Part 2 Section 4- Turn of Events

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April 8th, 2:00 P.M 2026
Escape City
"Have a nice day" David spoke. "You too" the customer replied as he continued to walk out the door. David began walking outside the counter and walked over to the door, he turned over the sign making it say closed. He then began walking up the stairs of the bank. He walked down the hallway and went to the last room on the right. He twisted the key into the doorknob, and opened the door. Paul layed lifeless but nonetheless alive, strapped to the chair. "What the hell is wrong with you you think killing a man's kids in front of him and beating him to death then strapping him to a chair is a sane thing to do" Paul spoke fiercely. "No but for science it's what I have to do" David spoke. "For science" Paul yelled moving his hands roughly against the straps, his wrists began to bleed. David walked closer and grabbed a bag then began to slowly put it over Pauls head. David got closer, "Honestly your just a b****" David spoke. Then got closer, "you let 2 people that do not belong here into my place, and you don't even think about telling me I seen you and now I have to find them as well all because of you" David spoke again. Paul used his head and smashed it into David's nose, David's nose began to gush out blood. "You motherf*****" David yelled as he got up and punched paul across the face. He then walked over to the counter and grabbed a tissue and put it over his nose. David threw the tissue on the ground and walked over to paul and punched him in his nose. Blood gushed out. "You like that feeling, yeah, just you wait until you get cut open and I test on you while you slowly die and turn into a walker" David spoke with a loud voice. "I just have to say I got pictures of what those people look like, I took them when they were in the light, all I have to say is when they die there blood is on your hands" David lifted his fist up and threw a huge right cross around Paul's jaw. Paul looked up. "Is that all you got" Paul laughed. David walked over to the counter and grabbed the tranquilizer needle, and walked over to paul. Paul tried head butting but missed. He then began to start kicking. "I would stop before I accidentally kill ya early" David spoke David quickly gave paul a huge headbutt. Then stuck the needle in his leg. Paul began to feel sleepy. His eyes began to close. Everything grew silent. David lifted paul off the Chair and began bringing him down the stairs, then he began walking over to the basement of the Bank. He opened the door. Recent blood stained the stairs. David turned the light to the basement on and then closed the door. And continued to walk down the stairs with Paul's sleepy body. He then walked Down a huge tunnel. After about 30 minutes he hit a set of ladders and began climbing slowly with Paul's body on him, he threw Paul's body onto the ground above the Tunnel. "Ahhh here the testing facility" David spoke as he finished climbing the ladder. He then pushed the ladder down a little and walked over to the button closing in the floor. He pressed the button and the floor closed. He then lifted Paul's body onto the bed. "I'd be surprised if all the cities left weren't doing this procedure to try and get the world back or at least back to the way it should be" David spoke. He then grabbed his chain saw and began running it. The chainsaw soured with noise. He then put the chainsaw on Pauls stomach and continued to slice. He sliced a whole on the side of his body then walked over to the counter and placed this machine inside Paul's body. He then closed the flab and took his staple tool and pressed it against Pauls stomach 7 times. He then began putting Paul's shirt back on. Paul opened his eyes, and began freaking out. "WHAT THE F*** DID YOU DO TO ME" Paul screamed. David took his pistol and shot paul directly in his heart. Paul dropped to the floor. David sat there waiting. "Please don't turn" David continued to repeat to himself in his head. Pauls body began to turn a light grayish color and his skin began pale. David felt Paul's head and it was cold to the touch. "S***" then Pauls eyes opened David took his pistol and Shot Paul in the head. Pauls body layed there dead. Silence brewed the Empty Research facility. David slowly stood up, "this is not what I wanted agh damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit" David spoke to himself then began getting on his computer. He looked over and seen his password on the counter. *123WalkerZone* he looked at his computer and types it on the computer. He then opened his email files. He clicked Ashton's name who still hasn't answered him for 2 months now. He clicked out of it, "I need to find those people" he stood up and walked out the main door of the Facility.
Meanwhile... April 8th 5:00 P.M 2026
"Jimmy" Dillon Spoke. "Yes" Jimmy answered. "Somethings off about this place, look over there" Dillon spoke as he pointed to Pauls Old house. "It's all destroyed and broken down" Jimmy spoke. "What could of happened" Jimmy questioned. "Honestly bro, I think we have a problem" Jimmy replied. "Think, Paul helps us in now all of a sudden he's gone and his house is destroyed" Dillon said. "I mean good point" Jimmy said. "Maybe we should leave honestly before that's us" Jimmy spoke then began walking with Dillon towards Austin's house. They got to Austin's house and Jimmy began to knock. The door knocks sounded as Austin looked over to the front door. He put his spatula down that he was using to cook eggs. He pulled out a knife from the draw on the side of the sink in the kitchen. And began walking over to the door. He looked through the peephole and seen Jimmy and Dillon. He proceeded to open the door, "hey I think we are gonna get going, there's no sign of Adam anywhere and that's really the only person we had that had information to what we needed to I think it's about time we leave" Jimmy spoke towards Austin. "Right now" Austin questioned. "Yeah right now" Austin shook jimmy's hand and Dillon shook Austin's as well. Jimmy and Dillon began walking out the door and down the long road to an endless Journey. Jimmy looked at Dillon, "You gotta be grateful though that at least we have found a place we can maybe come back to" Jimmy spoke towards Dillon. PFFFFFT. A loud gunshot sounded as people began running around everywhere. Jimmy looked over at Dillon, Dillon dropped hard onto the ground, Face-planting the hard cement. Jimmy ran over to Dillon and flipped his body over, A Bullet wound layed right above Dillons both eyes. "ARE YOU SERIOUS" Jimmy screamed and began looking around. "YOU STUPID MOTHERF*****" Jimmy screamed loudly Jimmy then, pulled his knife from his pocket and began running around everywhere. Austin came out of his house and looked over to see Dillon laying on the ground and Chaos all around the City. "This is seriously a chain Reaction" Austin spoke running back inside to grab a weapon.

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Part II Section 5- Part ways

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