Part II Section 7-Deadly Sins

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April 11, 12:25 P.M 2026

Footsteps cracked against the wet leaves as Stephan walked down the Grayish woods. Shotgun in hand he continued to walk. His body felt well and awake. 3 walkers walked towards him. He shot his gun several times. Blowing the heads off the walkers. RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* noises of a walker occurred behind Stephan as he turned around. The walker was speed running towards him. "Holy s***" "that's not normal" Stephan spoke nervously as he lifted his gun up. He pulled the trigger. The bullet exited the gun and hit the walker directly in his head splashing his head everywhere. The walker dropped directly in front of Stephan. Stephan began to heavily breathe. "That doesn't make any sense" Stephan spoke to himself. "She ran fast almost like not normal fast" Stephan spoke and continued to breathe heavily. He began to walk in the direction back home. He got to the place and the gates began to open. He walked in. The moment he walked in the gated doors Austin ran up to him. "I just found out that my best friend who died, his brother was here and is now in the hospital I seen him being transmitted" Austin spoke. "Damn man I'm sorry" Stephan spoke, "me and him were a little close as well I remember back when I use to sit in his room and chill with him talking about video games" Austin spoke. "I hope he's okay" Austin said. "Me too man" Stephan said as he put his hand on his shoulders. Austin pulled his pen from his pocket and began to rip it. "Smoke that weed man it relieves anxiety" Stephan said and laughed. He began walking off towards his house. James H. Walked by Stephan. Stephan looked at him and continued to walk. A guy by the name Mason Diaz bumped into Stephan. "Watch it" Mason Diaz said as he walked by Stephan. Stephan turned his head looked and continued to walk confused. Stephan opened the door of his house and walked in.
Meanwhile April 11, 9:00 P.M 2026
Mason Diaz walked up to his house. He began walking on the grass growing closer to his stairs to the door. The bushes made a noise, Mason Diaz looked over. He reached in his pocket for his pocket knife. And walked over to the bushes, he slowly began walking closer. The wind grew a little stronger as he looked over. Nothing was there, it was pitch black. Mason Diaz laughed and began walking up to the door. He opened up the door and closed it behind him. The back door was open. "What the hell" Mason said as he ran the the back door and shut it. He then locked the door. He looked over at the counter he put his pocket knife down on the counter and grabbed the biggest knife he can find inside the knife holder. "I know your in my house you bas****" Mason spoke holding the knife up. He began walking down the hall towards his room. He looked over at the bathroom then kept walking. The guy walked up to the doorway as Mason turned around. "F***" the guy took his knife and jabbed it in his hip. "AHHHHHH" Mason screamed as blood dripped all onto the floor. The Guy ripped the knife from his side and stabbed him in his neck. Masons eyes rolled into the back of his head as blood gushed onto his face. Mason struggled to breathe as he grabbed the side of his throat. He fell backwards still trying to breathe for air choking on all of his blood. The guy looked over his body took the sharp end of the knife and jabbed it into his head. The blade of the knife entered his forehead blood oozed out of the puncture wound as he ripped the knife from his head. He wiped the blood off on his Coat and then walked out of Masons house. In the distance you hear the door shut. Mason layed there blood leaking all over his face and dripping onto the hardened floor. His eyes were opened.
Meanwhile April 12th 9:00 A.M
Courtney's eyes opened to the sound of her Alarm. She began to stand up she looked to her side Grayson still sound asleep. She stood up and walked out of the room and began to walk downstairs as she got to the bottom of the stairs she looked towards the kitchen and thought about making eggs. She walked over to the fridge and opened it up. She looked inside and seen old chili along with eggs milk and Juice. "How I even have this stuff in my fridge right now is beyond me how does this place stay up" Courtney spoke to herself. She pulled out the eggs and closed the fridge. She looked down and opened up the cabinet that had the pans. She took out a frying pan and put it on the stove. Courtney opened her fridge door up and realized there was no butter, "S***" She closed the fridge and opened up one of the cabinets that had Cooking oil. "At least there's that" She spoke to herself. She began cooking eggs. She turned on her Radio and put on a station of just Random music which somehow plays. She continued to cook the eggs. As she finished up cooking Grayson ran down the stairs. "Mom I'm hungry" Grayson spoke walking into the kitchen. "I made you eggs don't worry" Courtney spoke then put them on a plate and put them at the kitchen table. Grayson sat up on the seat and began to eat. Courtney turned on the news, *as the storm passes, here today Benton has been found dead 8:45 This morning* the news lady spoke. Courtney looked closer at the screen, "that's my boyfriends brother" She screamed and stood up in anger. "What happened to him" She spoke to herself. She walked over to Grayson and lifted him up, she set him on the floor and went towards the couch where the laundry bin was. She picked out a red shirt and red pants. Here put this on then continue to eat the rest of your food we are gonna go to Austin's, she grabbed him a pair of kid boxers and gave it to him. Grayson ran into the bathroom to change. 