Part II Section 17-Withered

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August 5th 2026 2:18 P.M California
Walkers repeatedly slammed against the wall as Stephan and Colton stood above it. Looking down then turning around they seen an entire crowd below ready to watch the Execution of Josh Corey legs tied hanging him upside down above all the walkers. Joey stood in front of Stephan and Colton. "Today marks the day of Execution for Joshua Corey he has Been caught stealing secret files" Josh cut him off, "This whole place is a lie I've seen it all Women Children People actual living people were being chopped up and killed" Josh yelled as loud as he could. The crowd was silent. "Be quiet" Joey said as he put tape around joshes mouth. Josh squirming trying to untie himself from the tight grip of the rope. "Nobody killed anyone no people are dying he's just clueless you guys are all here aren't you, look around you nobody is getting eaten I promise, accept for the person who is being executed today" The crowd began to cheer and Uproar out of nowhere. Stephan looked at Colton with a nervous look. Joey cut the rope and Josh immediately fell. His body smashed onto the ground. Trying to scream but the tape blocked his voice completely all you could here is the sound of muffling. The walkers drew there attention away from the door slowly walking towards him grunting and groaning. Josh tried to move but the rope was still tied around his feet. The walkers began slowly coming towards him then dropping on him all you could here is the muffled sound under the tape get louder as the walkers ripped the flesh from his arms legs and face. Joey looked down then turned around "after they finish kill all of them" Joey said as he continued walking passed Stephan. Eric watching the entire thing from below turned around and began walking in the direction of the Government facility as he got closer "Sargent" Eric heard in the distance as he seen Joey, "where are you heading off too" Joey said, "nowhere just going to look around and make sure everybody is in order" Eric replied, "good well I need you to take these and secure them somewhere safe do not open them They contained classified information just bring them into the facility and give it to someone actually they will secure it for you" Joey said, "Understood" Eric answered. Eric began walking towards the facility and entered he looked for the bathroom around the hall area before going into the main door and found it. He walked in, he then opened the files. Looking through was random girls and children dismembered and chopped up. In some photos meat was being cooked with dead bodies next to the people, Joey would be seen cooking the meat. Eric's eyes widened as he immediately sealed the files shut. He then walked out of the bathroom, walking towards the front desk he handed the lady the files. He turned around and left the building. He began walking faster trying to find where Stephan is. He bumped into a girl with black hair named Molly, "sorry my bad" Eric said as he continued to walk. Stephan nowhere in sight he began walking back to the house. He got closer to the house and rushed in. Looking around he heard footsteps in the kitchen. He ran into the kitchen, "Stephan we gotta leave this place Like now they eat children and women and god knows what else they do" Eric said as fast as he could mumbling every word out, "slow down How do you know" Stephan said "because I saw it in the files I was given to bring back Joey our boss was cooking people!" Eric Yelled "alright I believe you start packing I'll get everyone else." Stephan said, Stephan walked to the door and opened it 2 State Marshalls stood outside the door. "Is Eric here he has a Warrant he needs to be brought in for questioning" on the name tags read Ricky James and Donovan Crush. "Nobodies here" Stephan replied "maybe check is job" he continued. "Okay sure thanks for your help" Donovan Answered. They both turned around and continued on there way. Stephan began walking around town searching it for Vanessa and Dillon. Looking around they were nowhere in sight. He continued walking until he got to Vanessa's Job. As he approached the Window inside the glass he saw 4 guys grabbing Vanessa and her struggling. Vanessa punched one of them off as the other poked her in the neck with a Needle. She dropped to the floor and passed out. Stephan ducked under the glass and peaked his head up still looking in. They dragged her body outside. Stephan pulled His revolver from his pocket "let her go" Stephan Said Angrily, "S*** Charlie shoot him" Joey said. Charlie Shot his gun but missed Stephan shot his revolver 3 times Each time the bullet left the gun it cracked into another persons skull. All the men accept Joey dropped, "Let her go now" Stephan said louder. Joey began reaching down to pull his gun out, Stephan pointed his revolver clean directly at Joeys Skull. He pulled the trigger without hesitation. Blowing joeys Skull threw. Blood spewed out the back of his head as the bullet cleanly smashed in and out of his skull. He flew backwards dropping to the ground. Stephan ran over to Vanessa and Lifted her from her legs and head. He began running as fast as he could back to the house. Eric standing outside ran over to Stephan. "You need to take her I just killed Joey and the other workers." Stephan said fast, he then gave her to Eric and began running the direction of Dillons job. As he got to Dillons Job Dillon was walking out of the store to throw away the stores trash. "Hi Stephan you good" Dillon asked. "No this place is cooking people and serving them to us we need to leave" Stephan said fastly "I need to get Colton and Aidan and Robby and Will" Stephan said "go back to the house I'll meet you there" He continued. Dillon began running in the direction of the house. As Stephan was running to find Robby he came across Lisa walking along the sidewalk. "We need to leave now" Stephan said, "why is everything okay" Lisa Answered, "no not at all we need to go I'll explain later" Stephan said. He continued on and found Robby Will Aidan and Colton. They all ran back to the house and began packing all there things "We leave at nightfall" Stephan said. "All we gotta do is climb the ladder and climb down the other side there's a ladder on the other side since walkers aren't able to climb" Colton said. "We get out that way and fast" Stephan spoke.
