Part II Section 30-NewBorn

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The man sat there, sweat dripping down his face he put his head back against the wall, and he struggled to breathe his face on the inside, scorching hot with every sweat molecule dripping. He slowly closed his eyes as his heart stopped beating.

December 7th 10:50 A.M Daly City California (Blessedlands County)

Stephan held Rylie as she was in pain, "We're gonna be at the hospital soon," Stephan said nervously, "Hang on baby," Stephan continued. He ran as fast as he could around every turn. He ran up to the hospital and opened the door he ran towards one of the girls at the front desk. "Hey, she's having contractions," Stephan said directly. The nurse stood up and walked over from behind the counter, she grabbed one of the stretchers and Stephan lied her on the stretcher, "I love you" Stephan said "I love you too thank you so much for supporting me your gonna be a great dad" Rylie said firmly. Stephan grabbed her hand and held it as he kissed her. The stretcher moved down the hallway and into the room. "Wait right here," one of the doctors said. Stephan sat there waiting. An hour went by the doctors called Stephan into the room. Stephan walked into the room and saw Rylie Pushing and the doctors helping her. "You're doing great. Keep going," the doctor said in excitement. She continued to push, and before you knew it, a baby girl was born. Stephan cried in happiness as he cut the cord attached to the baby. The doctors took the baby and cleaned her off thoroughly and then handed her to Rylie, who took her excitedly. "Look at her," Stephan said, tear dripping from his eyes. They both smiled As a new life was born. "Thank you so much. You are an amazing doctor," Stephan said. "Anytime," Doctor Flemming said. Stephan held his baby in his arms. He looked at Rylie, "Addison," Stephan said softly. "I love that name," Rylie answered. "Addison Elizabeth O'conner-Wilson," Stephan said. "That's a beautiful name," Doctor Flemming said. The doctor walked outside the room door, and stephan put the baby in Rylies arms and sat in the chair, laying his head on the bed. "I love you always will, I'm sorry you had to go through what you did and I'm just glad you made it to this point you are truly amazing and powerful you have a strong Personality and there is no one that will ever be quite as amazing as you are I Love You" Stephan said kissing her on her lips.

2 days later... December 9th, 3:54 P.M 2029 Daly City California (BlessedLands County)

