Part II Section 8-A Deadly Fate

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April 13th 12:00 P.M 2026
Everybody patted up the dirt as they finished burying Courtney. Austin's face had wet tears drip from his cheeks. "I know we didnt see a body but at least burying her is moral this shouldnt of happened if Almon was here he would be a Wreck" Austin spoke holding Grayson in his arms. Grayson began crying very heavily. Austin patted him on the back "it's okay kiddo I know it hurts I know" he hugged Grayson tightly "your gonna be okay I gotchu" Austin spoke towards Grayson. Austin began walking back to his house. Stephan grabbed his arm. "If you need help with him let me know" Stephan said Towards Austin. Austin gave off a head shake and continued walking. As Austin got up to his door he seen a paper sitting on it. He pulled the paper off the door it read. *That was no gas leak. I killed her I stabbed Jimmy I ended Bentons life And Mason is no longer Existent he was just for fun* the note read, "Mason" Austin questioned Austin looked down at the paper and then looked up. "Austin" a familiar voice was heard from behind him. He turned around and seen Aidan. "Holy s***" Austin spoke stepping down the stairs "you came here" He spoke. "Yeah I seen advertisements everywhere" Aidan replied. "I am Glad your alive" Austin said. "Same with you" Aidan spoke. Austin holding Grayson set him down and told him to go inside. Grayson very sad walked into the house and went to lay down. "Yeah it's been pretty difficult not gonna lie I just found out Courtney Died and me and a couple people had to bury her After almons death I should of seen this coming but she just disappeared and showed back up and it surprised me. I never woulda thought anyone would wanna kill her and I was wrong... I need to figure out who is doing this before it becomes too's already too late" Austin spoke looking down. "Let me help you" Aidan spoke. "You would do that I mean you don't have to" Austin said. "No I'm serious I will help you" Aidan spoke towards Austin. "Okay I could use it" Austin spoke. Aidan stepped into Austin's House, "think you can watch Grayson while I go and get Stephan" Austin spoke. "Of course man" Aidan said. Austin walked really fast towards Stephan's house down the road. Cars drove by. Austin got up to Stephan's steps and walked up them. Austin knocked, 3 seconds later the door began to open. "You okay" Stephan spoke. "No, we need to find out who this son of a b**** is and Kill him." Austin said. "Kill who" Officer Jamie spoke. "Uh nothing a walker" Stephan replied fast. "Alright I'll let this one slide I guess but if someone else ends up dead your the next to blame." Jamie spoke. And continued to walk. Stephan came out of his house and they both began walking towards Austin's. As Austin got up to His house Jimmy was waiting at the steps. "Jimmy my man, we gotta talk" Austin spoke. And they all went inside his house. "Hey question is there a computer here" Jimmy spoke. "Yeah upstairs in my room there at every house why" Austin spoke. "Because I need to email my friend" Jimmy said. "Go for it" Austin Replied. Jimmy walked up the stairs and walked into the room. He closed the door, he sat down at the computer and logged onto his account. He clicked on Bennetts email which read, *hey Jimmy listen I'm going to come looking for you I tried threw walkie to get ahold of you and got no response for a while now so I am coming on the way brother* "Sh**" Jimmy looked up from the desk. He stood up, and walked downstairs. "Guys I gotta go, I need to search for my friend he came looking for me already and I have no idea where he could be I will be back. Jimmy walked out of the door and closed it behind him.
Meanwhile... April 13 8:00 P.M
"I am really hoping Jimmy is at the place we are going I mean why wouldent he be he told me before he left he was going there to get Adam" Bennett spoke. They continued to walk until they got closer. To the gates and the door on the side. In the distance they seen a figure walking. "Who's that" Bennett yelled. "Jimmy" Jimmy yelled back. Bennett ran over to Jimmy "you okay bro where's Adam and Dillon Bennett spoke. "Died... A lot has happened" Jimmy said softly.
2 Hours later
April 13, 10:15 P.M 2026
"So we kill this f****** A**Hole" Bennet said firmly. "I am on your side but we don't know who this person is" Austin spoke. "He's very dangerous he's killed 2 of our friends already" Stephan said. "Trust me His dangerous can't match mine" Bennett said. "How about we all stay here he can't do nothing then" Austin argued. "I mean if he blows the house up we are all dead" Zack answered back. "Why would he do that that wouldent be fun taking out everybody at once, he's gonna obviously wanna do it independently" Bennett said confidently. "Welp everyone find a place to sleep" Austin laughed and took Grayson upstairs with him. Austin walked into his room and layed Grayson on the bed. "I'll take the floor kiddo" Austin spoke and tucked Grayson into bed. "Sleep well" Austin spoke softly and layed down on the floor. "Zack you can sleep over there" Bennett spoke. "I mean I can sleep wherever but yes that looks like a nice spot" Zack said. They all began drifting off to sleep.

April 14, 3:45 A.M 2026
Austin's eyes opened, as the sound of a loud scraping scraped against the wall. Austin sat up quickly and looked over. Grayson was sound asleep. Austin tip toed out of bed and walked over to where his knife Sat for walkers. He grabbed the knife and slowly walked to the door. Austin opened the door and all he seen was darkness. A arm came out of the darkness as The Guy stabbed Austin in his stomach. Blood leaked out of Austin's stomach. "AHHHHH" Austin dropped to his knees, as he screamed in pain. "Austin" A familiar voice sounded. Austin looked over. Almon stood there. "You got this brother your strong and you will survive just hit him. Make him let go of you, DONT RIP THE KNIFE OUT" Almon spoke firmly as He disappeared into the shadows. Austin looked over at the guy and threw a Swing knocking him down. The guy got back up and took another knife he had in his pocket and then raising his hand he then swung down. Austin got his arms as he tried pushing off the knife. The knife slower and slower slowly brushed against his skin. The tip of the blade slowly entered the skin as a little blood gushed onto the white silver part of the knife. Red stained the silvery weapon. PFFFFFFFFTTT. The guy dropped onto the floor. Blood leaked all over the hard surface as Grayson woke up crying. Austin dropped laying there. He looked over to see Almon giving the thumbs up. *I survived* Austin thought as the paramedics quickly rushed up the stairs they began lifting Austin putting him on the stretcher "your one tough son of a B****" Doctor Jayden spoke. Stephan looked at the guy and realized it was officer Jamie. "what a f****** Ba*****" Stephan spoke and loaded his gun. "You killed a lot of good people I hope you rot in hell" Stephan spoke as he spit on Jamie's lifeless body. He walked down the stairs to see Jimmy. "I don't know how I didn't hear anything at first but when I seen what was going on I grabbed my gun and made sure this dude didn't survive" Stephan spoke. "Good" Jimmy answered. "I'm going to go to the hospital with him you guys coming" Stephan asked everyone. "Yeah" Zack Jimmy and Bennett answered. They all began walking out of the door.

Part II Section 9- Life Moves On

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