3 - next time?

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*Octavia's POV*

Did I just imply that he take me on a date? I hope he didn't take it that way...

Ryan giggles and says, "Sure, but my friend is picking me up so I'll ask him to drop us off at The Grill."

"Sounds good." I took an Uber here, so that's why I couldn't offer to drive. I pull out my phone and go on Twitter.

"What's your Twitter?" He asks me.

I look up and hesitate. It's linked with my YouTube and I don't know if he'll understand, whatever. He just met me so he can judge all he wants.

"Oh, uh. It's @Octavgon." I say giggling. I spell it out for him.

"You're a YouTuber?" He asks.

I can feel my face heat up and say, "Yeah.." trailing off.

"Don't worry I do to, I understand. Don't get worried." He says understandingly.

As he reads more about me on my Twitter, his eyes widen.

Did I post something weird? Did I reply to someone bad? What is he looking at?

"No fucking way." He says.

"Hm?" I hum out of curiousity not trying to sound worried or uneasy.

"You play Minecraft."


"So do I!" He says looking up from his phone.

"Oh my god." I smile big. Finally someone I can be myself around, I mean...Not yet.

"Is that him?" I ask gesturing to the car pulling up.

"Oh, yeah."

The car stops and I see a cute fella in the driver's seat. Brown hair with brown eyes, he's cute.

Ryan opens the back seat for me and he sits in the passenger seat.

"Uh, who is this female in my car?" The guy asks as I buckle my seatbelt.

"Oh, haha this is Octavia." Ryan says turning back to me, as does the other guy. I wave and smile at him.

"Hi, I'm Brayden." He says.

"Hi, Brayden." I smile.

Then Ryan tells him where to go and we get to the grill in about 10 minutes.

"Thanks for the ride, Brayden." I thank him.

"No problem, maybe later we can have a formal introduction." He smiles. I smile back.

Ryan and I walk into The Grill and we sit down at a little table for two.

Once the waitor comes over to us he asks us for our orders.

"I'll have the avacado burger with lemonade, please." I smile.

"And I'll take the ceaser salad with iced tea." Ryan orders after me.

Thw waitor scribbles on his note pad and then says, "Alright, I'll have your drinks in a few, and your meals a little later!"

"So. Tell me about you." Ryan says leaning forward.

"Well, it's pretty sad. And I don't want any more crying today." I say laughing.

"Tell me."

"Ryan, I just met you today and I'm already having lunch with you. You're lucking you got me this far." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Plllleaaaseeeeee!" He begs.

I hesitate but then I start spilling our my life story.

"Well, I was born on October 5th and when I was 2 years old I was diagnosed with leukemia. I was on 2 years of chemo and then I was cured by the time I was 4. I don't remember much, but looking at pictures make me so sad. Thinking that they're are other kids out there dealing with this right now."

I pause.

"Skipping to school days, I was okay in elementary school. Got good grades, had a best friend, pretty okay childhood. When I got to middle school, I was disgusted by all these girls my age dressing like they were 18 and were the best shit that ever walked the earth."

I giggle at what I was about to say next.

"Then one day a girl said I was fake and an attention whore. How did she even know what a 'whore' was?! Whatever. But after she said that I told her, 'And you're telling me?!' and then I slapped her."

"Wow, badass Octavia."

I smirked, "Basically, buddy dude."

He giggled and told me to continue.

"Well when I was 13 years old my mom died in a car accident to a drunk driver." I said looking down, telling myself to not cry.

I could feel his eyes on me.

I sniffed and continued.

"That was in 8th grade, so a little into the school year my dad took me out and put me into online school. I didn't really miss anyone except this one kid, Michael. He was always there and understood me. He never left my side until I left his..." I feel my eyes tearing up. Stop Octavia.

"After I left public school I totally blocked out the world. I became depressed and just, I don't-" I said putting my face into my hands.

"I understand the whole depression thing, don't go into detail if you don't want to." He said.

"My internet friend saved me. She was there when others weren't. She never left me and I never left her.She lives in Australia, so I haven't met her yet. But it's going to happen one day, I know it is." I say wipping away my tears and manage a smile.

Ryan smiles back and says, "So then you got a YouTube and blew up the internet."

I laugh, "Basically."

"Alrighttt, here are your drinks!" The waitor says handing us our drinks.

I take my lemonade and Ryan takes his iced tea.

"I'd ask you for your story, but I've had enough story telling for today." I say taking a sip of my lemonade. Damn, this lemonade is good.

"Haha, yeah. Let's leave my story for another time." He says drinking his iced tea.

Another time? Is he implying we see eachother again?

"Another time?" I say smiling.

"Yeah, like the next time we hang out, eh?"

"Who said there will be a next time?" I question him.

"I did." He giggles.


Hope you liked. :) I definitely liked :D

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