28 - apartment key

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*Ryan's POV*

Five calls and ten texts later, she still didn't answer me.

She really does hate me now.

I fucked up. I ruined my chances with the one person who I actually cared about, why did I have to let my dumb past with sluts ruin my future with someone as fragile as Octavia?

I figured she wouldn't want me searching for her, so I hoped on teamspeak and joined a channel with the boys, and Bee of course.

Ryan- Hey guys.

Graser- Hey buddy!! Waaashcabadoslika.

Bee- How's Octavia?

Ryan- I don't really know, I told her what happened with Melanie and I and now I can't reach her and I don't know. I screwed everything up.

Will- Dude, give her time. She figured something pretty huge out and she's still getting over her father's passing, let her cool off a bit.

Mark- Yeah, and when she likes you again, ask her out dude.

Ryan- I know I am, I just hope she won't still hate me.

Bee- She won't and if she does I'll talk to her. She knows deep down that she loves you, she just doesn't want to admit it.

Ryan- Thanks guys, well I'm gonna draw a bit and chill on mute for a lil' bit. Talk to you guys later.

And with that I muted my mic and moved to the AFK room.

I turned up some music by KR and ModSun and started drawing.

*Octavia's POV*

(In this she is drunk BTW.)

I wobbled out to the dance floor and started dancing like I had no cares in the world.

Mainly because I didn't.

I felt someone dancing close behind me, he was pressing his body to mine.

As I turned around the guy grabbed my face and brought mine to his.

Our lips clashed and both of our lips tasted of alcohol.

The kiss was nothing soft or sweet. It was harsh and rough.

I bit his lip and he slammed me against the wall, the kisses becoming harsher and harsher.

His lips wandered down to my neck, leaving wet trails on my skin.

We didn't stop, not even for a breathe.

His hands wandered my body and I didn't care, I didn't care about anything.

Finally, we both released gasping for air.

He gave me a painfully intriguing grin, and walked out of my sight.

I wandered back over to the bar and collapsed into a seat.

"Damn, you were going pretty rough with that guy over there." The same bartender as before said to me.

His name was Ryan, but I refused to call him that. I was calling him Cody, as he said I could.

"Yeah, uh can I get a scotch?" I said my speech slurred.

'Cody' giggled. "Sure thing, sweetheart."

I sigh and put my head down on the counter of the bar.

I got up before receiving my drink and stumbled out the door to the back alleyway. I had my phone and my keys on me.

I slid my back down the brick wall and sat on the cold, concrete ground.

My mind too intoxicated to process anything correctly, flooded my mind with images of Ryan.

Even when I was drunk as hell, he still managed his way into my brain.

I smacked my head with my fists.

"Stop! Get out of my fucking head! Y-you, just let me-" I shouted with my words mashing into one another and tears falling out of my eyes.

The guilt of my father's death floated into my mind as well, when I thought I couldn't take any more.

My cries could have been heard from miles away, but I stuck my head in my knees, muffling the noise a little.

"I hate myself. I'm a terrible person who has no purpose. Please, make this easier, I want it all to go away." I mumble.

I lift my head with my vision blurred from the tears, and I feel the ground for my keys.

I'm so, so sorry daddy. You probably hate me and are so ashamed of me. I'm the worst daughter and I'm sorry you wasted your life on me.

I pull out my apartment key and look at my wrist. I close my eyes tightly and blink the tears out of my eyes.

My breathing is so heavy I can barely stand it. But any other way and I wouldn't be breathing at all.

I tighten my grip around the key and started to drag the ridged, sharp side against my wrist.

This one is for dad.

This one is for Ryan.

This one is for Mom.

This one is for Bee.

This one is for Brayden.

This one is for the Cube members.

This one is to me.

It hurt, but it gave me a sense of relief.

Next thing I now I was passed out on the cold ground.

*Ryan the Bartender's POV* (A.K.A 'Cody')

I grabbed the trash from the waste bin under the counter, and headed for the back alley where the dumpster was.

I opened the door to the outside only to see that blonde girl from earlier... Did I know her name?

I dropped the trash and got on my knees in front of her.

Her face was wet from tears, and she was bleeding from what looked like cut marks.

Poor thing.

Without hesitation, I took her phone and dialed 911. I told them where and what was wrong, they said they'd be here shortly.

I took off the flannel I had and wrapped her wrist with it to temporarily stop the bleeding.

Next, I was looking through her phone contacts for signs of relatives or anything.

I reach one that said, "Ryan<3" and I assumed it was her boyfriend or someone important. I call him.

"Hello?" A deep voice answers.

"Hello, Ryan? This is Ryan, uhm, a bartender from the Monroe Club, and I have your friend Octavia here with me. Hurry down here, now." I say ever so quickly, stuttering a little.

*Ryan's POV*

My phone rings and it's Octavia.

She's calling me?

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Hello, Ryan? This is Ryan, uhm, a bartender from the Monroe Club, and I have your friend Octavia here with me. Hurry down here, now." Another voice speaks back, apparently his name was Ryan too.

He seemed urgent, so I dropped what I was doing and I hurried downtown to the club without stopping for a second.


this is so long but i really hope you liked and please vote and share with your pals :)

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