30 - bright lights

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*Bee's POV*

My best friend was in the E.R. and I was in a whole other fucking country.

I looked up flights to Canada from Australia, and booked Mitchell's and my flight.

It was in 5 hours.

I had no idea how long we planned on staying, so I opened my suitcase and went to town.

I threw in shirts, jackets, jeans, leggings, converse, bracelets, makeup, and some other necessities.

Mitchell walks into my room with a confused expression on his face.

"Why are you throwing stuff into a suitcase?" He questions.

I turn to face him.

"Pack your stuff, we're going to Canada." I go back to folding my clothes into the suitcase.


"Octavia is in the E.R. I need to be there, Mitchell." I say seriously.

He nods and heads back to his room to pack.

I let out a sigh and throw myself onto my bed.

What could have possibly happened?

I knocked those thoughts out of my head and looked at the bright side...

I was going to meet my best friend for the first time.

I tweeted out something quick to inform others what was going on.


Heading to Canada to help out @Octavgon! Please send love her way and keep her in your thoughts.

And with that I told Mitchell we should get going, and with that the two Aussies were headed to Canada.

*Ryan's POV*

I was still nervously walking around the waiting room when Brayden walked through the doors.

"Dude, what's going on?" He asks walking over to me.

I shake my head. "I don't know. I got a call from a bartender and I came to the bar and there were police cars and an ambulance and- I just don't know." I say struggling to find the words.

"Bud I'll be here the whole time, alright?" Brayden says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nod as a 'thank you' and we sit down.

An hour later, I was drifting to sleep when a nurse woke me up.

"Excuse me, sir?"

I open my eyes.

"Y-yes?" I sit myself up in my seat.

"You are here concerning Octavia Lanson, correct?" She asks.

"Yeah, he is too." I point to Brayden. He gives a cheeky smile and a small wave.

The nurse smiles and tells us to follow her.

We enter a hospital room with Octavia laying unconscious in a hospital bed.

We sit down in the chairs provided and wait for the nurse to tell us what is going on.

"Alright." She says pulling a chair in front of us.

"Well, Octavia was at the Monroe Club tonight. She had high counts of alcohol in her bloodstream, she was very drunk." She pauses.

"Octavia has many cut marks on her left wrist, and one of the keys on her key chain was used to make those cuts."

I cringed at every word being told, my poor Octagon.

"We believe in spite of her being drunk, she did this to herself. But we need to know why she did this to herself, any ideas?" She asks us.

I hesitate before speaking.

"Her dad just passed away and that's been really hard on her, and I think she's just been in a dark place. But I mean, couldn't have just been from being drunk?" I ask.

"Well, even when you're drunk, your mind still has its own thoughts. A normal drunk person would not have just done this to themselves. Usually when the body is drunk, the mind just does things it was thinking of doing without really thinking it through...Does that make any sense?" She explains.

Brayden and I nod and try to gather what she had just told us.

"She'll be fine, but she lost a lot of blood, so she'll need a transfusion which won't be a problem. She should be out of the hospital in 10 days at most."

"When will she wake up?" Brayden asks.

"She should be waking up anytime now, the bleeding has stopped for a couple hours." The nurse smiles and leaves the room

I get up and walk to the side of Octavia's bed. I take her hand in mine and kiss the top.

"I love you." I whisper.

Brayden comes over and pats me on the back.

"Bud, I feel bad leaving, but I have a physics exam tomorrow an-"

"It's okay, Brayd. Thanks for coming in the first place." I cut him off.

We say goodbye and off he goes.

I turn back to Octavia and look at her. She had tubes going into her nose supplying oxygen and she had bandages on her cut marks.

Even then she was still beautiful.

*Octavia's POV*

My mind was awake, but my body wasn't. I tried so hard to open my eyes or move my fingers but my body refused.

I felt a hand in mine and wondered whose it was.

I couldn't remember anything, my mind was a flooded mess of thoughts from all over the place.

Where was Ryan?

Did Ryan still care about me?

I have nobody to care for me, everyone is gone. This is useless, I should just tell the doctors to kill me now.

Then, after what seemed like years of trying, my eyes finally opened at my command and the bright lights stung my vision.

I slammed my eyes shut from the brightness.

I feel the hand that was once in mine disappear from my grip and I hear footsteps.

The door opens and another set of feet walk closer to me.

"Octavia?" A women's voice asks.

I flutter my eyes open, adjusting them to the light.

"Where am I?" I look around.

"You're in the hospital, everything is okay."

How the fuck is everything okay, I'm in the damn hospital.


UPDATE YESSS. this weekend i'll be at a dance competition so i wont be able to update, but new chapters will be coming the following week so dont worry. :)

ALSO, i am starting 2 new fanfics after this one is over, so make sure to check them out once i finish this one bc im super excitedddd :D

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