41 - pain

164 11 2

*Bee's POV*

I walk into Octavia's room to see her still fast asleep.

Please, get better.

I heard what happened between her and that creepy therapist of hers, and I know she didn't kiss him first, that's not like her.

I know she loves Ryan with all her heart.

I take my phone out and walk to the kitchen so I don't wake Octavia.

I call Ryan.

He answers just before it stopped ringing.

"What." His voice spats.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Why does it fucking matter?"

"Ryan, you don't want to know what I saw when I came to Octavia's."

"Oh, what now? Was she making out with fucking Dylan? Better yet, where they having s-"

"No, Ryan! What the hell? You really think she'd do that to you? She loves you!" I shout.

I hear him sigh through the phone.

"I loved her too, but she wonders why I didn't ask her out before? This is the fucking reason. I knew this would happen, and I knew she'd break my heart. I never should've spoke to her the first day I saw her."

I had to pause and take in what he just said.

"No...Ryan..." I say with sympathy.

"Whatever. Don't talk to me again if it's about her."

And with that, he hung up and left me on the blank telephone line.

*Octavia's POV*

My eyes slowly open and adjust to the light in my room. I lift my groggy head off the plush pillow and let it fall back down.

A million hits of pain hit my body.

My wrist, my head, and my heart.

I lost him, I lost my Ryan.

Water instantly starting collecting in my tear ducts.

What point do I have in life if he isn't in it?

I rub my eyes with my cold hands and groan at the pain from my wrist.

Bee rushes to my room.

"Hey, you're awake."

I nod, massaging the temples on my head.

"You need some pain meds?" Bee asks.

I nod again and instinctively grab my phone to text Ryan, but I pull my hand away just before touching the smooth surface of my phone.

Bee walks back in my room with a glass of water and 2 Excedrin pills.

I swallow them down in one swig of water.

"How is he?" I ask.

"You want honesty or sugar coding it?"


"He feels betrayed, and he knew that this would happen. He said this is why he didn't want to be in a relationship, he always gets hurt." She says looking down at the ground.

"How will I ever be able to explain to him? He'll never want to talk to me again."

"I'd try to talk to him for you, but I think this is something you need to explain for yourself."

"It's all fucking Dylan's fault. The little bitch lied to me about the whole new program shit and came over to get all over me. What a douche. Now he ruined my entire life." I say, my voice becoming shaky.

Bee comes and sits on my bed next to me.

"Look, no matter what kind of shit feelings you're feeling right now, Ryan does still love you. You may not think so, but he does. True love doesn't disappear after one mistake, and I can assure you that Ryan's love for you won't just disappear with the snap of a finger. Have hope, he isn't done loving you." Bee comforts me.

And with that she left my room, leaving me to only myself and my fucked up thoughts.

Ryan, I hope you understand.



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