9 - work buddies

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*Octavia's POV*

That day was the best day I'd had in awhile. Ryan drove me home after we dropped Brayden off. We basically spent the day shopping and hanging out. It was really fun.

When I got home I immediatley went to my computer to call Bee. I told her I'd call her last night, but then Ryan slept over. Man, I had a lot to fill her in on.

I start a call and she picks up after 2 rings.


O: "I'M SORRYY!!!"

B: " I was kidding, I'm not mad. Now spill."

O: "Okay, well Ryan slept over last night *Bee Gasps* STOP IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK. Well we were up on the roof and it started to rain. We got locked out and had a rain fight and oh my gosh it was so fun."

B: "Sounds like it was!"

Bee and I talked for the rest of the night, well most of it. I left when I realized I had work at 10:00 AM tomorrow, damn you, Starbucks.

I took a quick shower and got in my pj's. As I got cozy in my blankets I texted Ryan.

O: hey, you work tomorrow?

R: yeah, do you?

O: yeah i work. what time does your shift start?

R: 11:00 am

O: that sucks. i could've picked you up but i work at 10

R: wanna meet up on break? like for lunch or something

O: sure, i'll text you once i get on break :)

R: k, goodnight octagon :)

O: goodnight dolphin :)

Octagon and Dolphin were our nicknames for each other, even though everyone calls me Octagon.

*Ryan's POV*

"Oh, well seems like Octavia and I are gonna hang out tomorrow on lunch break. Noice." I say to Brayden.

After I dropped Octavia off at home I ended up coming back to Brayden's to spend the night.

"Cool. Dude, do you like her?" Brayden asks me.

"To be honest I don't know. I really think she's a great person that deserves someone amazing, and I don't think I fit that description."

"You serious?" (u srs? LOL)

I nod.

"Ryan you're a great guy and all day I was thinking how you guys should be a couple. You tow have so much in common. Music, tatt-" I cut him off.

"Brayd, just stop." I laugh.

Then the rest of our night consisted of TeamSpeak and sleeping.

*Octavia's POV*

I wake up to the ringing of my phone. I look at the caller ID and Bee was calling me.


She always did this for me when I had work. She'd call me around my work time just so I wouldn't be late. I swear she's like my mothe-

I rolled out of bed and convinced myself to get ready. For once I decided to eat breakfast since it was only 8:00.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and had a glass of milk. I scrolled through Twitter and tweeted at some people and such.

After breakfast I went to tame my hair. Another lazy bun. It's kinda my special thing.

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