7 - sleepover and my dad

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*Octavia's POV*

Ryan finished his shower and we ate our ramen watching the storm from my bedroom. Then I hope don my computer as he lay on my bed on his phone.

I really wanted to call Bee and tell her all the fun we were having, but I decided to not and spend more time with Ryan.

I spin my chair around to face him laying on my bed.


He sets his phone down. "Let's do something."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Well, we could do an omegle session? People looking for you and me. It'd be fun." He smiles.

"Sure! I'll pull it up."

I get omegle up and I tweeted out the tags we were under and Ryan and I prepare ourselves for the people to come.

After we said we were done on omegle, we still stayed around. We were clicking through random people and laughing at several of them.

Ryan had take control of the mouse and was clicking through people when a guy basically naked was on the screen.

"AHHHH!" I say diving into my bed. Ryan clicks to skip the guy and closes omegle.

I hear ihm laughing.

"What are you laughing at!?" I ask through my muffled voice since I had shoved my face in a pillow.

"How you reacted." He says quickly before he goes back to laughing.

I bring my head up from the pillow and hit him with it.

Before he hits me with my other pillow, I screech.

"NO!" I shield my face.

"What?!" He asks holding his swing.

"I don't know, just didn't want to get hit today." I say smiling laying back onto my bed. He lays beside me.

I check the time. It's 10:00.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask him.

"Sure, scary movie?"

I nod. We go onto Netflix and pick out 'The Purge:Anarchy.'

We lay on my bed and watch the movie with occasional conversations. Soon enough, I lay my head on his shoulder. We don't make it a big deal, simply becaue it wasn't one.


I yawn and stretch up. I check the time and it's 1:00 AM.

"I'm going to bed now." I say.

"Okay, where am I sleeping?" Ryan asks me. I hadn't thought where...Shit.

"Uh, you take my bed I'll take the couch. Good ni-" I get cut off.

"No, no, no, noooo. You are sleeping in your bed. I take the couch." Ryan tells me like it's the final answer.

I roll my eyes. "Well can you at least sleep in my room? I sleep alone every other night of my life and I like company." I smile hoping that didn't sound desperate.

"Okay, you got an air matress?"

I nod and grab one from my closet.

We open it up and struggle to get it working.

"No, you're doing it all wrong!" Ryan exclaims.

"Then what the hell is this button for?" I ask.

He takes the parts to the machine-blowing-up-thinger, and proves me wrong.

"There." Ryan says as he jumps on the blown up air matress.

"Okay, well you know where the bathroom is and I'll just be in my bed obviously." I say.

"Goodnight, Octavia." He says getting cozy in his blankets.

"Goodnight, Ryan." I smile as I turn off my lamp, leaving us in the complete darkness, only being lit up by the city lights.

At night I usually just watch the city to fall asleep. It's so breathtaking it makes you sleepy just looking at it. Soon I find myself tired and I drift off to sleep.


I wake up around 10:30 and I'm facing the exact spot I fell asleep at, facing the beautiful city. I see thousands of little bodies scurrying to their daily activites. I roll over on my side and see Ryan still asleep. I smile to myself.

Then I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

"Watch up, bitch." I say as the pillow hits him.

He groans and lifts his head to look at me, opens his eyes and closes them agian.

"What." He says plopping his head back down onto his pillows.

I laugh. "I'm gonna go shower, so don't go to the bathroom, okay?"

"Wasn't planning on it." He says going on his phone.

I get up and head to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, messy hair, tired face, wow I'm a mess.

I start unclothing myself and I hop in the shower. I didn't play music today, don't know why, I just didn't.

After my shower I wash my face and brush my teeth. I never really ate breakfast, I was never a morning person but today I felt in a better mood than usual.

I apply concealer, eyeliner, and mascara. Not much, but enough. I choose to wear a slightly cropped maroon sweatshirt with some distressed jeans, and my black converse. Then I decide to add an army green beanie that has a pom pom on it.

I walk out and see Ryan sitting on my bed. When I walk in he turns around.

"So, what are we doing today?" He asks me.

"Uh, I don't know. Did you even get dressed?" I ask because he was still covered in blankets.

"Uhm, no? Remember I slept over unexpectedly."

"OH. Yeah. Sorry."

Ha. I'm not really sorry because he was shirtless.

I go to my dresser in search to find something for him to wear. I had some of my brother's clothes in here because I liked wearing his clothes sometimes and never gave it back.

Then I hear a knock on the door. Without hesitating, I run to the door. My dad always taught me to be quick, otherwise people would get mad and I hated making people unhappy.

I open the door and see my dad.



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