8 - formal introductions

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*Octavia's POV*

My dad didn't tell me he'd be stopping by.

Shit, hopefully Ryan finds something to wear.

My dad steps in my apartment and I give him a big hug.

"Dad!" I say rather loudly hoping that Ryan heard and got the message.

"How is my sweet Octagon?" My dad asks me.

"Great, I didn't know you were visiting me today?"

"I wasn't planning on it, but I got an unexpected 10 hour flight delay so I thought I'd visit my amazing 8-sided shape!" He says excitingly.

I giggled when he called me an 8-sided shape.

I guide him to the kitchen island and motion for Ryan to come out.

When my dad sits down, Ryan comes out from the hall and stands beside me.

"Oh, and dad, this is my friend Ryan." I say smiling, hoping my dad doesn't judge from his tattoos and piercing.

"Hello there, Ryan!" My dad holds out his hand to Ryan.

"Hello, sir."

"How did you two meet?" My dad asks both of us.

"We-" Both of us start answering.

"You go." I tell Ryan.

"We ran into each other as we were both getting tattoos done." Ryan explains.

"Oh! That reminds me, can I see your tattoo, Octagon?" My dad asks me.

I nod and roll up my sleeve.

"That's gorgeous, Oct. So glad that it has such a strong meaning behind it...Even if your mom did hate tattoos." We all laugh.

Ryan and I sit down across from my dad at the island.

"So, where do you go from here?" I ask my hand resting my head on my hand.

"My next flight is to London, then to LA. I'll be pretty busy the next 2 weeks, won't be able to stay in touch as much as I want to."

When have you ever stayed in touch, dad.

I smile a slightly fake smile and all 3 of us continue talking about random stuff.


"Bye dad! Stay in touch, love you!" I say basically shoving my dad out the door.

As I close the door I lean against it sighing.

*Ryan's POV*

"What's wrong, Oct?" I ask, seeing her distress as she leaned against the closed door.

"I didn't want him to expect anything between us. He thinks I pick up all these random guys during the week and never speak to them again. That's probably why he didn't question you why you were here." She tells me walking back to her room, I follow her.

Why would he have any reason to think that? Did she do that in the past?

"Oh.." I say trailing off, ignoring the real question I had about what she just said.

"So. What should we do now? It's only 12:30." She asks plopping down on her bed.

"Hey, we could go meet up with Brayden! You guys didn't really get to formally talk or anything."

She laughs. "What are we, 1st class adults? But sure, lets go have a 'formal' talk with Mr. Brayden."

I let out a small laugh.

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