Part 2 Section 6- Rough Weather

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April 9th 3:00 P.M. Lighting Struck as winds grew to 95 MPH, rain poured. "What are we gonna do?" Austin spoke. Lighting struck again, and from the outside, something fell over and smashed. Austin looked over and looked outside. "Sh** the flower pot," Austin spoke. "That sucks," Austin said, sad. A piece of wood on Austin's house snapped. "S*** Stephan, come out here. If we don't put that back up, this house is going to crumble. Austin opened the door. And ran outside Stephan alongside him. Austin took his gun out of his pocket. BRRRRRRRPFFTTTTTTTTT. Thunder banged. Austin put the gun down on the ground. His body out of nowhere felt a strong vibration keeping him from moving. His head felt a sharp, unsettling pain as he struggled to move. His legs felt wavy and stuck. Austin dropped to the floor. Dizzy and not functional. His body began to twitch. Stephan ran over to him. "AUSTIN BREATHE STAY WITH ME KID STAY WITH ME," Stephan spoke as he began to lift his body into the air and run back to the house. Stephan closed the door with his leg behind him and put Austin on the couch. "Is he okay?" Jimmy spoke. "I have no idea," Stephan said. "Wait, this place has a tv. Does it even work?" Stephan spoke as he got up and turned the button on. The tv clicked on with a News Broadcasting. "David has been found at 8:00 This morning." Stephan, shut the tv off. "Yeah, best not to turn it on," Stephan spoke. Austin looked over. "I need water," Austin said, dropping onto the floor, trying to grab something to grip himself to stand up. Bangs pounced on the door. Stephan answered. "Yes," Stephan spoke to the cop. "You hear about the mayors murder," the officer asked. "No, sir," Stephan said back to the officer. "Is Jimmy in that house?" the officer asked. "Nope, he left he said he couldn't be around here, no more," Stephan said "uh mind if we check," the officer spoke. "Yes, yes I do," Stephan said. "Welp, okay, i guess. Have a good day," the officer said. "What's your name?" Stephan asked. "Jamie," the officer said, "Jamie Kyle, I'm the brother of David," the officer replied and kept walking. "Okay, weird." Stephan spoke to himself and walked back into the house. Jimmy walked over to Austin and gave him water. Austin drank the water and stood up and began slowly walking up his stairs to his room. "You all can sleep here if you want," Austin spoke, walking up. Jimmy looked at Stephan. "I guess I'll take the couch," Jimmy spoke. "I'll get the room upstairs," Stephan said as he walked upstairs to the second floor. Jimmy hopped on the couch and rolled over, and closed his eyes. 10:00 P.M. hit. Everyone fell asleep. Glass shattered in the kitchen. Jimmy opened his eyes. And looked over. All he heard was silence. He slowly stood up, grabbing his pistol on the floor. Jimmy walked over to the kitchen and looked at the ground. Glass was everywhere. He looked at the glass door. There was no glass covering the door it had been shattered. "Well, that's convenient," Jimmy said roughly as he stepped outside, being careful not to step on glass around his feet, and looked around. Nothing but super powerful winds. A branch snapped, and a tree fell smashing into the ground. Jimmy walked back inside and began walking upstairs. "Austin can't do anything. im gonna have to just figure this out," Jimmy spoke to himself, then walked back down the stairs. He turned the corner and walked into the kitchen. Blood dripped from his mouth as the blade of the knife entered his stomach. "F***" Jimmy was able to mumble out of his mouth. The stairs made walking sounds as Stephan came downstairs. Jimmy looked towards the man. Pain in his left lung, very sharp pain. Silence rang around the entire room as gunshots sounded. Jimmy felt a sharp pain sprung sharper in his left lung as the guy slowly pulled the knife out, The guy began running outside. Jimmy backed up and dropped onto the floor. Struggling to breathe. He kept spitting blood out of his mouth. "Jimmy, you okay brotha," he spoke, trying to help Jimmy up, "we should bring you to the hospital," Stephan spoke. "NOOOOO!" Jimmy tried screaming as his voice cracked. More blood continued to come out of his mouth. "Jimmy, you're gonna die if you don't," Stephan spoke. Jimmy coughed up more blood as blood continued to come out of his stomach. Austin came running over and wrapped around a blanket tight against the puncture wound. "Stephan, bring him outside with me. we gotta help him to a hospital," Austin spoke. They began dragging him out of the house and began trying to run to the hospital. They got into the hospital. "Hey, we have this kid. His name is Jimbo, and he just got stabbed. Please, he needs help he's bleeding out of his mouth," Austin spoke. Stephan looked at Austin as if that was the smartest thing he's done as doctors floored the room and began taking Jimmy to another room to try and save him. "I thought I heard something. I wasn't sure I ran downstairs to see a guy standing there with a knife in my friends chest...that was scary," Stephan cried. April 10, 2026 9:00 A.M. Stephan sat there and waited. Benton the Doctor came out, "So we were able to save him he's in really bad condition though," Benton spoke. "Can I see him?" Stephan replied. "Yeah," Benton said and brought Stephan and Austin towards the back. They both got to the room. Jimmy turned his head. "Hey," Jimmy said softly. "Hey buddy, you doing okay?" Stephan spoke. "Yeah," Jimmy spoke.
