32 -shots & medication

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*Brayden's POV*

Ryan had texted me earlier to pick Straub and Bee up from the airport when they arrived in Canada. He also told me that Octavia woke up and was okay.

I sighed in relief and got a text from Bee.

B: we're here!

I smile and slip my phone back into my pocket. I was already at the airport so I walked to the gate where they were coming out of.

A huge smile spreads across my face when I see Bee and Straub coming my way.

"Heyyy!" I say pulling Bee into a hug when we reach each other.

"Hey Brayden!" Her heavy accent is apparent.

"Hey dude!" Straub says giving a hug.

We get all organized and then I drive them to their hotel that they'd be staying at for a little bit. They'd most likely end up staying with us later on.

They check into their hotel and I wait in my car as they get settled. I text Ryan telling him we would be there soon.

Soon later I saw the two come out and followed into my car.

"You excited to meet your best friend?" I ask Bee as I start the engine.

She glances at me with a big smile and nods profusely.

We arrive at the hospital and I lead them to Octavia's room.

Just before we walk into her room, Bee stops in her tracks.

"I'm about to meet her." She shakes her head in shock and covers her smile with her hands.

"Lets go!" Straub grabs Bee's hand and pulls her along his side. I open the door to see Ryan sitting with Octavia. Her attention goes to ours.

*Bee's POV*

My nerves are high and my palms are sweaty. My best friend was in that room.

Brayden opens the door and my heart is racing. My vision is blocked from Ryan sitting in front of Octavia, but he soon moves out of the way.

Her eyes light up and I run to her side.

I sit on the bed and we slam into each other with an enormous hug.

We stay like that for a little and then we release. We look each other in the eye and just cherish this moment. Seeing her in real life and not over a computer screen was the most thrilling feeling in the world.

"You look even more gorgeous IRL!" I tell her.

She laughs and I start tearing up.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Just seeing you like this breaks my heart. Remember when we'd always plan how we were going to meet?"

She nods.

"We said we would be at PAX and we would explore the booths and panels together, it was going to be the best day of my life." I pause.

"But today it that day, just modified. I still got to meet you which already makes this trip worth it, I just can't stand seeing you like this." I wipe away a few tears.

"Aw, Bee! I'm alright girl." She pulls me into another hug.

I pull out my phone and take a picture of us. I don't post it to Twitter yet because no one knows she's in he hospital, and that would stir up too many questions.

*Octavia's POV*

The boys leave and Bee and I catch up and I talk to her about why I'm in the hospital.

"Oct.." She says sympathetically pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine, seriously. I'm going to be seeing a therapist to help with things, and to see if I..." I hesitate.

Bee looks at me like she wants me to continue. "And?"

"See if I have depression again..." My voice grows quiet.

Her eyes look in mine and hers start to water.

"I'll be here through everything. You are my best friend and I won't even leave your side, okay, Octagon?" We hug again.

"Yes, Bee. Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you in my life. I'm so glad you're here right now." I can't help but smile.

The nurse walks in with my medication and a shot.

I hate shots.

"Alright, Oct. This won't take long. But on the bright side, after this is done, I told your friends that you could go down with them to the cafe and get some food!"

I smile at that and she starts preparing me a drink to take my meds with.

She sets the pills on the table to my left and I pick up the 3 small pills and toss them into my mouth. I take a big gulp of water and swallow all 3 pills.

Bee throws me a thumbs up so I give one back.

My nurse, which her name is Lia, starts to sterilize the upper part of my left arm. I feel coldness touch my skin and I can smell the sterile wipe.

I see her in my peripheral vision that she's holding up the shot, so I try to focus on other things.

I look outside and tried zoning in on the shining sun. It got to the point where the beams of light blinded my eyes, so I looked away. I felt a sharp pain in my arm.

Yep, there's the shot.

"All done!" Lia says putting a band-aid.

She leaves and tells me to be back in my room by 6:30, and it was 3 right now.

So I have 3 hours to kill with my pals in the hospital cafe.


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