Section 30- The End Of Lives (Section Final)

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Section 30- The End Of Lives (Finale)

January 1st 2026 10:15 A.M
Noises blurred out as Austin tried getting up. "Austin, you alright, man, what's going on with you bro" Stephan spoke. "Idk," Austin mumbled. Mikes body began to turn greyish, and blood dripped from his mouth onto the ground. He immediately stood up, grunting loudly. Sweat and drool flew everywhere as Mike started speed running towards him, "walkers can run?" Lathers asked. Lathers went to stand up, but a sharp pain sprung the bottom part of his kneecap. Lathers eyes opened wide, he turned around quickly and stabbed Mike in his head. Breathing heavily, he began to walk up to Austin. "So Mike just turned into a walker, and I killed him," Lathers spoke. "It's alright bro we gotta find out who shot my kid. That is my main priority." Austin got up and began walking closer to the building. Everyone followed. Austin picked up his gun, lying on the ground. And continued to walk, in the distance he noticed someone in a window. "COURTNEY!" Austin screamed, "WHY THE F*** is NOAH HERE?" Austin yelled again. "HE HAS A SNIPER TAKE COVER," Austin yelled for a 3rd time. Everyone began finding a place behind trees, praying the bullet wasn't strong enough to break through. Loud bangs popped off in the distance several times. Austin slowly maneuvered through the trees until he got close enough to see Noah in his view. The window sat right where the huge tower lay. Austin pulled back the pistols slide and fired. Glass shattered everywhere all over the ground, Noah moved backward and began climbing down the tower. The big doors began to open slowly. As they opened more and more people were seen on the other side, With Weapons. 10:35 A.M. rolls around, Austin pulled his pen out and took 2 rips off of his cart. "Alright, guys, raise your weapons. Courtney put Greyson down and told him to run behind and tree sit and wait. Greyson looked at her and immediately began running to the trees. "Wait," Courtney spoke, then pulled a small knife from her pocket. "If you need this because of walkers, use it," Courtney spoke and handed Greyson the knife. He continued to run off. The gates fully opened. Noah, John, Ashton, Adam, James H. And Jordan Stood there weapons drawn. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way," Ashton spoke. "Listen, I don't know what the hell this is or why Noah is here, but I'm not just gonna stand down. One of your people shot my son," Austin spoke. "We are the Resurrected," Ashton replied. "I'm sorry about your kid but the way the world is now, we'll it's screwed we are doing test for the greater good to try and bring humanity back and unfortunately killing people and testing there walkers is exactly how we have grown the process and that's how we are going to continue." Ashton spoke and raised his gun. Austin raised his pistol, pulled back the slide, and fired. The bullet exited the gun and splashed through Ashton's hand. The gun immediately dropped. Ashton screamed in pain as he ran behind the doors. Noah raised his revolver and fired. The bullet splashed through Stephan's shoulder. Stephan fell backward, dropping his weapon in the process. Austin raised his gun, "How are you alive?" Austin spoke. "Benton, he helped me," Noah spoke. "And where is he." Austin replied."None of your business, " Noah answered and fired his gun. The bullet exited the gun and missed Austin. Austin ran and tackled Noah to the ground. Noah flipped Austin over and began punching him in his face. "Austin, I will beat you a, **" Noah said as his fists continued to bounce off Austin's head. A helicopter Noises sounded as a helicopter flew out of the resurrected camp. The helicopter landed with Lathers aboard. "LET'S GO NOW," Lathers yelled as he exited the helicopter and ran towards Austin and Noah. Noah began to stand up as a sharp pain entered his rib, and he fell backward. Lathers Kneeing him in his ribs knocked the wind out of Noah as he lay there trying to catch his breath. Austin got on, along with Stephan, Greyson began running out of the woods, holding Liam in his hands, crying. "Mom, we have to bring Liam please please please" Greyson cried. "Yes, let's go," Courtney entered, with Greyson and Liam, who was given to Austin. "YOOO WAIT UP," Adam yelled, running to the helicopter. "This place is buns. I heard what Ashton said, and yeah, that is not the life I want," Adam spoke again. He stepped on the helicopter. "There's not enough room," Courtney spoke. "Yes, there is," Lathers said and showed a bite mark from Mike that sat under his knee. Adam sat in the pilots seat as Stephan sat in the passenger seat. Austin sat next to Greyson, who sat next to Courtney. "Let's go NOW," Austin spoke to Adam. The plane took off immediately as Noahs gun began to fire, and bullets richashayed off the helicopter. The helicopter sped up faster and faster and faster. As they were off. 2 hours went by. As they looked behind them.
Meanwhile... 2:44 P.M January 1rst 2026
Ashton began tying himself to his nuke that sat in his house. 200,000 Mile radius read the Nuke. "I'm praying this kills them. I really am." Ashton used the only hand he had to tighten the nukes strings towards him. He then lit the end of the nuke string that will fire the nuke off once it hits the bottom. He pulled out his last joint and plopped it in his mouth. He lit the end he didn't have in his mouth of the joint and sucked. He began puffing clouds out of the joint through his lungs. He felt really high. The fire reached the end of the nuke string, and the nuke fired off with Ashton attactched. The nuke smashed through the roof. Ashton looked up to the sky, then looked down and realized he was no longer near the ground. The nuke then fired back down, ending what we call Ohio.

Meanwhile, at 3:00 P.M, Courtney turned around and looked to the back of the helicopter. A big huge cloud of smoke spread across the land with furry flames underneath the smoke cloud. "What the hell?" Courtney spoke. The smoke got bigger and bigger. "It almost looks like it's traveling towards us," Stephan spoke. "Welp, I guess it's safe to say, It just missed us," Austin replied. Austin held Liam tightly as he teared up. Courtney began snuggling up with Greyson. "Whatever happens from here on out, we need each other's backs," Austin spoke. Everyone agreed and shook their heads.

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR WATCHING THE FINAL!!! I really really appreciate it there 100% will be more to come soon!!!!!

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