Meanwhile April 10th 2026 12:00 P.M
James H. Walked down the road threw the strong, dusty winds, and as they brushed against his arms, he walked up to his house and walked in. "It's so bad out there." he walked over to the counter where the fridge was and opened the fridge. Milk sat in his fridge along with eggs. He grabbed the milk and poured himself a cup. He drank all the milk and walked over to his couch, and turned the tv on. He walked over to the window and saw how badly it was outside. He saw Austin and Stephan. "I know one of them." he walked over to his door, and he walked outside. "HEY!" James screamed out as he walked over to them. "I know you what's up, james," Austin spoke. "Nothing much, just surviving, I guess you can say," James answered. "Do you know Jimmy?" Austin asked. "Yes, why?" James answered. "Because he was stabbed and is now in the hospital." Austin said back. "Holy s*** by who?" James asked. "We don't know," Stephan replied. Jamie, the officer, walked by them. "He's a little weird," Stephan said. "How so," Austin asked. "He asked me if Jimmy was in our house and said he was the brother of David, and now Jimmy is well in bad condition," Stephan spoke. "I hope his body heals," James spoke. They all walked into Austin's house. "Alright, the storm seemed to clear up. I'm going to head home," Stephan spoke and walked out of the house. "Me too," James said as he walked out the house as well. Austin looked around, and his house grew silent. He walked upstairs and into his room, where he lay down.
Meanwhile April 10th 5:00 P.M
Benton walked out of his office and began walking out of the hospital. "Have a nice day," he yelled to the co-workers. He shut the door and kept walking towards where his house was. He walked into his house and closed the door behind him. He then walked upstairs. He walked into his room. A bunch of things fell off the berrow next to him he looked over. "Wierd," he spoke to himself. He walked over to his bed and lay down. He began to relax. "This is definitely the best place on Earth," Benton laughed. Boxes fell all in the hallway. Benton looked up. "That wasn't normal," Benton spoke to himself. He stood up and grabbed his sword off the wall. He pointed it towards the hallway and slowly walked towards it. He walked into the hallway, no one in sight. Then, out of nowhere, a tight squeeze commences on his throat. As the mysterious man stood behind him, grabbing at his arms, forcing the sword to go towards his throat. "Nice try, but you weren't smart enough, Maybe your friend Austin will be faster," the mysterious man spoke. "Austin, I haven't seen Austin in years. What the f*** are you talking about?" Benton said. The sword sliced against Benton throat slowly. "F*** You," Benton said loudly. I'm kicking the guy in the leg. The guy fell over onto the ground. Benton backed up. The guy laid there, not making a sound. Blood dripping from the left side of Benton's throat. He ran downstairs and grabbed the pistol off the counter. "He didn't think of grabbing this," Benton spoke. Grabbing the gun and running upstairs. The guy was gone. "S***," Benton spoke. Then he went to walk into his room. As he walked into the room, the sharp Sword entered his back. "AHHHHHHH F***," Benton screamed, hanging from the sword. Blood spewed all over the floor. Dripping from his stomach. "I've-gotten-this fa- to di-e li-k-e this," Benton spoke as he began grabbing the blade of the sword, attempting to push it out of his stomach. His body felt weak, and his hands began cutting up at the palms, bleeding all over the floor. The guy ripped the sword out of Benton's stomach. "My name is Jamie," the guy said as he lifted his knife. Benton tried to stand up, but as he tried, the tip of the knife slowly entered Benton's shoulder. Blood slowly came out of his shoulder, leaking onto his body and clothes. "Please, man, what is your problem? I don't know, Austin," Benton said, pleading for his life. "But you did." Jamie pushed harder, trying to go deeper into his shoulder. Benton used his body and moved it under slipping off the knife gasping for air he elbowed Jamie in the stomach. And began crawling into his room. He crawled to the bed and tried reaching for his gun. He pulled the box from out of the bed and tried opening it. He grabbed the gun and pointed it to the hallway. Nobody was there. His body felt weaker and weaker every minute that passed by. More blood was lost. Pouring from his stomach and shoulders onto the wooden floor. "That was b*******," Benton said, gasping for air. He grabbed his shirt he saw on the bed and took the current one he was wearing off. He wrapped the shirt around the stab wound in his stomach and began tightening the shirt in hopes of stopping the blood. He began coughing up blood. "I gotta go to the hospital," Benton spoke to himself, trying to grab somewhere to get up. He began walking out of his room and tried walking down the stairs. His body continuously moved from side to side as he grew nauseas he exited his house door. And stumbled down the stairs. He fell to the ground, and his eyes began to close as his breathing slowed down. He coughed up blood as he slowly passed out.

All scenes in this book are 100% fake and creatively thought of randomly as it goes with the story. None of this is my actual feelings.
Thank you for reading!!
Up Next Part II Section 7 Deadly Sins

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