Section 6 The Start of a New World

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The next morning Started as the sun started beaming up through the trees. Almon pulled out his bag of weed his lighter, and his papers. He sat on the super dusty bench and rolled up a nice Joint, Felicity walked into the dugout and immediatly opened her hand out towards the joint. Almon laughed as he handed her the Joint. "How are you" Almon said, "Im pretty good, You know besides all the death going on now" Felicity spoke calmly, "i just wish things werent like this you know" she continued. She handed Almon back the Joint. He pressed the Joint in between both lips and gave it a Nice suck, a huge cloud rose out of his mouth as he Ghosted the smoke back in. He then handed it back to felicity. "Yeah, i know me too, i lost a best friend, My stepmom, My brother, trust me i do know" Almon replied back and hugged her. "I promise i will always be here if you need me" He spoke. The hug stopped and austin walked in. "Hey, i am going on a run for food you in" he said to Almon, "of course" Almon said then got up, "you can keep the rest of that Felicity" He said, "Thanks" She spoke back. Almon walked through the doorway of the dugout with his revolver. Austin with his Axe. "Hey james, We are going on a run you got everything" Austin said"Yes" James replied. "Hey Nick, Guard up there send 3 people with you" James said, "Got it boss" Nick (Leader Soilder) replied. "SOILDERS READY" Nick screamed, All the soilders stood in a line, "I need 3 people anyone to step forward on guard" Nick said. Austin and Almon brgan walking up the baseball field hill, Paisley ran up to Almon and hugged him before he left. "I love you stay safe" Almon said. Paisley ran back down the hill as Almon and Austin began walking down second street. They continued on. They got to the Gas station and past it. They kept walking, they got up to the Huge cross only this time, Johns head was on the top of the Cross, His right and left arm on each side of the cross blood dripping from Both his arms from a carving saying "Ressurection" on them. Fire sprung from underneath the cross, a sign behind it stated, *We Said Dead Turn Back, And you guys continued on, We cant settle for things like this You Have Been WARNED THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE* "son of a b****, They killed John" Austin said as he looked around, Almon looked too pointing his revolver places. On the Concrete In Big Words in blood it states, *WELCOME TO THE START OF A NEW WORLD* Almon and Austin began slowly walking backwards They both turned around Then Almon trips over a Huge dent in the ground. Almon sat up and Realised it was the railing to a door that led somewhere in the ground. "What the hell is this" Almon said, "I do not know but we need to get out of here now" Austin said. A walker walked up to him, Austin took his axe held it up and sliced it through the walkers skull. They kept walking then took a different turn coming back. Then they took another one that led all the way up to Wauregan Road. As they continued walking down they came across Almons Grandmothers house. "Holy hell" Almon smashes open the door. No one in sight, then footsteps sound as Matt came running down the stairs. "ALMON" He screamed and hugged Almon tightly. Then Jayden came running down and shook Almons hand, "where is everyone" Almon laughed. "They all went to Virginia and havent came back Mom was suppose to bring them come back and get us and it never happened" Matt said. "Well come this way because we got room" Almon laughed and invited them along. They tagged along, Austin, Almon, Matt, and Jayden, all walked down the long street. They busted open a door from one of the Houses and searched around for food. 4 Cans of beans sat in the cabinets alongside a can of ravioli. They all took a can of beans and ate, Almon kept the ravioli for Paisley when they get back. They left the house and jumped to the next, They bursted open the door and stepped into the dusty old house. They looked in the cabinets, one had Painkillers and the other had nothing. "We need to like go to a store or somewhere we can actually get food" Almon said. Austin agreed and they all walked out of the House. They began walking until they reached Stop and Shop. "I really hope there is food in there we have to go back and feed everyone" They all began walking into stop and shop, when they saw a huge sign saying, *DO NOT CROSS THIS PATH DEAD WILL RISE* "Let's go we need food" Almon smashed the sign and continued walking. It was super Silent, Jayden grabbed a bag and started putting as much food in there as he could fit. Almon did the same so did Austin. Matt joined in. A lot of the food was gone from the Canned shelf. Oddly enough everything seemed really organized and well put up unlike anything else in the store. They took the bags full of at least 200 canned food and walked out of the store they walked down the road passed Matt's house as they got to the Wauregan bridge they saw a Familiar girl walking. "OMG COURTNEY" Almon ran up to her and hugged her tightly while kissing her. "I've missed you so much" Almon said. "Ive missed you too and im glad your safe" Courtney replied. The group began walking down that road until they got to 2nd street. They walked down the baseball field hill and began handing out canned foods to everyone. Nighttime began rolling around. "We need fire wood i will go get some we are having a fire tonight" James said as he began walking up the hill. Nick poured gaaoline on some of the wood already in the pit. The flames flew high for only a second then got down to normal height. A huge set of soilders ran from behind the dugouts. Our soilders stood guard alongside Nick there leader. Then from behind the soilders a really tall Muscular man stood and walked up front. "We told you not to Continue and you did, you took all of our food, That canned food was ours and you guys take it you smashed our signs and didnt even bother with the warning we gave you" the Muscular Man (Rucker) angerly said. "So now your gonna do Exactly as i say when i say it, like right now i want everyone in a lineup" Paisley, Austin, Almon, Felicity, Matt, Jayden, Nick, Courtney, All stood in a Line, All the soilders on the otherside began shooting all of our soilders. All 26 soilders fall dead within seconds, "You guys just dont know how the New World works do you, Well let me show you" Rucker said. He pulled his Pistol out And Shot it. The sound of the pistol blew as the bullet exited the gun.

Section 7 Once Apon A Deaths End
In this more is too come as now we have a New Enemy The Ressurected.


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