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The Final Stand
Produced by Almon Richard Barylski
Helped by Austin Zeleznicky
Also associated with Noah Timmons

Matt walked with Paisley down the Silent forest. The leaves cracking paisley beside him.

Meanwhile Austin and Almon began attacking the walkers, Felicity helping, Nick behind them shooting the other walkers 1 by 1, a walker got close to felicity as the walker went to bite, Princess jumps from the side and began chewing at its leg, it's leg detached from its body and it fell, as it fell its head fell on the dogs back and using its teeth and bit threw the dogs back tearing at its flesh, the skin peeled off. The dog whined as it fell over whimpering, the walker began eating away 3 other walkers walk over and began eating away at the dog. "NOOOO" Felicity ran over and killed all 4 walkers, the dog layed there, wholes in his chest, ribs bitten out. Looked as if a Cheetah ate a Zebra. She bent down "I'm so sorry" a tear dropped from her face, she began slicing walkers 1 after another. Almon walked in the horde slicing walkers back to back Almon ducked under one walker sliced the other one behind it through the chin then turned around and swung the knife into the walkers throat. Then he used his shoulder as a shield and shrugged off the other walker, then stabbed it in the head. Nick continued shooting walkers. Nick then turned around and saw a Latch, "GUYS OVER HERE QUICK" Nick started climbing down, Felicity after him, then Austin, Almon stabbed a walker in its Head Noah pointed his gun at Almon, Almon ducked and went under the latch and closed it. "Holy f***" where does this lead" Almon said. "I don't know but things just got crazy" Nick said. "It sure has" Felicity replied. They began walking down the Long hallway till they got up to another ladder, they climbed up and saw the outside, the quiet dark forest, "Woah, we just need to find a way to the baseball field so we can prepare to take The Final Stand and end this war then maybe we can finally move on to greater things beyond well here" Almon said "yeah that would be a dream" Nick replied, "yeah and maybe there's that place out there that will be safe that will have people there that will have a strong military maybe a community" Felicity replied. "Yeah" Austin answered" they walked down the empty black silent forest when sounds of howling Wolfs came from the left of them. "Wait wolfs" Austin began looking around, then wolf noises were heard from every corner and side of them, Then out of nowhere a pack of 30 wolfs began coming from the trees "what the f***, why so many I've never heard of this before" Austin said fearfully. "BRO WHAT DO WE DO" Almon yelled, "I have no goddamn idea" Austin screamed back. The big Black wolf jumped in the Air on top of Almon, Almon swung his hand up and the Knife hand sliced through the Wolfs stomach and it's insides fell all over Almon. Austin used his axe as the wolf went to bite him and sliced it through its skull, then a HUGE HOWLING noise from the distance sounded and all the wolfs began running off, "What- the- hell just happened" Almon studdered. "I have no idea" Austin replied, Then Almon saw Noah point his gun at Austin, "AUSTIN LOOK OUT" Noah shot the gun, Almon hauled over and Jumped in front of Austin, the bullet from the gun entered Almons lung, Almon tumbled falling over onto the ground, Almon began coughing up blood from his mouth, blood dripping from his mouth onto the wet leaves of the forest. He rolled on his back and began trying to breathe, but no air was coming in or out. "ALMONNNNNN NOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE F***" Noah ran into the distance, Austin began to cry, "Ple-e-se, m-a-ke sure Paisley stays safe take care of her..." Almons head turned his eyes closed, along with his mouth. He bled out through his shirt from his chest. Austin ripped his axe out "This son of a b**** is gonna pay" Austin began walking, Felicity teared up as she slowly stood up she looked at Almon a tear dropped from her eyes, "Thank you for Everything youve done for me" She mumbled, she then slipped the bag of Weed that was in his pocket through the whole in his pant leg, then she grabbed the lighter and papers, she then walked away from Almons body To follow Austin. Nick and felicity followed Austin but stood back, Austin continued running, Then outta nowhere Noah popped from the other end of a tree, Austin ran into the wood part of a Bowstaff, his head smacked the board and he fell down, Noah took the end peace off the Bowstaff. A sharp pointy end peace sat there, "F*** you" Austin said, Noah lifted the Bowstaff high in the air and swung down Austin moved and picked his axe up, Noah now staff in hand Austin Axe in hand, they looked at each other. When Austin looked at Noah he noticed Noah himself was already gone, Noah swung the bow staff Austin moved his head grabbed the wood part swung his axe Noah jumped and hit Austin in the stomach with the none sharp side of the bow staff, Austin coughed up a little blood as the stick smashed into his kidney, Austin still breathing "that all you got" Austin said as he swung his axe from high up down, Noah moved his stick up and flung Austin's axe in the Air, then Noah tripped Austin with the Bowstaff. Felicity from Behind stabbed Noah and the sword went through his stomach, Felicity ripped the sword out of his stomach and Noah fell as the blood spewed out of his back. Noah's head turned, eyes closed, for only a second then they cracked open slightly. Then from the trees Matt and Paisley were seen walking, "HOLY S***" Austin yelled and ran over to them "Where is Courtney" Austin said, "She's disappeared so probably dead. Where is a Almon" Matt said "he's dead" Austin replied. "NOO" Matt cried, then The huge horde began walking from the woods, at least 500 of them left. "We need to make it to the train" Austin yelled "Its the only way" Nick replied. "Glad to see your still here" Matt said. "You too" Nick replied. "Here I'll hold as many as I can right now while you guys go as fast as you can" Nick said. "I will meet you there" he continued. everyone then agreed and ran. Nick shot walkers down each through the brain. When he saw the group was continuing on, he lead the walkers a different direction, the walkers kept following him. Austin, Felicity, Matt, Paisley, all got aborted the train Austin stopped by shooting the driver and switching it down. They saw Nick in the distance "WAIT UP" Nick said as he ran as fast as he could "I WAS GONNA LEAD THEM AWAY BUT CHANGE OF PLANS" he yelled. Then he hopped on the train Horde following behind. "Welp I'm glad you made it" Austin said "Where going to Virginia like we planned I know it's gonna be a super long journey before we are there but, that's where we are going" Austin said again "I believe there could still be hope there like we were told before back in the start of all this I wanna see where we end up" he then said. The train kept going on into the distance. What a long journey it was, what a long journey it's going to be!!!!!!

AND THAT IS IT!!!!!!!! thank you guys for READING I hope this series was Enjoyable to say the least I think a lot of death has happened yes but I'm excited to now write about our New leader AUSTIN.

Section 11 The start of a Whole New Journey
(Coming January 1rst 12:00 A.M)

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