Part II Section 10: The Final Call

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May 25th, 2026 3:00 A.M
James Hawkins stood up off his bed. His feet touched the cold ground. One foot in front of the other, he walked to his door. He opened the door and began walking into the hallway towards the kitchen. He got to his fridge and opened it up with force. He grabbed ahold of the Orange juice he bought from the store yesterday morning. He began drinking the orange juice from the bottle. With each sip, it was as if his dry mouth went from a desert setting to the coldest Dampest forest you can find. Gunshots sounded loudly outside the home in the distance. James went up to his window and took a peak outside. In his view, he could see the stand-up towers where people would shoot from. 15 soldiers were up there shooting their guns. James thought to himself about what could be happening. James opened the door and stepped outside, his feet hitting the cold, windy porch of his house. In the distance, a Huge Crack Sounded as the wall caved in. All the bricks from the wall began falling with the 15 soldiers going down. Half of them hit the ground before the rocks did, having the rocks pile over them. "This is insane," James yelled, running back into his house. Walkers floored the grounds, half of them eating away at the flesh of the soldiers. Running Crazily like never before seen, More and more continued to come in. Sirens began blasting loudly at the devastating site. People began running from their homes freaking out. Other homes began breaking in as walkers floored the doors. Austin and Grayson, next to him, began running down the street, Austin holding his shotgun. "We gotta look for Stephan, kiddo," Austin mumbled from his voice. He stretched his metal arm. "This will come in handy," Austin laughed as he continued to run with Grayson. "Glad I found you, kiddo," Austin said, patting his head. Austin pulled up his shotgun. PFFFFFT. The bullet left the gun entering the Walkers skull. The walker dropped to the ground, folding in half. The noise of the sirens blasted through Austins ears, ringing them, creating a vibration from the inside out. A walker came from the side of his view. He turned and put his arm up, the walker chomped down on the Hard Metal of the Replaced Robotic arm. The shotgun left Austins arm, Austin reached in his pocket quickly and grabbed ahold of his knife. Quickly pulling the knife out, he lifted his arm in the air, confident he was gonna kill this walker. His arm swung down immediately as the Sharpened Silver Blade entered the Walkers skull. The walkers eyes rolled into the back of its head as Austin ripped the bladed knife from the Deceased Skull. A name tag sat on the Old Raggedy clothes spelling the name *Robert* "Sorry Robert," Austin said, picking his shotgun up from off the ground. "Grayson here" Austin handed the knife to Grayson, putting trust into him, "if you need to defend yourself and we somehow get mixed up use that knife okay" Austin said loud enough for Grayson to hear his voice from underneath all the sirens and screaming. The street lights flickered from Off to On Off to on Off to on Off to on. Over and over and over again. It was like watching an indie horror scene coming to life. The Smell of Decaying Burning flesh Risen as Flames Began flowing at the flesh of the Walkers. Zack Collins holding a Flame Thrower wearing a Leather jacket and jeans stood there going around Using the Flame thrower at every walker he seen, until the walkers flesh burn to a crisp and the walker was just a pile of bones. "Holy s***," Austin said in complete surprise. All the people alive began cracking at the Walkers. Richard Nolland had an axe. He sliced away at the walkers one by one, along with Danny Jones and a few others. Austin pulled up his shotgun and blasted a walker through its skull. The head snapped off from the loose tissue as the lifeless body fell backward. Splitting in half from a weak sacrum. James Hawkins continued down the road full of the dead. Killing them off one by one. Rain began to pour, and the droplets began to smack the ground, creating a static loud noise. Lighting crashed onto a tree, igniting flames. Winds grew to 45 miles an hour. A Fire Brewed around what you would have called a city. The once alive city....has now become dead. The raindrops and fire connected. Boosting the fire flames, making it almost impossible to stop the spread. Houses crashed down, burning. The smell of burning wood, deceased death, and damp wetness throughout the earth were strong. The sounds of burning wood sparked the area. 3 walkers cornered Austin. Austin began backing up nowhere to go he turned around to see flames on the entire wall. He turned around and looked at the walkers coming towards him. They were running. Austin looked at Grayson. Austin pointed his shotgun up. His finger clicked the trigger. Blasting a bullet through one of the walkers. The walkers' skull popped and squeezed out oozy goo. Austin used his elbow, smacking the other walker, making it fall to the ground. From the side, the walker chomped the metal arm. "Haha," Austin laughed as he dropped the shotgun. He reached for his knife in his pocket, pulling it out. A Painful Sensation struck his leg. It was as if He became The zebra to the Wild Beast. As if he was some sort of pray. Austin looked down, seeing the walker ripping his flesh from his bone. The world began to become blurry. The walkers' skull popped. Same with the other one. "Bro," Austin vaguely heard before his eyes completely shut. His body on the inside felt elevated though dark. Everything was dark. Silent. His body felt more and more faded. Light FLASHED brightly as Austin began to see himself as a kid. Then all of a sudden, before you know it. His eyes began to open slowly. His first sight was the green leaves and the smell of food cooking in the deepest part of a forest...

Thank you for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed

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