Section 7 Once Upon a Deaths End

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Rucker pointed his gun up and shot it, The gunshot sounded as the bullet exited the gun. The bullet smashed through Jaydens Lung, He fell backwards and gasped for breath. As he couldent breathe blood spewed from his mouth, dripping down the side of his mouth it leaked over the Wet Damp grass. He began coughing up more blood loosing more Air. Then after a Minute his head turned and his eyes stayed open. Matt looked shocked and Couldent speak, "This New World sucks but this is just what you will have to Deal with" Rucker said. Jayden began turning Whiteish grey with Light blue eyes and druel along with a rinkled face. He began standing up and grunting. Rucker shot him in between his eyes and the bullet entered His brain. Lifeless Jayden was now 100% Dead, Everyone looked in shock as matt began crying, Along with Almon. "This will be it, Almon this is it, No more joking around do not cross our territory again or you will be PUNISHED" Rucker said Then ordered his Soilders to Walk. He walked up the Hill. Almon wrapped Jayden up and Buried him in the ground. Almon took a deep breath. James started walking back with Wood when he Realised what happened. The night just went on "Austin, we cant just let them do that we have to fight back" Almon said" "I guess that means one thing, This Is War" Austin yelled and raised his gun up. "THIS IS WAR" The group continued. "We cant let anyone else die you hear me" James said. Almon put his hand on James shoulder, "Although i dont know what will happen in the future i will tell you i am working my hardest to make sure we all survive" Almon said. The Next Morning the sun beamed over the trees, Almon, James, Austin, and felicity all had there weapons in place. Paisley stayed back with Matt, Courtney, and Nick kept Guard. Almon, Austin, James, And felicity all walked up the Hill "We have to find clues and go the same direction they went to find where they are" Austin said. "Well I know they turned left when they came up this hill so I'm guessing there down in the woods held up somewhere" Felicity said. "That's where we will look, now once we get there we need to find Rucker and take him out then we can worry bout others" They continued to walk into the woods and beyond, They came across this Huge Gate leading in, Almon walked up to the gate and put his hand on it peaking in through the Hole. He saw Rucker, "okay this might be too easy" Almon said, "Just aim and shoot him in the Head Austin" Almon said, Austin then put the sniper through the whole to where the bullet will exit the gun and go in the hole. Austin aimed the Sniper towards Ruckers Head, He shot the Sniper but missed. Rucker looked over and immediately ran towards the Gate, He smashed The gates springs and Nails and bursted open the Gate doors, Austin fell over Rucker lifted up Austin, Almon ran and jetted his Arm into Ruckers leg, Rucker immediately fell on his left knee, Then felicity stabbed him in his Side with her sword, the sword went through him, He ripped the sword out of his Hip and screamed in Pain then grabbed James Leg he then pulled a knife out but before he could do anything Almon Shot his revolver and the Bullet entered his arm. Rucker grabbed his arm as it was bleeding out, but then stood up and HEADBUTTED Almon in his nose, Blood gushed from his nose as it appeared broken. "AHHHHH SH**" Almon screamed. Rucker lifted Almon up with one Arm, Then slammed him off the ground, James began running at Rucker, Then someone with a NUN mask flew by slicing James in his Stomach, James looked down and saw his own guts falling from his now opened stomach. The nun dressed man ran into the woods and disappeared, "JAMESSSSSS, NOOOOOO" Almon ran over to James, James fell immediately guts in hand spilling out over the Concrete, Rucker stood off his knee he was on as best as he could Then Felicity Ran over and Swung her sword into his neck Decaptating it off his body. Ruckers Headless body fell lifeless. Then the soilders from RUCKERS side began RUNNING out towards Felicity.

MEANWHILE, The nun ran into the forest, then out reaching 2nd street. Towards the Baseball field. Nick looked over and seen the Nun running towards him, Only there was 2 Other guys with Nun masks behind Them. Nick pulled his gun up and pointed it at One of the Nuns.

Up next
Section 8 A Time Bomb
Nicks fate revealed
And a New Enemy The Nuns

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