10 - melanie

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*Ryan's POV*

I wake up to the sun blaring in my face.

Dammit, I forgot to close the shades last night before bed.

And with that I got out of bed. It was only 7:45, which was extremely early for me since I only ever got up around 9-11 AM.

With all this extra time, I decided to go for a run to the local coffee shop. I get dressed in exercise attire and grab a water bottle. I clip calorie tracker to my arm and grab my phone. As I start my run I start listening to ModSun's new album.

When I arrive at the coffee shop, I turn off my music and pull my ear buds out of my ears. I walk into the cute little corner shop.

The door rings as I open it and that pulls attention towards me. I don't know why people stared, but it's whatever.

I order a caramel frappucino and take a seat by the window and pull out my phone. I had several texts from various people.

The first one was from Octavia. I smile to myself wondering how she was up so early.

O: hang out later or do u work?

R: i work at 6, so probably before then

I reply and continue checking other messages from Graser, Brayden, Mitch, and other people about clips for Cube episodes. I look up when I see a figure sit down in front of me.

"Hello." A girl with light pink hair says to me.

"Do I know you..?" I question, who the hell are you?

She puts an apologetic look on her face. "Oh! Sorry, no, no you do not. But I know you." She says with a slight smirk.

"Uh, and how do you know me?" I ask.

"ChildDolphin." She says assuming I would understand when she said that, and I did.

"Oh. So you're a fan?"

"Sorta, uh. I guess you could say that. Well, I've heard my friend talk to you and about you before, so I thought I'd say hi."

"Oh, that's cool I guess." I take a sip of my coffee.

We sit in silence until I talk again.

"Who's your friend? If they've spoken to me before then I must know them. Oh, and what's your name?"

"His name's Jordan, and I'm Melanie."

"Ohhh, cool! Yeah I know who you mean, we're actually pretty close as well." I take another sip of my coffee.

"Nice! Yeah, we're just visiting from Seattle, we came here for a concert and that's on Saturday."

"Who you going to see?"

"Bring Me The Horizon, it's our favorite band. Well, besides ModSun's music."

I shake my head and giggle. "Damn Jordan, always not telling me things."

A questioning look rests on her face.

"Those are my favorite bands too, and I'm actually going to that concert believe it or not."

"Oh my gosh, really?" She gasps.

I nod and we continue our conversation about how her and Jordan were friends and so on.

"Bye, see you on Satuday I guess." She says getting up.

"Yeah, see you." I say throwing away my empty coffee cup. I check my phone and see another text from Octavia.

O: kk. lemme know where you wanna meet

R: maybe my house?

I get an almost immediate response.

O: okay, time?

R: maybe at like 12 or something

O: okay, see ya then bud

And with that, I put my phone away and continue my run back home.


A little shorter than most chapters, but I felt the need to update. :)

BTW meeting the Cube members was absolutely amazing, they are all so amazing in person and Straub and Brayden are supppperrrr tall.

Peace out biznatches.

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