payment from the job. On the way back he seen JR in the distance. As he got closer JR approached him. "Hey so I talked to my Boss for your friends they got an interview tell the ones who want to work to stop by the police station tmr morning at 8:00 A.M" JR said. "Okay thank you" Stephan replied. "Okay" JR said as he began walking off into the distance. A Fully dressed in White clothed man walked by Stephan as well. Stephan looked confused for a second but continued to walk. He got towards the House and walked up the steps and opened the door. He began telling everyone about the police job and said Robby and Audrey can take up on that work So can Kasey if she decides she wants too, Charlotte for now chose to stay and watch over the kids with Rylie. "Is everyone clear on everything" Stephan said. "Yes" everyone replied. They all got prepared and went to sleep.

December 7th 3:57 A.M Daly City California (BlessedLands County)
"Walter come here" Holland said. Walter slowly walked over to Holland. "Climb up there and attatch the electrical cables together somehow they came undone it's the Red and Green wire NOT BLUE" Holland said. "Alright boss" Walter replied. He looked at the ladder and began climbing up. It was about 25 feet high. Holland began walking away to go tend to other stuff. Walter got to the top and Grabbed the Red and Green wire. He placed them together and heard a click electricity sparked through the entire town again. "That's that" Walter said as he turned around and the front of his foot slipped into a hole. He went face first right off the ledge, his foot snapping in half and clicking off ripping the bone and breaking it the bone hung on a thread as he was right over the ledge only thing keeping him from falling was the piece of bone that hasn't broken completely yet. "GODDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAA********************* SON OF A MOTHERF****** B****" Walter screamed at the top of his lungs. Nobody in sight he went to move and the bone snapped. He fell right to his death as he smashed into the ground. His leg completly gone. At the top on the Ledge where the hole was his leg sat directly up while his foot was stuck in the hole. Dead His body layed there lifeless. A Man came over slowly to check out what was going on "hey you okay man" the man yelled and ran over to Him. Walters eyes opened quickly he grabbed the man's face and bit into the side of his cheek ripping the flesh off he bone. "WHAT THE F***" the man yelled he tried to swing but couldn't as Walter grabbed his arms preventing him from moving "We were TOLD ABOUT YOU THINGS BUT NEVER ACTUALLY SEEN YOU AND WHAT YOU LOOKED LIKE THIS IS UGLY it doesn't make sense how did they keep this out of here" Walter questioned as he pushed the walker off himself and began to run. Walter disappeared into the distance.

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