Section 25 New World Order

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The 200 men Guns Drawn towards the group, Noah Slowly walks over towards Stephan and bends down to pick up the gun. Hands wrapped around the gun, he lifts it off the ground, then walks over to Austin and proceeds to lift that above his shoulders. "So today I am going to Kill Felicity, And you're all gonna watch." He began undoing the middle of felicity's seat that was keeping her strapped to the chair. He then stood her up onto the chair, Felicity kicked her leg backward, hitting Noahs stomach. Noah slipped his arm smacked the side of the Hanging Machine, and he fell backward. The hanging machine moved slightly, and Felicity fell forward, head falling through the noose tied to the hanging machine. The chair slipped from under her, falling off the machine. Her throat began slowly crushing. In desperate need of oxygen. The feeling of a tight squeeze ebruted through her throat as the bones squeezed together. Austin slowly stood up and then immediately ran for the hanging machine. Noah grabbed his stomach as he went to push Felicity, hands touching Felicity she just nudged a little. Austin fell backward. Felicitys face turning purple, felicitys throat releived off the Noose as Stephan full on Shoved from
The front side. In the air, felicitys body felt Weightless for 2 seconds. BAM, back hit the ground. Noah kicked Austin dead in his stomach and then pulled out the taser swiftly, Austin smacked the taser out of Noahs hand and then put his arm above his head and tackled Noah Noah Manuvered the other direction and then stood up and began punching Austin repeatedly, Austin knocked up Noah grabbed his knee and then hit him again. Austin moved his leg and tripped Noah. Both lie on the ground. Noah began slowly getting up. "This is it *Cowboy* Noah lifted his Pistol out of his pocket and pointed it directly at Austins Face, 36 Men Remained after Stephan and the rest of the Group Fought. Leaves crackled beside him. *SLCHHHHHHHHH* Noahs hand left his body as it was cleanly cut off, Felicity standing there holding the sword. The gun went with it. Noah held onto his arm around where his hand was. Blood gushed out all over the ground. Noah stunned. "Somebody wrap his arm up." Austin spoke. Mike ran over and began pulling stuff out of his emergency hand kit. "What is going on with you, man?" Mike spoke towards Noah. "I lost Elijah," Noah cried. Mike pulled out a walkie from his back pocket that he's been using to contact His friend. "How far out are you from my signed location?" Mike spoke about 2 miles. " Jason spoke. "Welp, I found Noah."Ahhhh, that's greatttt Good job," the guy spoke over the walkie. "I'm sending a helicopter that way." "Okay I'll be walking with Noah." Mike turned around and looked at Austin and Stephan and Felicity. "We are going on a walk. We will be back." "Can I come with?" Shelby spoke. "Yes, let's go." Mike maneuvered his hand and took Miguel out of hers. Noah Mike Miguel and Shelby. All began walking down the path. Felicity looked at Stephan. "Guess we will just wait here." 3 hours go by. "Okay, now I'm getting angry. Where the hell are Mike and Noah and Shelby? There have been absolutely 0 sign of them anywhere." Liam ran up to Felicity and hugged her. "I love you, mom," Commander Lathers (a military enforced trooper, one of the army soldiers) walked up to Felicity. "Commander John Lathers" "Nice to meet you Commander John Lathers" Felicity spoke and laughed. "This here is my Army Service. we have actually been working for Noah for 2 years straight, but he hasn't always been around. You know?"Do you think you can go look for Mike Noah and Shelby and their kid? They haven't even shown back up in 2 hours or more," Felicity spoke. "Yeah, I can, RALLY UP SOILDERS." All 35 men stood and put their hands on their foreheads. "Let's go, Crew." The entire 36 men full Army began walking through the long path. "Let's follow them, Stephan," Felicity spoke. Liam ran into Felicitys Hand. "Can I hold Liam?" Austin asked, "it is my kid too," Austin spoke. Felicity handed over Liam. And they all began walking. An hour went by... No sign of them. Darkness rose over the entire Forrest. A walker came from the side of Commander John Lathers. He pulled his pistol out of his pocket and pointed it to the side of him. PFFT. The bullet exited the gun and smashed through the walkers Skull. The walker dropped instantly from the impact of the bullet. "I'm not giving up." Spoke Commander John Lathers.

Thank you for reading!!! Are you ready for The Parts Final!!!!! Coming Part 1 Section 30 The End Of A Time!!! This won't be released until the estimated time December 15th, 2021

Hope you enjoyed it!!!!!

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