Section 20-There At Last

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People left: Austin, Felicity, Paisley, Liam, Stephen, Christie

The morning breeze brushed off the trees, and the sun spewed over the trees. "It's a nice day out today. This is it. We are gonna get closer to Virginia," Christie spoke. Christie held Liam in her hands while Stephen held the bag of food. 5 cans left. Hours go by, and they reach, *Welcome to Virginia Beach* "we are here," Austin laughed. "Yes, yes, we are. we made it and look over there. There's a hugeeee beach that we can go for a little swim," Felicity said. Stephen and Christie looked at each other, "You jumping in," Stephen spoke. "Yeah, maybe I got little Liam to hold though, so" Christie laughed. "Yeah, sure thing," Stephen said as he ripped his shirt off. An 8 pack showed with a perfect V-Line he jumped into the water with his jeans on. "I can take Liam so you can have fun," Felicity spoke. "Uh yeah, sure," Christie said as she handed felicity Liam. Christie jumped into the water next to Stephen, austin stood next to felicity. "Hey, you look pretty today," Austin spoke. "Thanks, um, I appreciate it," Felicity replied, "you, look very, very hot, I must say," Felicity continued. "Thank you," Austin said, then smiled. Stephen looked at Christie, "you know, your very beautiful, I just wanted to tell you," time went by, "Alright let's go Guys we have to go to the CDC before nighttime hits" Stephen, Christie, Austin, Felicity, Liam, Paisley all began walking on the road. They walked so far, and so many hours went by, and they ended up getting to the CDC. "WOAHHHHH," Austin screamed. "Everything is gone... it all exploded... We took this huge journey for nothing, and then a group of people walked in front of Austin's group. "This is it, the end of the line for you, you all deserve to F****** DIE," Derek the leader spoke. Derek lifted his meat clever up and threw it towards Stephen, who was holding Liam, Christie jumped in front of Stephen the Meat Clevers Blade stabbed in the side of her neck deep on the bone. Blood gushed out of her Throat, and then she fell backward and dropped, "YOU MOTHERF*****!" Stephen handed Liam to Felicity. "What you want some too?" Derek spoke, Stephen ran and tackled Derek on the ground. "SHOOT THE OTHER GIRLFRIEND," Derek tried to scream, being choked. Lucinda pointed her Pistol with built-in mechanics at Felicity. "S***" Felicity screamed, then closed her eyes and tossed Liam to Stephen, who stabbed Derek in the head, stood up, and caught Liam. "You want me dead? You're gonna have to fight it out of me," Felicity spoke, looking at Lucinda in her face. Felicity ripped her sword from her back holster. "You know I got one of those too, hehe," Lucinda spoke as she put the gun in her pocket and pulled out a BowStaff, Only there was a huge sworded blade sharper thanmegilodons tooth. "Haha F***" Felicity laughed nervously. Lucinda flung her Bowstaff towards felicitys hip. Felicity maneuvered her sword down and blocked Lucindas bow staff, Lucinda flung Felicitys sword out of her hand. Then, he pulled the bow staff back. "DEAD," Lucinda screamed. Then she pushed forward towards Felicity's stomach, felicity looked at the bladed sword tip he then SLCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Austin jumped in front of felicity. The Bowstaff bladed sword went through austins arm. He looked at felicity, His eyes wide open. Austin quickly threw up blood began pouring from his arm all over his hand Lucinda pulled the Bowstaff off his arm and Austin's eyes rolled into the back of his head and his legs folded over like a folder for class... "We Are The Resurected, You Will Be Resurected just like Nick Just like Austin... You Will All Be Resurected" "AHHHHHHH YOU F*****" felicity sliced Lucinda in half with her sword, the rest of the group ran. Felicity lied on Austin's chest and began crying. "NOOOOOOO, NOT NOW NOT TODAY PLEASE". Felicity continued to cry, Austin lay their eyes closed , and he turned the cheek into the grass. Felicity slipped Austin's axe from in his pocket and walked away. "I will find the rest of those Resurection f***** and end them," Felicity spoke. "Stephen, can you hold Liam, It's just me, you paisley and Liam," Felicity spoke. "Sure thing," Stephen replied. Time went on, and they kept walking... "I can't beileve I basically cut his arm off for nothing I saved him for nothing" Felicity cried, "And now he's gone just like that because of a stupid a** girl" she continued to cry. They kept walking on, broken but still alive. Paisley cried as well. Felicity lifted Paise up and hugged her, "Austin's in a better place, kiddo." she hugged Paisley tightly. "I will never let anything happen to you," Felicity spoke.

THANK YOU FOR READING A COMPLETE 20 sections Now. You're officially 120 days in the apocalypse with us now!!!!!! We now have 10 more sections of brutal, amazing, long, Hard, Journeys until we reach PART 2 Section 1. Be ready!!!!! But for now, section 21 is coming up next!!!!

Originals left: Paisley
Main characters left: Felicity, Paisley, Liam, Stephen.

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