"You ready the doctors are gonna be in any minute." Stephan said in excitement, "we are gonna take our girl home," Stephan said with a smile. The door smashed open, "Get down. NOW WE GOTTA LOCK EVERYTHING UP AND BOARD IT UP," Doctor Flemmings said, rushing towards the bed, moving it towards the door as fast as he could. He began boarding everything he could up at the door, including the bench like area and chairs along with the table in front of the bed. "Listen, look outside. Don't freak out, but look outside," Doctor Flemming said. Stephan peaked through the blinds and realized there were walkers crawling all over the streets. "NO, I GOTTA GO NOW LET ME OUT I NEED TO GET GRAYSON AND SADIE I LEFT THEM WITH BILLY,Stephan said. "I haven't even spoken to anyone about there police jobs. Oh my god, I hope everyone is okay," Stephan said, worried and terrified for his entire Groups Lives. He then unclicked the locks, locking the window. He then opened the window just enough to squeeze his Thin Toothpicked body through it. He fell out the other side, looking into the window, "Listen to me close this lock it don't leave no matter what I love you," Stephan said. "I love you," she said, a tear swishing down her cheek. The window was locked, Stephan turned around pulled his knife from his pocket he began stabbing the walkers in there skulls having the blade Squish through there Marshmello soft brains oozing the blood from the hole the knife gets ripped from. He used the Matel peice of his arm and smashed it over the Walkers Skull, then used the Blade of the knife to stab the walker in its skull. He then ducked under one of the walkers Arms kicking his leg backwards forcing the walker to the ground, he then took his Metal blade attatched to his arm and smashed it over the another walkers skull then taking the knife and jabbing it through the top of its Head, he then turned around and stomped on the other walkers skull squishing its brain into the ground. He watched it splat like a watermelon after being thrown at a wall. The blood oozed all over the ground. He looked at one of the Walkers they looked like an officer upon closer inspection he realized it was the same guy from the podium at the funeral. He walked over to the Walker and took his knife. The walker grabbed his shoulder, and he stabbed the knife through its skull and then pulled it out. Blood spewed everywhere. He wiped some of the blood off on his leg, and in the distance, he saw Police killing the Walkers. He noticed it was Kasey Audrey and Will. "You decided to tag along and be a cop too, I see," Stephan said as he began helping them kill the Walkers. "Oh shut up, I'm here, ain't I? I'm doing the best I can," Will said as he shot a walker in its skull. "Do you know if the kids and everyone else are fine?" Stephan asked. "Yes, they are boarded up in a house," Audrey replied. "What house?" Stephan asked, "it's all the way down that way straight," She said, pointing left. Stephan continued to walk that way. Audrey went to stab a walker, and she missed the walker using its body weight, causing her to fall. She held its face, struggling to pull it off her it continued to bite down, trying to get to her flesh. Will Stabbed the Walker in the skull. He helped her up, "You okay?" he said. "Yeah, thanks," she replied. A walker that was crawling bit Will directly in his Calf muscle. It tore the flesh from his bones, half the peices of his skin falling out of the walkers mouth and onto the ground. He fell straight to the ground, screaming in pain. He grabbed his leg, swaying back and forth, Kasey stabbed the walker in the skull and continued to kill the walkers as Audrey came to check on him. "You okay?" she said. "No, not really. I'm dead. We don't have anything to cut my leg," Will said. Audrey looked at Kasey, Kasey looked back. "I'm so sorry, Do you want me to you know" Audrey said, "yes please I don't wanna feel this pain or deal with a Fever just do it" Will said, Audrey stood up she took the Gun "Im Sorry" Audrey said as she pulled the trigger and shot it. The bullet entered Wills Forehead, blowing a Whole into his brain. His lifeless body dropped to the ground. Not a sound in sight, Audrey turned around in guilt and continued to kill the walkers. Stephan continued to kill walkers as he got closer towards the House. He stomped on one of the walkers legs snapping its decayed bone in half dropping it to the ground he took his knife and then stabbed it in it's skull he kept going, he got up to the Stairs stumbling his way towards them he Climbed up the stairs using what strength he had left to get to the door and proceeded to go towards the window that was boarded up but was accessible "Hey somebody help open up its Stephan" Stephan yelled Charlotte plopped the boards onto the ground and helped stephan inside the building. She began reputting them back up, blocking off the window. "I've got a plan but it's gonna take alot, I gotta gather Will and all them over there, which will make this better, the only way out is well the same way you'd get through a Horde any other time. He looked outside he saw Derek, who was now a walker walking Amongst the Horde. "Damn that sucks" Stephan said to himself as he prepared everyone, "I have a plan but it causes us to have to make our way towards the government facility no idea what they call it now or what they have called it before I'm not from around here but I do know where it's located, I'm gonna go outside kill 2 walkers and bring them in here You know what to do everyone does we have been through this enough to know. Charlotte them plucked the boards from the Window making Clacking sounds as she did, Stephan noticed Derek coming towards the house with 2 other walkers, "Alright I got this" Stephan said as he hopped out the Window. He ran towards the Walkers, jumping off one, and he sliced the other walkers, Skull, so deep half it's Brain was disconnected from the other parts, causing it to drop immediately, not moving. He then turned and stabbed the other walker in its Skull, followed by a powerful kick to the last walkers. Chest, he then took the knife and threw it. The knife missed the walker, and he pulled out his Navy Revolver, blasting it through the Walkers' brains. Blood splattered out the back of its head as the bullet shot through. It then dropped onto the ground as he began picking them up one by one. He used all his strength to pick them up as quickly as he could. Robby helped with the third. He placed both the Walkers in the house as Robby entered it with the third one. "I'm gonna get everyone else. Stay here," Stephan asked. Charlotte began boarding up the window again as Stephan turned around to find everyone.
