20 - phone call

218 11 3

*Octavia's POV*


Today Ryan and I were going shopping at the mall.

I was kind of forced into going, but it's whatever. Maybe he'll tell me what's wrong with me.

I drag myself out of bed and get dressed. I pick out an army green jacket and a black shirt. I'm too lazy to do anything with my hair so I put it up.

I accessorize and grab my belongings and go downstairs to meet Ryan.

I wait a little until he shows up.

"Hey!" He smiles as he walks up to me.

I can't help but smile when I see him, I was in such a bad mood, how does seeing him make me feel better?

It's like my mind changes when I see him. I say how much he pisses me off with this whole act going on, but I really do have feelings for him.

I smile back a 'hello'.

"Ready?" He asks me walking to his car.

I nod and plaster a smile across my face.

We get to the mall and walk around. We went into a bunch of stores and we bought a lot of clothes. We decide to sit down for a break and eat some food.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asks with a worried tone in his voice.


"Yeah, I guess."

He takes my hand and holds it tightly.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He asks trying to meet my eyes.

I take his grasp and hold it tightly too.

"Yes, of course." I smile.

3 minutes later I get a phone call from an unknown number.

I answer cautiously not knowing who was on the other line.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello, is this Octavia Lanson? Daughter of Carl Lanson?" A female voice asks.

I look at Ryan and then respond.

"Y-yes, this is she." I say stuttering.

"Hi Octavia, I am a receptionist at the Vancouver B.C. Hospital, we need you to come down here as soon as possible." She tells me.

What? Why?

"Uhm, may I know why exactly?" I ask in confusion. Ryan is right by the phone listening with me.

"Your father's plane crashed on the runway and he is in the emergency room, more details can only be shared when you arrived."

At that moment I felt my heart drop and I fell to my knees with tears filling my eyes.

Ryan took my phone and spoke to the women.

"We'll be there in 20 minutes." He says and he hangs up.

I'm a literal mess. I'm sobbing, I'm in shock, and I'm overwhelmed with sadness.

All those emotions just hit me within 1 second.

Ryan kneels down to me and tries lifting me up so I'd stand up.

"C'mon, Oct. We gotta go." He says to me.

I shake my head and he pulls me up.

We get to his car and he speeds to the hospital.

The whole drive I was crying and looking out the window thinking what I did to deserve this. What my dad did to deserve this.

Ryan looks over at me and takes a hold of my one hand that was resting on the seat.

"It's okay, Oct." He says trying to comfort me.

"No, no it's not okay. My dad is hurt with I don't even know what yet, and I haven't been there for him at all, I can't let him just fall through. I'm not ready to have no parents yet." I snap.

Ryan stays silent until we reach the hospital.

We jump out and rush to the emergency room.

I run up to the receptionist desk and say, "Carl Lanson."

"Follow the hallway and take a left, he's surrounded by doctors so he'll be easy to find." She says.

I run down the hall and Ryan follows behind me.

As I take the left the women told me to take, I see my dad wrapped up in bandages and with doctors at every side of him.

I cover my mouth in shock and I almost fall backwards but Ryan was there to catch me.

I turn to face Ryan and he pulls me into a comforting hug. He knew I needed it right now.

I completely let go. I let my tears flow down my face and into Ryan's shirt. Then I see the load of doctors rolling my dad into a surgery room. At that time, I had a nurse tap my shoulder.

I release from Ryan's arms and I face the nurse.

"I'm assuming your Carl's daughter?" She asks flipping through papers.

I nod.

"Alright sweetheart. Well your father suffered from the crash with a punctered lung, 2 broken legs, a broken arm, and he's losing a lot of blood."

I broke out into tears. I couldn't even try to hold it in.

She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Sweetie, the doctors are taking him into surgery and are going to try to stop the internal and external bleeding, but we aren't certain on what will happen."

I nod and she tells us to go and sit down in the lounge. We do what she told us and head there.

I collapse onto the couch and lay in Ryan's arms. He wraps his arms around me.

"I'll be with you through all of this, don't worry." He says into my ear and kissed me on the head.


. just gonna leave this here

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