Chapter 32

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Taehyung left Kai's room and with a pounding heart walked towards his father's study. His father sat there with his head pressed against his fist.

"—ries. Those unfamiliar memories are starting to disappear." Wonwoo muttered as he shut his eyes close his tears dripping, not noticing the male standing in front of him.

"Father..." Taehyung called out to his father.

Wonwoo looked up to his son, he looked haggard and it was as if he lost 20 years of life in him. "Taehyung... Taehyung..." he softly called out as his hand motioned for Taehyung to come closer.

The omega sighed before he walked towards the head alpha's side, Wonwoo immediately hugging his waist and burying his face on his stomach. "You— You look exactly like him. You're just like your father."

"My father? Are— Aren't you my father?" Taehyung asked before he pushed his father away.

"I am your father." he responded a weak smile stretching on his lips. "But the person that carried you for nine months is not Hae In, it's my twin, Joowon."

"You mean— Me and Jungkook, right?"

Wonwoo shook his head. "No, Hae In is Jungkook's mother, and he's not my son. His father, my cousin, died during a car crash, and the whole family not wanting anything to ruin our name forced me to marry Hae In who was at that time 2 months pregnant—and Joowon, he—he was also 2 months pregnant with you."

Tears started streaming down Taehyung's cheeks. "But those... Why do I keep getting the memories of one of the twins if Jungkook and I— If we're not actually twins?"

Wonwoo looks leaned his back on his chair. "It's because you're the fruit of Joowon and I's love, an omega at that."

Taehyung clenched his fist. "B—But how about Jimin? He remembers his past lives, he thinks it's me—actually, he sounds sure that it's me."

"It's because he asked to be in love with someone else every next life, well, as far as I can remember that is, but every time he seems to just fall in love with the omega of the twins he first meets, well in his current case, he remembered everything, but you and Jungkook being introduced to him as twins, he immediately thought that you guys were the twins in his past lives." Wonwoo replied.

"Then... Tell me... Why do you not approve of Jungkook as my mate? Why didn't you tell us about this? Were you planning to keep this a secret? If we're not really twins why can't you let us be together? Why did you even set me up with a vampire?!"

"Min Yoongi— has been keeping your father safe, and all he asked is for your hand, whether you were gonna be born as a girl, a boy, an omega, an alpha or a beta. I'm sorry for forcing you." Wonwoo grabbed a paper and handed it at Taehyung. "I never intended to keep it a secret for such a long time, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you guys about it, because I don't want you to fall in love with him— I wanted to imprint to you that being with your sibling is tabooo, the reason that I this and why I don't approve of him is because any time he can hurt you, those test... they were taken when he was but a six years old, we made him retook it when he was 12, and made him take it again when you guys turned 18. He was manifesting high levels of hormonal changes, and his pheromones are much stronger when not controlled, it can kill an omega. He's a very strong alpha, with a very high hormonal changes and an unstable mentality, I'm afraid to lose you."

"A-Are you telling me—the father of the child I'm carrying, my mate, is— is a psycho?" Taehyung asked, his hand holding his womb.

"You— You're pregnant?"

Taehyung nodded, fear consuming him as he started to feel like throwing up. He was shaking, and the faint scent of the omega's anxiety leaking in the air as he slowly succumbs to the fear he was experiencing.

"Taehyung, calm down, Jungkook—Jungkook might smell the scent. We don't want him here, not at this moment, you're too vulnerable right now." Wonwoo said as he embraced his son, letting his own emotions out to try and mask Taehyung's.

However, this seemed to not have work as the door swung open, a raven head entering the scene, with his eyes full of rage.

im so confused atm.

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