35 - home sweet home

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*Ryan's POV*

A couple days later.

I walk into Octavia's hospital room and was ready to bring her home.

She was being discharged today and we were more than happy that she'd be out of that enclosed room.

"Hey cutie." I say giving Octavia a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi." She smiles.

"Oh, and I forgot to tell you that Graser and Parker have been uploading videos for you." I say gathering together some of her things.

Her eyes widen. "Well, fuck me." She laughs.

"How hard?" I smirk, laughing afterwards.

"Oh my god." She rolls her eyes and laughs with me.

I toss her a sweatshirt and leggings to change into since she was still in her hospital gown.

"Thanks." She starts to get up and stumbles, so I rush to her and support her.

"I'm fine." She assures me.

"Doubt it."

She glares at me and pushes free from my grip to walk to the bathroom to change. I shrug it off and begin pack up her stuff again.

She walks out a few minutes later and a nurse comes into the room as well.

"Here is your prescription, you can go to any pharmacy to get it. Other than that, we can leave whenever you're ready!" The nurse exclaims.

"I've been ready since the day I got put in here. Let's go!" Octavia laughs and grabs her phone, pillow, and car keys.

*Octavia's POV*

1:32 p.m.

Finally, back in my own apartment and where I felt safe.

I hear a knock on the door and Ryan goes to get it. I hear his welcoming voice and I already hear footsteps running to me.

"Octagon!" A voice shouts. Once I see her turn into my room, I know who it is.

"Bee!!" I shout bringing her into a hug.

"I know I saw you yesterday, but I missed you!!" She says tightening the hug.

"Well now you can help me unpack!" I pull away from the hug and give a cheesy smile. She glares at me, but then smiles and giggles.

2:14 p.m.

Bee and I finished unpacking my belongings and I showered. The hospital showers are so terrible and painful, so it was very nice to have a relaxing shower after all the shit that has been happening.

"How long are you guys staying in America?" I ask Bee and I put my hair up in a towel so it can dry.

"We don't know. We're just staying until we feel like leaving, which will be hard to determine because I never want to leave my best friends." She says looking up from her phone.

"Oh don't worry, Ryan and I will probably end up coming to Australia to visit you guys anyways." I chuckle.

"Oh! I meant to ask you, are you guys togeth-"

"Yes," I cut her off, "we are. Don't make it a big deal, please?"

"Don't worry, but he already announced it on Twitter." She says rather quickly as if she thought I wouldn't hear it.

I grab my phone and go to Twitter.


Wanted to inform you guys that @Octavgon and I are now together! Please do not flood us with questions, she's going through a hard time right now!

What a cutie.

I giggle and lay down on my bed. Bee sits at the other end of my bed as she edits a video, and I pull up the videos that Parker and Graser have been uploading to my channel.

I watch all of them, and laugh hysterically at each of them.

I have amazing friends.

Am I a good friend?

These thoughts filled my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

3:34 a.m.

I wake up to my room and apartment filled with darkness. I open my phone to see the time.


I slept a really long time holy shit.

I examine my surroundings and see that Bee is no longer here, so her and Straub probably went back to their hotel for the night.

Then I felt movement in my bed, and saw Ryan to my right.

I snuggle up beside him and his arms snake around me, bringing me closer to him.

I kiss his jawline and snuggle back into his chest, thankful for every moment I had with him.


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