Section 8 A Time Bomb

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The nuns were running towards Nick, Nick pointed his gun at the Nun on the left and shot Them, Then he shot the one on the right. The one in the middle looked both ways Then threw his knife, Nick moved out of the way, as the Nun ran in the Distance. Nick took a deep breathe, He then continued pointing his gun, Felicity stood there, Austin stood up ran and pulled a grenade out of Ruckers pocket, He threw it at the entrance and the Soilders BLEW up. Time kept on Ticking, "We need to make sure the others are okay" Almon said, Austin agreed and they left everything where it was, James face turns Greyish His eyes light blue, his mouth slanted druel dripping, James stands up and the rest of his guts fall out as hes now a Walker. Felicity slices her sword through his head. "Goddamn, This is what i mean at every corner we face we always have to lose someone and i just cant" Almon said he turned around and began walking in the woods to go back Home, Austin looked at felicity "I need you to help me investiagte something" Austin said, "Sure thing" Felicity replied back. Then barking came from the direction of the trees, A darker colored Pitbul appeared with bright Blue eyes. "Austin, we lowkey need to keep it" Felicity begged, "sure, But wait so its we now" Austin questioned. "Oops sorry i uhh meant" Felicity studdered, "its okay i know what you meant" Austin kissed felicity. Meanwhile, Almon continued on his walk back, As he walked through the woods, it was silent no chirping birds nothing, just the sounds of his feet crackling the leaves on the ground. Almon came across train tracks, A knocking noise was heard from the trees beside him, he looked around no one is around. His heart was pounding against his chest like a AK Shooting bullets. Then THE Nuns footsteps sounded as it ran closer to Almon. The Nun tackled Almon Then stood up, Almon stood up, "Who the f*** Are you" Almon said, "You wouldent Guess" The Nun chuckled. Then pulled out a pocket staff from his pocket, Almon looked for a Second and immediatly saw that it had a RAZOR bladed tip, "SON OF A B****" Almon ran until he got up to another tree he then hid behind it, Almon pulled out his revolver from his pocket, The Nun ripped the mask off his Face, "NOAH" Almon screamed, "WHAT THE ACTUAL F***" Almon panicked then Noah threw a knife, the knifes tip stabbed into Almons shin. Almons leg caved in as he fell. Noah then put the NUN mask back on. He then put a bag over Almons face, Everything went from light to Dark to...Nothing

Meanwhile...Austin and felicity and there pitbul got to the Cross and the Machine place in the ground. Austin looked down there was a passcode thingy on it, "F*** the passcode" Austin ripped open the door and began climbing down the ladder felicity follows, the dog right after them, THEY began walking down the hallway, Then a sound rang, "YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES BEFORE EVACUATION ENDS, AND SELF DESTRUCTION MODE TURNS ON" "goddamnit" Austin yellped as him, Felicity, And Princess ran as fast as they could to the other side, they kept going, "8 Minutes Left" They kept running, time flew by "30 seconds" "I SEE THE END OF IT" Austin screamed, They kept running 5* 4* Austin pushed felicity out of the top Latch, 3*, Austin pusbed the dog out 2* Austin climbed up 1*...

Meanwhile at the baseball field
Matt walked over to Nick "Bro its getting Dark, and there is Absolutley no sign of them anywhere" Matt said, "I know but his Sister is here we have to hold steady and just wait it out" Nick said, He then continued "well, I mean for your sakes i guess i can go looking, But matt please make sure this place stays safe keep his girlfriend and sister Safe" Nick said, "will do" Matt replied. Matt stood guard as Nick began walking off, Down Second street. Time ticked as if it were a Bomb about to go off.

Coming up next
Section 9 The Start of a New War (Oct 9 or 10
And Section 10 The Final Stand (OCTOBER 31RST, OR EARLIER)

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