16 - is it still a game?

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*Octavia's POV*


I didn't see Ryan after work, instead I went home and went on TeamSpeak with Bee like I promised I would.

I didn't tell her anything about Ryan and I. When you get Bee involved with your relationships, she is basically your coach and tells you how to run it.

And plus, Ryan and I weren't even dating.

Bee and I were talking when Graser and H join our chat on TeamSpeak.

'Heyyyy, how are my two favorite fan-girly girls?" Graser says in his usual obnoxious voice.

"I'm not a fangirl this is my job, I've learned to deal with you." I say laughing.

"Aww, you mean you don't loveee your quality time with Master G?" He asks again.

All 4 of us keep chatting. Eventually the entire gang is in the chat and we're all talking and hanging out.

I loved these types of nights.

I went to bed around 1:00 AM, I was exhausted.

I wake up being thankful that I didn't work today. I was going to snapchat Bee, but I couldn't help but notice that my hair color was fading very badly.

So, I snapchat Ryan and Bee saying what I should dye my hair next.

Bee says blonde again, and so does Ryan. So, I decided that today I shall re-color my hair back ro my natural hair color. Anyways, I liked being blonde.

I showered and let my hair down naturally, because it'd be getting done so there wasn't any point to style it.

I wore a white tank with an assortment of necklaces and some distressed jeans. I also put in my nose ring, I hadn't been wearing a lot lately because of my philtrum piercing, but today I liked both.

It was 10:00, so the hair salon wasn't open yet. I decide to text Ryan and see if he wanted to get breakfast.

I didn't get a response, so he probably fell back asleep. I thought it'd be funny to go over there and wake him back up. I had a key, so it wouldn't be hard to get in.

I get to his house and get his key out. I get to the door and unlock it quietly.

I close the door and set my bag down, take off my shoes, and creep my way over to his bed.

I could be a fucking ninja.

I thought I'd try playing his game better than he played it himself, so I'm about to pull something risky.

He was closer to the wall side of his bed, so I slide under the covers with him. I shook him until he turned to face me and opened his eyes.

He smiled. "Good morning."

"Good morning." I say smiling back.

He moved his arms out from under the sheets and stretched.

Oh damn, he was shirtless.

I bite my lip and he notices. He chuckles.

"Stop doing that." He says pushing my arm.

"Stop doing what?" I say acting confused.

"Biting your fucking lip." He says through his clenched teeth.

I laugh. It was so obvious he was holding back.

I could tell he was hesitating, so I went for it this time.

I grabbed his face and brought it to mine. Our lips slam together as his arm wraps around my waist and brings me closer to him.

His hands find their way under my shirt but I allow it. As long as he goes no further it's okay, right?

I mess with his hair and his hands make their way to my face. Then I make my way on top of him instead of laying down. I pull away for a split second to get my hair out of my face, even then he couldn't stand being disconnected from me.

We finally release after I pull away. I couldn't help but feel that this was wrong...

Was it wrong?

I run my fingers through my hair. I realize I was still on top of him.

His hands find mine and we intertwine fingers.

"So, why did you come here in the first place?" He asks playing with my hands.

"I wanted to know if you would wanna get breakfast with me before I got my hair re-dyed. I'm starving, so I'm about to just leave without you." I giggle.

"Well let me get dressed and we can go." He says as I get off of him.

As he was getting ready, I straightened out my necklaces and hair.

In about 5 minutes, he showered, got dressed, and looked hella attractive.

I take a deep breath trying to resist any temptation I had.

It's a game, Octavia. You don't have to play it all the time.

But was it really a game anymore?


hope you enjoyed <3

the actual part of her getting her hair done is in the next chapter, so it'll be the same day. just thought ending it here was reasonable :)

hope you liked biznatches :D

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