He continued to walk and kill walkers as he continued to walk he got closer to Kasey and Audrey. He got up to Kasey and Audrey. "Hey guys, head back to the house," Stephan said. "I got others I need to find." He continued as they continued on to the house, and he went in the opposite direction. He continued on through the Horde in Search of Billy and JR. As he walked, he came around. The store he works at, it looked untouched, and no walkers were around. Stephan walked into the shop "Billy you here," Stephan said. Billy came from the back of the shop, "yeah, why" Billy asked "you don't notice all those walkers outside" Stephan said, "no walkers came around here what are you talking about" He chuckled, "I mean, there's literally an entire Horde taking over right now but I have a plan to stop it but I need to speak to the President of this place" Stephan said. "Okay well I guess I will tag along" Billy said as they both exited the store, they both continued down the Road as they continued Stephan saw JR in the distant, a walker was on top of him. Stephan ran down the street. He stopped dead in his tracks, noticing an Entire Horde right behind JR coming closer towards him. "NO" Stephan said as he continued to run, he pointed his Navy Revolver towards the walker and shot, the bullet Gracefully shot the walker in the cheek causing it to fall over, JR pushed it off himself stabbing it in the head he then proceeded to pick his Gun up. "Thank you man" JR said "Listen to me, we don't got time to chit chat let's go we gotta get back to The house Everyone's at I got a plan and we need to get away from the Horde" Stephan said. They all began running towards the house and got up to the steps as Charlotte quickly ripped the boards off the window, Stephan, JR, and Billy hopped in the house, "Listen not yet I got one more trip to make get us all in the same room." Stephan said as he hopped out the window. "Good luck," JR said. "Thanks." Stephan nodded as he continued on towards the hospital. He grabbed a walker by its skull, smashing its head off the medal pole as he continued through the path. As he continued, he heard a noise behind him sounding like running and loud growls. Realizing the Walker was running towards him, he began to freak out. "What in the actual F***?" Stephan said as the walker came closer. He pulled out his Navy Revolver and pointed it towards the walker he shot the gun. The bullet shot directly into its brain, but it continued to run. He backed up as fast as he could and continued shooting. "Why is this gun so S*****?" Stephan said to himself as he continued shooting and then reloading. The walker got closer and leaned itself onto him as it tried biting his face. The snapping from the Jaw biting down full force Rose as it neared his cheek. The navy Revolver dropped onto the ground. PFFFFFFFFFFT. The sound of a bullet shot from the left as the walker flew directly onto the ground. "We came to find you, hey, are you okay? The hospital is overrun now. We had to exit through the window," Doctor Flemming said as Rylie was holding Addison. "Hey," Rylie said, "Hey, let's go," Stephan said as they ran towards the House. "Everyone's safe I got a plan that involves the President of this place I can almost gaurnetee he's hiding out in his Oval Office hes the key to stopping this entire thing it involves the Military and Police force as a Whole though if there even left, and who knows whos actually still alive here." Stephan said. In the distance, they saw a man fighting for his life against 3 walkers. Stephan ran towards him and chimed in, shooting all 3 walkers down. "Unless you want to die, i suggest you follow us," Stephan said towards Alfred. Alfred continued to follow them as they continued on the path towards the house. "How much further?" Alfred asked. "Just a little ways theres walkers in the place we are gonna use the walkers to put their guts all over us in hopes of traveling through the horde and getting to the government facilities." Stephan said. "I have a plan," he continued. as they continued down the path, killing Walkers every step of the way they got up to the steps, and each stepped up the steps. Charlotte plucked the boards off the window, and Stephan, Jr, Alfred, Billy, Doctor Flemming, Rylie, and Addison all went inside through the window. Charlotte began boarding the windows back up. "Alright, everyone is gonna put walker guts on themselves, and we are gonna make our way to the governments facilities. Alfred, Stephan, Dr. Flemming, Rylie, Addison, Sadie, Grayson, JR, Charlotte, Kasey, Robby, Audrey, and Billy All began putting walker guts on Themselves. They finished, Guts all over there Clothes, Stephan began plopping the boards off the front door of the building. He looked back at everyone else and nodded his head. They all stepped into the Horde of walkers and began making their way through. As they continued to walk through the Horde, everyone was prepared. In the distance, they all saw the government facility. "Over there guys, you see it," Audrey said. Her eyes widened as she realized she messed up. Walkers all around began walking towards her she pulled out her pocket knife and began stabbing them one by one. Everyone watched in Horror. Stephan looked at Robby, "F*** this doesn't look good," Stephan whispered. A walker came from the side and bit Audrey in her arm. It began biting hard, and she let out a squeal as he backed up. The walker walked right towards her again, and she stabbed the walker in its head. 4 walkers came from the sides, and one began biting her leg, dropping her to her knees. The other one came from behind and bit the side of her throat. It bit down harder, ripping the flesh off the bone. Blood spewed all over the place, splatting on the ground. She tried to scream, but all that came out was gurgles as she silently fell to the ground walkers, eating into her flesh. Stephan looked down and turned around. A strong feeling of guilt and shamefullness filled his entire body as he slowly continued guiding everyone towards the government facility. They got onto the platform leading to the front doors, Stephan led them to the front doors which were boarded up, he began going around the sides of the building in search of some sort of opening he found a huge glass like Door. He went to Try the knob and it was locked, he kicked the glass in and shattered it, he immediately called everyone over, they all began entering the building Stephan grabbed onto the bar that sat inside and pulled it down blocking the door way, they all began running across the entire building making there way upstairs. They got up to 2 big doors, "HEY" Stephan yelled. "HEY!" Stephan yelled again. "WE NEED HELP AND WE CAN HELP YOU REBUILD THIS TOWN," Stephan said. "No, you can't," a voice from inside spoke. "Everyone's already dying out on the streets it's too late." The man from inside said. "Listen, we can help. Just open up. We will give you a game plan we need as many people as we can get," Stephan yelled back. The doors began slowly creaking open. "Come in," the voice said from inside. They all slowly made their way inside. As they made their way in, they saw 5 Soilders standing there and Malcom in front. "This is what's left of our army. I didn't suspect we would ever end up dealing with something like this," Malcom said. "We are gonna try and help, but we could use as many men as you're willing to let help," Stephan said. "All of them, including me, we will all be a part of it. we were gonna stay in here and wait it out, but whatever you need, let us know," Malcom answered. Stephan nodded his head. "There's around what 17-18 of us in here, at least," Stephan asked "yes" Robby answered. Stephan loaded his Navy revolver fast. "Kids, you stay in here boarded up, Charlotte. You stay with them, everyone else with me," Stephan said as they all exited the room.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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