Section 17 The Last Hope

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Austin, Felicity, Paisley, Liam, Nick (holding Liam), Christie, Stephen, Jesse, Finally reached Delaware. Flames were everywhere walkers roamed all over the place, bodies layed. "Holy s*** this is crazy" Christie spoke, "yes it is I haven't seen anything like this in a while" Stephen replied. "Get use to it it's the outdoors" Austin spoke. "I'm hungry" Paisley spoke. "Yeah here" Stephen gave paisley canned food that was also in next to the formula, "there's not much of that though so" Christie said. "I know I know" replied Stephen. "It's getting dark we have to find somewhere to stay" Austin said. They continued to walk until they found a little area filled with fencing around it, "it looks like someone's already been here look there's a fire pit" Nick spoke, "yeah there is" Stephen said. "I will go get some wood" Nick spoke, "I will come with you" Austin said. Both Nick and Austin looked at each other. "I'll stay back and make sure everything's in tact" Felicity said. "I'll help" Stephen said. "Okay good let's go Nick" Austin said. Nick and Austin both walked down out through the doorway of the fence, they walked into the woods. "I'll guard over where the doorway is to make sure no one comes in" "okay thank you" Felicity said as she pulled out the papers and Weed. "Do you smoke" Felicity asked Stephen, "actually before the apocalypse yes" Stephen replied. "Good, So Jesse, I want the truth and I want it now, why did you kill Matt, because I know he would not put a gun up to you randomly like that" "Okay well, he went into my room and stole some of my paperwork, I told my guards to get him and they held on to him I asked him why he was snooping through my things and all I got as a response was, F*** you so I told the guards to release him they did as directed Thats when he hit a guard in the stomach pulled out one of there guns so I smacked it out of his hand and put him in a sleeper hold, I felt threatened, so I hung him and that's that" Jesse replied. "Wait what, ARE YOU SERIOUS" Felicity lifted up her sword to Jesse's throat "Your dead" Felicity said. Stephen ran over and went to grab the sword from Felicity, "Calm down breathe" Stephen slowly took the sword out of her hand. "Breathe" Stephen said.
Meanwhile Nick and Austin continued walking. "I found sticks" Nick said as he began picking up as many sticks as he can find. Austin began helping by also picking up sticks, "Yo this is so creepy" Nick spoke, "what is" Austin said. "This" On a rock covered in leaves there was blood written saying *Resurection* "This" Nick pointed to the rock, Austin walked over, "I remember seeing symbols on that cross a while back the one John hung on I don't know if you were there or not" Austin said, "But next to it a word said *Resurection" he then continued, "That's so wierd" Austin spoke. Then Blackness sprayed over Austin's eyes, "WHAT THE- GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF AUSTIN YOU STILL THERE FIGHT BACK FIGHT, AHHHHH AHHH S***" Nick screamed, Then Austin's hearing cut and Everything went dark silent and cold...
Meanwhile, Felicity, Jesse, Paisley, Stephen, and Christie who was holding Liam made a fire. The warmth of the fire brushed of them like a heater at night, "Jesse, I get why you did it, I do, but I don't forgive you" Felicity said. "I understand I do" Jesse spoke, "and if you want me to leave I will and I can" He continued. "No no, it's fine you can stay" felicity spoke more, "the joints rolled" she laughed. She then pulled out the lighter from her pocket and lit the joint smoke spewed from the tip and her mouth as she blew a fat cloud. She then handed it to stephen.
Meanwhile Austin suddenly opened his eyes, only everywhere was bright, very very bright as if he died and there was a heaven. the sound of a Chainsaw sounded, then a pure picture spewed into his eyesight as he realized he was in a large hospital like room, with 29 other people including Nick. Nick and 28 other were parylized and couldn't Move. As if they were dead only they were still aware of being alive. Austin, on the other hand, he was alive and felt and knew it. He twitched his fingers his hands could move. *what the hell is this place what is happening why is everyone staying still but me why am I not strapped down but I'm able to move* He looked over and saw the sawblade an inch from his arm, he moved his arm quickly under the blade just enough so it didn't touch and grabbed the end of the saw, he then pushed it out of the leaders, (Jackson's) hand and it fell to the floor. Austin quickly got up and tackled Jackson on the ground. He threw a left and a right quickly "WHERE IS MY AXE" austin screamed, then continued punching him, "WHERE IS MY AXE" he yelled again punching him hard on the side of his jaw snapping it, "F*** YOU" he then yelled again then throwing a HUGE ELBOW to his temple. A huge crack sounded as the side of his face smashed off the ground. Austin stood up and looked around. He saw Nick and began running over to him, "Bro you okay" Austin said and got no response. He then looked on the side of his ribs where there was a HUGE slice mark. In his ribs and it looked as if there was something inside of him. "WHAT THE HELL" Austin screamed. Nick staying still not moving a muscle not blinking not breathing nothing just staying still as if he were dead. Austin looked into his eyes and noticed his eyes were moving. "EW I needa go I need to get out of here" Austin then turned around and began running, his knee smashed into the side of the hospital bed where another person was laying. He fell over and smacked his head off the table next to the beds, and fell over. He stood up and held his knee as he then tried running again. He made it up to a shut door with a passcode. "Goddamnit, why does everything go wrong or purposely s*** on me what did I do to deserve this" Austin spoke he ran back to Nick who still wasn't moving his body but just his eyes. Nicks eyes looked at him and he looked back, then Nicks eyes pointed down. Austin quickly had to make a choice, either Let Nick Die like this or attempt to save him by doing the only option ripping whatever's in him out. Austin looked at Nick and decided to look for his Axe, he looked down and realized he was naked in a pair of Grey Boxers. "Damn where the hell are my clothes" he then looked over at his empty bed and the table next to it, his Axe, Knife, and suppressor taken from Noah's battle layed there next to his clothes, "Good" he spoke as he ran over there and put his clothes on then picked up the pistol putting it in his holster on his pants then he picked up his axe and put that in his axe holster next to the pistol, then picked the knife up, he turned around. He walked up to Nick and looked him in his eye Nick looking back, "Brother your honestly helped us all through a lot and I want you to know I love you man and appreciate you since the moment you came in my nieces life, Paisley she really loves you man and I hope to god to see you again one day" a tear left his face, austin gently stabbed the knife into Nicks head. The knife slowly went through the brain and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "I lowkey think I made the wrong choice" then he ran to the door, he lifted his axe and smashed it on the handle bar, the handle bar broke and so did the lock thing on the inside of the door. The whole door opened. Austin kept running until he got to a hallway. He looked over down the hallway and saw a bunch of people in white Clothes running towards him. He continued running straight in hopes he will get out, he got up to a door leading to the outside only there was another door behind this one. He smashed through the door then began running through the room to get to the other one, he smashed through the other one to the outside. He looked up and saw nothing but a boot then darkness. His arm began burning then the feeling of his flesh ripping off his bone hit as he opened his eyes and saw a walker biting his arm. His flesh tore off the bone. Darkness spewed threw the woods. He grabbed his knife out of his pocket and stabbed the walker in the head. "AHHHHHH" He screamed, "WHERE AM I" he screamed again, "HELP" he continued screaming, hoping someone would here him because that would be his Last Hope. Then his lungs began collapsing and his head began burning up. "Son of a b****" Austin spoke

HOLY HELL... Was this one hell of a section thank you for reading hope you enjoyed vote like and comment and thanks for reading❤️

Up next, section 18 A Wrong Turn
What's to come
Austin's Fate,
More with Felicity and Stephens friendship.

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