34 - dylan

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*Octavia's POV*

My eyes lit up and a smile grew across my face.

"Yes." I bring his face to mine and clash our lips together. I can feel his smile on his lips and I smile too.

He pulls away and we rest our foreheads on each other's.

"I love you, Octavia." His smile shoots through my body like a knife.

"I love you, Ryan." I let out a small laugh, finally realizing I could kiss him without the doubt of knowing if he really loved me.

I scoot over on the hospital bed so he could lay with me.

I pulled the sheets over us and his arms slid around my waist, hugging me close as if he was going to lose me. I did the same to him.

Eventually we fell asleep in each other's arms.

9:15 A.M.

My eyes fluttered open to a nurse changing my IV fluid, and Ryan wasn't by my side anymore.

"W-where did he go?" I ask sounding worried.

"Oh, he went to get you breakfast. He woke up about 30 minutes ago. You two are cute together." My nurse smiles.

"Thanks." I smile and stretch to release all the tension in my body.

Alright, when this is all out, press your button. You have your first therapy session today." The nurse smiles.

"Thank you. Oh, and is the therapist a man or woman?" I tilt my head.

"He's actually around your age, he's 20 and he went through similar stuff like you, I think he'll really help you."

I nod and she leaves do deal with other patients.

I reach for my phone and it falls to the ground with a crash. I cringe at the sound and realize I'm too far away from my phone to pick it up, and my body was not getting up.


Instead I flip through channels on the TV until my door opens revealing a smiling Bee and Straub.

"Hey guys!!" My face lights up at their presence and the both give me a hug. They sit at two chairs the room provided.

"How are ya?" Straub asks sitting back in his seat.

"I've been better, but I'm not too bad. You guys still jet lagged?" I giggle.

Bee rolls her eyes and nods. "It never goes away! Ever trip we go on, jet lag never disappears." She laughs and so do I.

We sit in silence for a little and Straub speaks up. "You look a lot better, everything about you seems more genuine and happy."

"Thank you Mitchell." I give a warm smile.

The door opens and sudden sounds of the outside hallways flood into my room. I hear a variety of voices, they sound worried. I hear yells, screams, and random conversations.

I've never been religious, but God, if you're up there, please bring health and happiness to that family. They need it. I think while looking down, hoping that they get the help they need.

Then my focus turns to the familiar person that walked through the door.


My heart skips a beat when I see him. Ever since I've been able to call him mine, the world got a little bit brighter.

"Hey cutie." He smirks walking over to me with food in his hand. He sets the food down on the rolling table next to my bed.

His eyes go to the ground and he makes a confusion expression. He picks something off the floor...what?

"Guessing this is yours?" He laughs holding up my phone.


I laugh and take it from him, and pull out my text messages. I click my dad and I's text and start typing.

Octavia: I miss you and love you. I'm forever sorry that I never said that too much in our life together, but I want you to know that I think about you every day and will never not think about you. Rest in peace daddy.

I hit send and a message comes up saying, 'Text Failed to Send' because his number was deactivated when he passed. I frown to myself but quickly replace it with a smile.

"You okay?" Bee asks.

I nod and breath in. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. So, what'd you get me?" I smirk looking at what Ryan placed on my table.


I press the nurse button so my nurse would come to my room.

Bee and Straub left a little bit ago to go get food, they promised they would be back after my therapy session.

I was glad they weren't wasting their time with me in a stuffy hospital room. I didn't want this whole trip of theirs to be centered around spending all their time with me.

My nurse walks in with a smile and unhooks my IV from the tube that connected it to the fluid.

"Okay! Dylan should be here anytime now." She says throwing the bag that once held the medicine in the trash.

I assumed Dylan was my therapist.

I was excited to get help, to get better. It's something I've been wanting for a while now.

A couple minutes later a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes walked in the room. He was cute.

He flashed a bright smile that captivated my full attention. He pulled a chair up to my bed and sat in it.

"Hi! I'm Dylan and I'm assuming you're Octavia." He reaches out to shake my hand.

"Hello! And yes, I am Octavia. Nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand.

"Wow, you're way happier than some of my other patients." He mumbles.

"Well I've actually been surrounded with a lot more positivity lately and I guess that helped, but I still am not 100%." I say fiddling with my fingers.

"That's good! I read your story, and I wanted to say that I already know you're really strong. You've gone through a lot of hell and look at you know, you're still smiling." He smirks, causing my smile to grow bigger.

The rest of the session goes quite well. He told me about himself and his life, and how he got through his depression.

As he was talking, I had to question myself...

Was I still depressed?

I mean I felt happy right now because of Ryan and I together and the fact that I met my best friend.

But for some reason, I still had a part of me that wished I would've dug that key a little bit farther into my skin...

I felt guilty.

Guilty for what?

That I don't know myself...


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