9:15 P.M August 5th 2026 California
"Everybody got there things packed" Stephan said, Everybody nodded as Stephan opened the front door. Robby held Grayson In his arms. They all exited the house, they began walking to the big stone wall. Stephan began guiding everyone and letting everyone go up first. Robby put Grayson on the ladder to climb up. Then Robby went afterwards, Aidan followed behind then Vanessa, Dillon, Eric, Then Colton, Lisa began climbing up afterwards. last but not least Stephan put his foot on the Ladder, Grayson got to the top. Robby followed behind in order each of them began reaching the top Robby helped Grayson begin climbing the other side. Stephan continued to climb up. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT, A Loud Sniper Shot from the distance. "AHHHHH F***" Colton screamed as blood poured from his stomach down his legs. His hands began to shake as he tried to hold on tighter, "YOUR ALMOST THERE PUSH COLTON" Stephan Yelled, Eric turned his head and looked down seeing Colton struggling to hold on he got on his knees and reached his arm out as far as he could, Colton went to grab his Hand, The gap was to long Colton's other hand slipped from the bars he fell backwards, his legs caught onto the bar and his feet got stuck against the wall. "S***" Colton Mumbled. His vision grew blurry as tunnel vision kicked in the hotness of the blood rushing to his head began faster. Blood continued to pour from his stomach this time leaking down his face. The blood drizzled from his chin and continued to drip. "ERIC GRAB HIS LEG" Eric grabbed his legs as fast as he could slipping them from the bars he held Colton's body weight as hard as he could and pulled up Colton layed there trying to catch his breathe. "STEPHAN CLIMB IT WAS A SNIPER" Eric yelled. Stephan looked down then up and began climbing faster. He reached the top and began climbing as fast as he could pulling his weight up he reached the top. The sniper shot off as the shot missed. "Everybody start climbing down now I got Colton." Stephan said as he lifted Colton onto his shoulders. Everyone began climbing down, Stephan's feet touched the ground and they continued to haul into the woods, They all ran as fast as they could trying to desperately find somewhere to go Colton faded away slowly. Trying to breathe Colton Ended up coughing up blood. Blood leaked down Stephan's shirt and continued to leak all onto his neck. "We need to stop here he's gonna die from blood loss" Stephan said he layed Colton down and pulled his shirt off, he ripped it in a Straight form and tied it tightly around the gunshot wound. "That should help a little bit" Stephan said, he lifted Colton up and they continued to run. Not looking in front Stephan crashed into someone. Falling to the ground he looked up to see a black haired girl named Molly, "Hi I'm Molly You guys seem to be running you okay" Molly said, "Not at all" Stephan said. "You look like that girl I bumped into" Eric Continued. "Yeah I remember you" Molly said, "don't go back to that place they eat people women and children mostly" Eric said, "yeah stay with us it's safer that way," Stephan agreed. "I have this Building I found not far from here that I go to and stay at sometimes follow me" Molly said they all followed. Getting to the building it looked like an abandoned House. "Come inside it's all bordered up accept for the door I place other things in front of it unless I leave" Molly said "I can show you the weed farm tomorrow" Molly said smiling. She brought them all upstairs where there was 8 Rooms. "The first rooms mine but everyone else have at the other rooms" Molly said Stephan brought Colton into room 2, he layed Colton on the bed, Colton's Eyes slowly opened, "how are you alive" Stephan said, "I have no idea" Colton answered Molly walked into the room, "What happened I'm a Surgeon" Molly said. "He got shot by a sniper" Stephan Answered "let me go get my tools and take this bullet out shall we" Molly said she left the room. Colton looked at Stephan in relief, Molly dragged in a Table with a Operator, "This house has electricity btw if you wanna shower runs off a Fuel tank that I have to fill up" Molly said, Stephan lifted Colton onto the Table and Molly used a Mask to put Eric to sleep, "If you want you can leave I need full concentration" Molly said, Stephan nodded and walked out the room. Robby had picked room 3, Will had picked room 4 Aidan had picked room 5 Grayson picked room 6, Vanessa and Lisa Eric and Dillon Picked room 7 Stephan began walking to room 8 he walked in and prepared to go to sleep. He lied down on the floor and and grabbed the pillow that lied next to him he drifted away as he closed his eyes to the silent night.
Thanks for Reading this section!!!

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