9:45 hit the time and Grayson finished eating. He got up out of his seat to the best he could and threw his plate in the sink. He walked over to the door and waited for Courtney to get out the bathroom. She got out of the bathroom and walked over to Grayson. She held his hand and slowly opened the door. They walked out of the house she turned around and closed the door. They continued to walk down the steps. They walked down the street. They got up to Austin's house. She walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Austin opened the door. "Hey what's up you doing okay" Austin spoke. "Yeah did you see what-" Courtney spoke as Austin cut her off "yes I did and I know it sucks" Austin spoke. "That was the last piece of his family I'm pretty sure." Courtney said. "You know I just wish there was a chance down the line we got to see him again" Austin spoke. "Me too" Courtney replied. "Do you think you can watch Grayson for me while I go to the store I need a breather alone" Courtney asked. "Of course" Austin spoke and welcomed Grayson into his home. "I hope you like Canned foods that's all I really got" Austin said. Grayson turned around and looked at Austin "I get it under these circumstances life just sucks" Grayson spoke. Courtney looked at Grayson, "when did you learn how to speak a sentence that fluently" Courtney said confused. "For one I don't ever think I've said circumstances in front of you and two there's no schools you've never even been to one so where you learning vocabulary, this is a discussion on a different time for now enjoy your day with Austin" Courtney spoke "be safe" She said as she walked out the door. Austin closed the door behind her. She began walking towards the Store she walked in. "Hey how's it going" she said to the Clerk behind the counter. "Pretty good what would you like today" The clerk spoke. "Just a Apocalypse nicotine vape" Courtney spoke. The clerk looked over and grabbed it. He handed her the nicotine vape. "That is 12 Currency" The clerk spoke. Then suddenly The entire building erupted in flames and the back door to the building opened then closed. Courtney lit in flames as she dropped to the floor. Burning up fast. Her skin peeled to the heat of the flames, Jamie walking from the side of the building walked all the way to the street and looked at the destruction he has caused. "You will all die" Jamie mumbled to himself. He began walking down the street.
Meanwhile April 12 2:00 P.M 2026
Feet scrambled against the grass fast as Bennett Ran through the grass getting onto cement gripping to it with his shoes as he ran. He continued to run until he got to a huge White House. He ran and hopped onto the cement walling jumping onto where there was a open window on the side roof. He slowly put one leg into the window and then sneakily put his head under the upper part and slid himself into the window. "I have no idea how the f*** I just did that" Bennett spoke as he stood up and walked into the house out of the bathroom. He looked around then walked back into the bathroom and opened the cabinets. He grabbed the 2 containers full of painkillers and stored them in his backpack that sat on his back. He walked threw the house and continued to look around. Walker noises came from the inside of the room door. He quickly pulled out his hammer and opened the door. He lifted up smashing the walker in his skull with the back of the hammer he then ripped the hammer out of the walkers head. The walker dropped onto the floor. He proceeded in the room. His hair blonde he wore a Red hoodie along with blue jeans and a golden necklace. He walked into the closet like room to find a Safe standing up. The safe was made out of wood. "Well that's perfect material" Bennet said as he took his hammer and jammed the back into the opening part then smashing it onto the lock popping it open. He opened the safe and looked inside. A golden revolver sat there with a box of ammo. "No F****** Way" Bennet talked to himself grabbing the revolver and Bullets. "What are you doing in my house" A voice said from behind him. He turned around to see somebody who looked like a college student. "I didn't know anybody was in here who are you" Bennett spoke. "The names Zack Collins, but how do I know I can trust you won't kill me or try" Zack Collins spoke. "Because I'm not like that" Bennett replied. "Was this your dad" Bennett asked. "Yes" Zack answered back. "I am sorry" Bennett replied. "It's okay I get it you didn't know" Zack spoke. Zack pulled out his Weed pen. "People still smoke those during this s***" Bennett spoke. "I mean I do I smoke a lot" Zack said. "Think I can take a rip" Bennett asked. Zack handed him his pen and Bennett pressed the button and pulled. He inhaled the smoke into his lungs, "How do you even get carts" Bennett asked. "Before the apocalypse started I bought 200 of them with the money I earned from work" Zack spoke. "That's my last one" He continued. Bennett took another hit and felt high. "I'm heading to this huge place if you wanna come you might be able to find yourself a home there just like me" Bennett spoke towards Zack. "If I will actually be welcome there" Zack spoke. "You should be I don't see why you wouldn't be, I'm just in search of my friend Jimmy Dillon and Adam they all disappeared from the base I was in and I've been trying to contact them and I haven't gotten a single Answer, all I know is where they are going and where they are" Bennett spoke. "Yeah... I'll tag along" Zack spoke.

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A Deadly Fate

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