23 - counting down

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*Octavia's POV*

I woke up to my phone ringing. Brayden and Ryan were still asleep, andI had no idea what time it was.

I look through my sheets until I find my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask with a groggy morning voice.

"Hello, Octavia. This is the nurse from the hospital. I have news on your dad." The voice on the other end says.

My heart drops and I dread the words that come next.

I hold my breath and hope she says I can at least see him once more.

"We suggest you get down her as soon as possible. We don't know how long he can keep up with this." She says with sorrow in her words.

I tell her I'll be there in 10 minutes.

I don't bother on waking Ryan and Brayden up, so I literally just put on shoes, and grabbed my keys and phone.

I get to the hospital and run to the room he had been in before. So many nurses and doctors surrounding the outside of the door.


*Ryan's POV*

I wake up because I heard something, but I woke up and saw nothing.

Except the fact that Octavia wasn't in bed and her phone and keys were gone.

I call her, no response. I wake Brayden up.

"Brayd, where'd she go?" I shout.

"Dude, I don't know. Hospital maybe?" He suggests.

And with that we head to the hospital and go to her father's room.

And sure enough, Octavia was standing next to 2 doctors there.

As we get closer to them, Octavia turns around and sees us. She looks as if she had just heard the worst news of her life.

We get to her and she hesitates before speaking.

"Th-they think he has like, uhm...About like 2 days t-tops to l-live." She stutters before completely breaking down.

I pull her into a tight hug as I hear her sobs muffle into my shirt.

I didn't think of telling her everything was going to be okay, because we all knew it wasn't.

"You guys can go see him, but he's still asleep from the surgery yesterday." The doctor says.

I look at Octavia and she nods.

*Octavia's POV*

"You guys can go see him, but he's still asleep from the surgery yesterday." The doctor says.

I gulp and nod.

Do this for him.

So I follow the nurse into his room and Brayden and Ryan follow after me.

Brayden pats my back before we get in.

"We can only have you in for 10 minutes." The nurse says letting us file in.

Once she moves out of my line of vision, I see my dad wrapped up in bandages sitting on that gross hospital bed.

"Dad." I whisper and walk closer.

I carefully sit by his side and hold his hand.

I feel tears fall down my cheek and a hand on my shoulder.

It was Ryan, but I don't turn around.

"I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you and for all the things I gave you a hard time about." I start.

I let out a defeated laugh. "I remember when I wanted my first piercing. I begged and begged and even when I got it you still weren't fond of it. And then I wanted a tattoo, and that was where you flipped out. So, I waited until I was of age to do it on my own." I continue to ramble on.

"Five more minutes." The nurse blurts out.

"I hope you can forgive me for all the hell I put you through," I start and begin to feel tears fall from my eyes.

"and I hope one day I'll be able to see you again and tell you this again. If you can hear me, you don't have to suffer anymore. I'd rather me suffer than you be in pain." I finish.

I wipe my tears away and turn to Brayden and Ryan.

"I'm good to go now." I get up and set my dad's hand back softly on the bed.

The 2 guys follow me out and we head to the parking lot.

I lean against my car.

"Want one of us to drive with you?" Brayden asks.

"Uh, nah. I-I'm fine." I try smiling and I fail.

"Okay. Well we are just going to head to our houses and get cleaned up. Brayden has things to do but I'll be over again soon, alright?" Ryan asks before getting in his car.

"That's fine, thanks. See you later." I say as I shut my car door.

I took the long way home. I needed to distract myself from everything.

I got home and took a shower. I washed off my makeup and got in comfy clothes. Then I go into my bed and go on my phone.

I see that I had 342 unread messages from Bee.

Most of them went like this:






I simply reply with this.

O: bee my dad is dying and he probably wont be here in 2 days

I get an almost instand response.


I explained the whole story and was sobbing by the time I finished.

B: ts?

O: im sorry i just cant. maybe some other time

B: want me to record vids for your chan?

Bee is so nice. I gladly take the offer.

O: that'd be great bee. thank you so much

B: no prob. lemme know if you need ANYTHING

I smile at that and wait for Ryan to come over. I was actually happy that'd he would be with me.

A part of me loved spending time with him but the other half hated his guts for keeping something from me.

It's like I was under a spell to keep wanting him even when deep down I was beyond furious.

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