Part II Section 13 The farther we go

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June 16th, 2026 6:00 A.M

Silence filled the air across the entire world. few birds chirping in the air here and there. A big huge building followed a back door that led to a few houses that were tightly secured around walls. There were a line of 4 houses, Will sat on his chair in the 1st house, puffing the last of his blunt. Watching old movies from 2020, Weapons set up on the wall. Including Bennetts Golden Revolver
2 years earlier
June 16th, 2024 2:00 P.M
Will and Kassie were driving in their car, music cranked up from old playlists on Wills phones. Will puffed the blunt twice and passed it to Kassie, who was driving. "Do you see that?" Will said and pointed over to a huge building. "There's people there," Will spoke. The car immediately came to a stop. 2 people came up to the car. "Are you guys in need of a home?" James, the guy standing outside said. "Not gonna lie, yeah," Will said. "Park over there," James pointed over to the Driveway space before the doors. Will pulled into the driveway space and parked the car. He twisted the key and pulled it from the ignition. He put his hand on the door and opened it. Both Kassie and Will stepped out of the vehicle. Kassie reached into the glove department and grabbed the bag of weed grinders and a big box of blunt raps. Will took the box of blunt raps out of her hand helping her. "Right this way," James said as he began walking through the 2 doors. They all kept walking until James showed them the House complex it was the first house. James handed them the keys, "here this will open the door we are free service we just want to help people, here take these vaccines too it will cure you of the zombie virus" James said. He took out 2 needles. Will put his arm out, "Is this gonna be like the old vaccine?" Or Will said. "No, this is going to help you not get the virus when you die, so you will be walker free even if bitten," James said. He then injected will with the needle. Then Kassie, Kassie, and Will then entered the house. Stepping onto the Sparkly Wooden Floors. The walls painted Perfect White. Will Took a huge whiff of the Air, breathing in the fresh Scent. "It smells so good in here," Will said. "It does, it really does," Kassie replied, walking over to the kitchen. "Wow." She looked around at the Counters, "this is amazing," She said, sliding her fingers against the Smooth Cold Counters.
Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her body slammed into the ground, head smacking off the hardwood floors. Blood oozed from her forehead. Will ran over to her body fast, screaming. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, KASSIE!" Will screamed. He rolled her body over fast and took his jacket off to relieve pressure from his shoulders. He pressed his hands on her chest and began giving her CPR. An hour went by... 4:15 P.M., sweat pouring from wills face as he still gave CPR. No pulse... Will stood up and grabbed his pistol off the table. He cocked the gun, aiming it at the door and opening it. One of the guys was standing over at the other houses of the 4, walked over to the guy, and began choking him from behind. Will grabbed the bottom of his head tightly, pushing him down, and twisted his arms, snapping his neck up. Cracks from his bones ripping on the inside of his throat crunched as his eyes rolled back into his skull. He let go of the lifeless body. "WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING?" James," the guy spoke. Pulling his Pistol out. Both pistols are drawn. "Put your gun down, Will," James said nervously. "Don't make me shoot," James said, hoping I would put the gun down. Will pointed his gun at James's leg and shot the pistol. The bullet entered the kneecap of James, blood pouring from his leg all onto his blue jeans. The sun beating off his body, making the blood a bright color. "I'm sorry." Will pointed the gun at James's head. James looked at Will as much as he could, struggling to keep his eyes open. PFFFFFT. James's head hit the ground, blood leaking onto the cement. Will walked over to the main building peeking inside. A body sat in the chair Big And Buff. Will crawled over to where the counter is and peaked up, walking around the little opening. the guy sat there at the computer typing something. Will pounced, wrapping his arm around the guys throat. Tighter and tighter. Suffocating the wind pipe. It was as if you were trying to fill your car, but the gas won't come out of the pipe. No air, Will then moved his hand to the top of his head, twisting up. Tight ripping to the bone crushed as the guy tried to gasp one last time. Will let go of the guys body. The lifeless body fell smacking the ground. Will stood up, looking around. "I Own This Place Now, and these people are owned by me." Will looked over, "Who are you?" Will spoke, seeing 2 people standing and staring. One holding a Double Sided Sword, The other holding A Synth With a fiery hot Tip. "The name is Ben," This is Blake, " Ben said, holding his sword.

June 16th, 2026, 9:00 A.M
Ben and Blake walked through the woods Silently Blake holding a Synth Ben holding his double-sided sword. Bag in Blake's pocket. "Get down," Blake told Ben. "You know Austin Zeleznicky," Blake said Angrily. "Yeah," Ben said, "but I haven't seen him in years." Ben replied "Well he's right there, and the last time I saw him He shot my friend." Blake said. Sneaking into the woods, Blake slowly pulled the bag out of his pocket. Leaves crackling softly from the brief swift feet of Blake. Blake lifted his hands up and quickly pulled the bag over Austin's head. Austin dropped his Pistol onto the ground. Ben, using his fists, punched Austin in his gut. Then, he gave him a right across the jaw, knocking him unconscious. Everything grew dark and blank in Austin's view as he passed out.

June 16th, 2026, 5:00 P.M

Austin's eyes opened slowly, and he began looking around him at what he could. It was dark, cold, and wet. He tried to move his arms, but they were strapped down tied and contained by a metal Hook, keeping his arm from moving. The scenery was blueish, and all you could hear was the echo of Mice walking. His legs were strapped down as well. "Holy s*** This is not happening right now," Austin said nervously. "It is," Ben said, peaking around the corner. "Not only are you strapped down so tight you can't escape. But I'm gonna kill you, for everything you have done, ""Ben wait, " Austin muttered. Ben pulled out his double wheilded sword from his back, The Silvery sharp tip looked shiny in the dim dark light. "Ben, I didn't mean to Kill Blake's friend, okay? I am sorry, I really am, I was fighting for my life," Austin yelled. "Is that what Almon was doing?" Ben asked, "Fighting for his life? Or yours?" Ben spoke with Anger in his words, SLCHHHHHH, Austin coughed as the swords tip pearced through Austins stomach he gagged and choked on his own blood. Ben then cut the arm parts that locked Austin's arms down as,
He let go of the sword, "Now its inside your body, if it comes out there's really no making it for you now is there" Ben said, Watching Austin struggle to breathe holding the bladed sword with his hands. His hands gripped the Sharp blades, immideatly scratched cuts, and a deep slice through the middle of his hand gashed through as he then let go of the sword. Errrrrg, he let out, trying to gasp for air. His vision grew blurry dark and faded, "I'm sorry..." Austin let out as lots of blood continued to leak from his mouth onto his clothes. Ben then grabbed the end of the sword tightly and ripped as hard as he could. The sharp sword exited Austin's stomach, leaving a huge slice with blood pouring from the side of his stomach. His lungs slowly stopped moving as he took his last breath.

Thank you for reading!! This will be the last section until the date, July 20th, 2022. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope everyone enjoyed this section!!!! MY NEW BOOK Into the Jurassic, which yes is a Spinoff to this book but is based off after the apocolypes will be coming August 1st 2022! Hope everyone's ready! You thought zombies were a horror. Just wait.

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