Section 22: New Point of View

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(Same time frame)
Main Characters alive: Paisley, Felicity, Stephen, Liam.

The sun began coming up, grazing over Mikes eyes, he stood up and grabbed his AR-15 and loaded it. Shelby grabbed her knife next to her, then got up making sure Miguel (4) was okay, he was asleep eyes closed. She began walking towards mike. Mike held the AR-15 and began slowly moving the tables, he then opened the door quick and pointed his AR-15 out of it. He began walking through the dark hall, Shelby stayed behind at the door. No walkers in site just dead ones that were already killed. "It's Clear" Mike spoke. Just then a groweling noise came from a distance as a walker began walking towards mike. Mike pointed his AR-15 at the walkers head and began blasting bullets out. 3 bullets blasted through the walkers skull as it fell backwards. Shelby walked over and woke Miguel up. "Come on buddy we gotta keep moving" Shelby spoke. They all began walking down the long hallway till they reached the Exits. As they walked they came across a little girl slowly walking in the distance. "Oh no" Mike said as they walked closer. Paisley began walking slowly towards them. Bite marks all on the left side of her neck and scratch marks all over her face. "Awe man I remember this little girl she looks just like Cassandra's daughter" mike spoke he slowly pointed his pistol towards paisley and lightly pulled the trigger. The bullet exited the gun and blasted through the middle of her head. "Let's keep moving guys" Mike spoke out as they all began walking. They got down to a Road where there was a sign that stated "Evolutionary State" "Looks like we might have just found ourself a place to go." Mike spoke. Miguel and Shelby followed, they began walking up to the front gates, "WHOS THERE" A gun sounded and loaded. "The Names Mike, I'm here with my wife." Mike spoke out. "Have you seen a missing child in the past 2 days!" The voice screamed. "Yes" Mike spoke. The gates began opening. Slowly, then a women began walking closer towards mike. "The names Felicity, you?" She asks "Mike, and this is Shelby and our kid Miguel" Mike spoke. "Who was the kid you found" Felicity asked, "it was a little girl Named Paisley that I knew from long ago why does this partain to you she was dead and was a walker so I had to put her down" Mike spoke. Felicity couldent move her facial expression nor body once the name paisley came out of mikes mouth. "I..." Felicity could not speak. "Right this way" Felicity led the group inside. Felicity began walking towards a House that no one lives in. "This place is yours treat it with care it's the last of our homes Other people just go to a shelter, I Am the founder of this place", "Nice to meet you" Mike spoke. Mike Shelby and Miguel all walked into the house where they now live. Felicity began walking towards her house where she grabbed her pistol and Rifle and then left. Stephen stayed with Liam. Felicity began walking down the road, where she then came across the "Evolutionary State" Sign but before she even got 10 feet from it she seen a little girl lying flat on there back in the distance. She ran over and seen Paisley lying there on the ground. She held paisley in her arms tightly, "I'm so sorry I failed you" She then began tearing up a lot, Then crying. She just couldent put the peace's together. "I can't beileve I just let this happen" she cried. A car began rolling up behind her. "Hey hop in" Stephen spoke. Liams in the back seat, Mike in the back next to Shelby. Felicity walks over to the passengers side and steps in. "Wait" she stepped out the car and ran over to paisleys dead body, she slowly lifted up the body. She walked over to the car "We have to bury her" tears struck down her face again. "Yes, it's only right" Stephen spoke. Felicity stepped in the vehicle and closed the door behind her. The car began driving up the road. Felicity stepped out of the car with paisley and walked over towards the cemetery where there was already a shovel. She lifted the shovel up. Tears still dropping from her face even after the silent car ride. She scooped a whole chunk of the dirt. Then did it again, and again. She continued to dig until the whole was big enough for the body. Then she proceeded to put the body in the whole and bury the dirt pile over the body. Then she began patting the dirt with a shovel. She then stood up and looked around for a large rock. When she found one she placed it above the dirt and let it sit she then took a stick and stuck it above the ground then took her knife and on the rock she began carving the word *Paisley* on it. She finished up. She stood up and began walking she noticed Stephan holding Liam, standing there. She waved and grabbed Liam, then began walking back to her house.

"This place is actually really nice, I honestly knew there had to be somewhere out there that could hold people and actually protect us you know" Shelby spoke. "Yeah I know, but like my only problem is...for how long" Mike replied....

Alrightyyyyyyyy!!!!!! That is the end of section 22 New Point of View, Thank you everyone for reading!!!! This may have been a fast pace Section but boy do I have so many new experiences and plans for these upcoming sections. I appreciate each and everyone one of you guys who read my books thank you for supporting me!!! See you on section 23!!!

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