Part 2 Section 1-Hell Ride

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A few Months Later... April 5th, 2026, 2:15 P.M walker Noises sprung the distance of the field, 4 year old Greyson on the side of Austin walking with him. "Your dad was an amazing person you know" Austin spoke. "He saved my life, and I'm sure if he was around today he would of been an amazing father, it sucks he's not around anymore, though I should probs stop talking about this with you your only 5" Austin spoke as he handed Greyson a knife. "Okay now since your smaller than these walkers you have to be smart and use a tactic, you can do it now but I will show you how to do it" Austin spoke. Greyson nodded his head and listened. Austin crouched down to reach height with Greyson the best he could. He walked up to a walker. He smashed his foot in the walkers knee. The walkers knee detached from his body as it fell, Austin stabbed the walker through the skull. "Like that it's very easy well looks that way at least" Austin spoke. Austin and Greyson began heading back to Base-219 Which is located in Seattle.

April 5th 4:00 P.M
Footsteps crackled on the leaves swiftly in the woods as Stephan sat behind a log. He aimed his Sniper and pointed it directly at a Deer. He loaded the gun. His finger pulled back the trigger and the Bullet exited the gun. The bullet spiraled fast, splashing through the deers Lung. The deer began running. "Damn..." Whispered Stephan. The deer dropped in the distance, Stephan looked up into the distance and then began running down the hill. He got up to the deer. "F*** Yes" He lifted the gun strap around his arm putting the gun on his back. He lifted the deer up slowly, "your a heavy fellow." It was a Buck, but it only had Half A Wrack. "I wonder what happened" Stephan spoke to himself as he continued to walk. An hour later.., 5:04 P.M, Stephan got up to the entrance that began slowly opening. He began walking in,

MeanWhile..... 6:00 P.M Ohio, Walkers Everywhere, Buildings In a wasteland. Death layed the entire Land. Footsteps walked along the Border of Ohio. "What the hell happened here" Benton Spoke, holding his Ak in his hand. He continued to walk through the wasteland, and got Further and Further into it. In The Distance he seen a Body of 3 Dead People. There guts hung out of there body, as blood dripped all over the place. "Must of been eaten by walkers" Benton spoke. He continued to walk. Deeper into Ohio He ended up coming across a big Place. 2 Big doors layed flat on the ground while every house in the entire place Gone. "Damn... This does not look like it ended well. In the Distance Benton seen Noah. "Damn...I saved you and you still couldn't survive your the one who left the group" Benton spoke to himself. He walked over to Noahs Walker pointed his AK at his skull and blasted 2 Bullets in his Brain. He dropped on the ground. Dead... Benton continued to walk.
(To Catch more of Benton's story stay tuned for Late 2022 TWD Our Universe Another's View,)
A Day Later... April 6th 9:00 A.M 2026
Austin laying Down in his house. He opened his eyes, he stood up and began walking down the Stairs of his Home. He looked on the table and seen his pack of Cigars and opened one, he plopped the cigar in his mouth and lit it with his lighter. He took a mouth inhale and tasted the fruity Berry Flavor. He grabbed his shirt off the Chair and put it on. He walked outside his door into a Whole New World. A world Familiar to the eye that you never thought you would get back. A red Car drove by Austin. Austin continued walking down the road, 5 more cars past by him, he continued walking he got to the Store that sells Beer Cigarettes Cigars and more. "This place seriously is crazy I will never get over it" Austin spoke to himself. He walked into the Store. He walked over to the Counter. He looked over and seen a bunch of Vape Pens, "can I get the Apocalyptic Nic Stick Please" Austin spoke. The Clerk behind the Counter grabbed the Nicotine stick and handed it to Austin, "That is 12 Currency" The Clerk spoke. Austin pulled out 15 in Currency and handed him 12. He took 3 currency back. "Why is this called currency" Austin asked. "I don't know just the Leaders Way of currency I guess" The clerk responded. Austin opened up the Silvery package. And pulled out the Nic pen. He pulled it 3 times and tasted a Fruity Taste. "That's good" he spoke to himself. He kept walking. Down the road, he continued pulling his Nic Pen. As Austin walked he came across Stephan. "What's up bro" Austin spoke. "Nothing much" Stephan Replied.
April 6th 1:00 P.M 2026
Adam sat by his computer, He pulled out his 2 foot bong he pressed his lips to the bong, he lit the entire slide he packed 10 minutes ago. He continued to pull harder as smoke continued to Fill the bong. He pulled out the slide. The bong gurgled as he continued to inhale. His lips left the bong as he inhaled the smoke deep into his lungs. His eyes began to feel heavy. He coughed a tiny bit. He placed the bong back down on the floor. He pulled out his jar of weed stashed in a hidden place underneath his desk. He opened up the jar and placed it on the counter. He took out 3 nug's of weed and placed it in his grinder and began grinding the weed. He opened the grinder and started packing the weed in the Blunt wrap. He then began rolling the weed. He licked the ends and continued. He finished rolling the Blunt and sat it on the desk next to him. He sat down and looked back at his computer at his Email List where there was an Email that Read... *Jimmy I found this place there's a load of people here, I think they will let you guys in... let me know* Adam sent the Email. He shut his computer down, got up and walked out of his room. He began walking downstairs and over to the counter He grabbed the canned food inside the cabinet. He opened up the canned food with his hands by twisting the top part off. He then peeled the top off the can and threw it out. He opened up his shiny microwave. And put it in the microwave. He clicked 3 for 3 minutes. His food began to cook. Knocks bursted at the door, Adam looked over. He walked up to the door and looked outside the little hole. 4 men with masks and Handguns stood outside the Entrance. "What the f*** is this" Adam spoke. He then began slowly walking up the stairs. The door smashed open. The 4 men tackled Adam on the stairs and put a bag over his head, Adam punched one of them in the ribs. They began dragging him downstairs. And out the door. They dragged him towards a van, the van was white. They closed the doors. And then both of them entered the front while 2 of them stayed in the back. "Let me go NOW!" Adam yelled. One of them punched Adam across his face. Adam lost vision and everything grew dark and silent...

To be continued...

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