25 - avoiding

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*Octavia's POV*

It's been 2 weeks since I've spoken to Ryan, and 3 since my father passed.

I was still a mess.

I spent the first week with Ryan. He basically was just for company. But after a week I told him to go home and to not worry about me.

I felt like I was just calling for attention, and I hated that feeling.

I avoided all of his texts, calls, and always pretended that I was busy. I never was.

I had loads of guilt on my shoulders for never spending time with my dad, and also hated that Ryan couldn't trust me with whatever his secret was.

And because apparently there was something 'wrong' with me, according to him.

I could feel myself falling back into a terrible hole that I could possibly never get back out of, but now I felt like the world didn't really need me.

I had no family. No parents, no grandparents, no siblings that cared. Honestly, I had no purpose.

The only sibling I had was my brother Evan, and he was always going to clubs, getting girls pregnant, getting drunk and stoned 24/7.

And now I didn't even want Ryan in my life. He made me feel so happy I couldn't explain, and at the same time he made me feel like something was wrong with me or that I was untrustworthy.

He knew everything about me, why couldn't he trust me with one little secret?

*Ryan's POV*

I text Octavia again today even though I know there's no hope of her responding.

R: hey octagon, hope you're well. call me if you need anything <3

I sigh and throw my phone onto my bed.

These weeks have been painfully boring and silent. Octavia was avoiding me, it was obvious.

I know I have to tell her soon, but how am I supposed to tell her this when her father just died? What if she couldn't look at me the same...

Then I called someone I never thought I'd call again.


The phone rings 4 or 5 times until she picks up.

"Hello? Who is this?" She says like she's worried.

"Uh, hi. It's Ryan." I say.

"Oh. I uh, had your number blocked."


"Uhm, how are you?" I'm scared for her response.

"Oh just swell." You could hear the heavy sarcasm in her voice.

"The appointment was only 3 months ago, you're a little late to ask. But it was fine. No baby, no problems." She says with an attitude.

"Sorry I never called earlier. But that's good, I guess." I shrug even though she couldn't see.

"Well why did you call?" She scoffs.

"I wanted to know if you ever spoke to Octavia about, anything regarding what I did?"

She hesitates.

"Not really, I mean, I warned her. But nothing specific."

"You warned her of me?!" I shout.

"You got me fucking pregant and we weren't even together. Hell, we had only met that week."

No, no, no, no.

Memories came flooding in and I wanted it to stop. I hated what I did and being remembered made me feel even more terrible.

"You didn't have to warn her of me." I say through my clenched teeth.

"It was such a long time ago. She probably ignored it because she obviously still hung out with you."

"Okay, okay. Whatever. Bye." I hang up without a response from her.

It was a long time ago, so she obviously didn't take the warning seriously.

But if Melanie would've told her about what I did to her, Octavia would've been long gone by now.




two updates in like two days what up.

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