Y'all are not getting chapter 15

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...yet cause I'm still writing it out but I'll give you this instead, hope y'all enjoy this uh, weird sorta chapter.

— Unless official(marked), mates won't feel what the other would feel, but when they are just centimeters away, it is otherwise.
— Lisa's wearing black eyes contacts that's why no one can see it every time her eyes shifts.
— Not planning on writing a smut scene yet.

— [ ] —

Taehyung stared annoyed as Jungkook and Lisa continued to flirt in the living room, the apple he was holding this whole times was in between his hands, crushed, it's juices dripping down to the floor through Taehyung's arm.

"Fucking dogs can't even get a room."Taehyung lowly, as in lowly said to himself before he looked away from the two and shifting his attention to the apple. "Great."he uttered before dropping the crashed apple on the kitchen counter.

Taehyung sighed as he brought his fingers near his lips, tongue sticking out, ready to lick the juices on his fingers, unaware of the pair of eyes wtaching his every move.

Gulp. Jungkook watched as Taehyung licked his finger clean from the apple, his eyes not mising each and every time Taehyung's tongue would mingle with his sexy slender fingers.

Fuck if those where my fingers. Jungkook thought before he looked away and rested his head on his arms. Damn hormones, making my dick twitch. Of all the places, damn it.

Jungkook turned to the female omega beside him, "Lisa, you should go home, I have to go to my room, I feel kinda sick. I'll just see you tomorrow, okay?"

"O—oh, okay."Lisa responded before she stood up and left the household.

Jungkook on the otherhnad stood up and rushed towards his room, immediately entering his bathroom, stripping naked before jumping inside the shower, attempting to calm his bulging member.

Back to Taehyung who overheard Jungkook and Lisa's conversation.

Worried. He stood up and sneakily followed his twin brother.

He left the door open. Taehyung thought before entering Jungkook's room, the alpha's strong yet aromatic scent embraced the male omega. Oh my...

Taehyung flinched when he heard Jungkook cursing, his eyes falling on the closed bathroom door, once again worried, Taehyung flung the door open, his eyes landing on his brother's naked state.

Jungkook eyes widens as he stared back at his brother, but he immediately grinned and said, "Can you please give me a hand, Taehyung? I mean, things can escalate  but we can work it out later on, right?"

— [ And they did not fuck cause Tarhyung smacked Jungkook's head before walking out ] —

Another chapter's gonna be out once I'm done writing it down, so please be wait for it ♡.

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