Chapter 34

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It hurts.

Taehyung fluttered his eyes open. The blinding light hitting his irises, making him shut them once close. “God.” he softly muttered before he furrowed his eyebrows and slowly sad back down.

His head felt heavy, like literally heavy. “Where am I?” he asked himself as he reached for the back of his head, his finger immediately clutching on the strands of hair he was feeling.

He brushed his fingers down, only to find out that his hair was long, very long. He looked down on the locks he was clutching, atleast three inches from the tip of his hair was of the color of silver, the rest seems to be the natural color of his hair.

He felt his heart pound. He looked towards his left and saw a mirror. His reflection showed a frail and bony man, strands that reached his rear end, chapped lips, and an obvious scar on the joint between his neck and shoulder.

He begun to start breathing fast. He reached out for his tummy, eyes traveling down to his now sunken abdomen. “My baby. My baby. My baby!” he screamed as he tried to get out of bed, only to collapse on the floor. “Baby. Baby— Papa's sorry. Please where are you?!” he cried out as he started to crawl towards the door, wanting to look for his child.

The door opened. A familiar mint haired male entered his eyes stared concerned at Taehyung. “You just woke up and you decided to start crawling on the floor?” he asked as he picked Taehyung up.

“Yoongi? Yoongi, you're alive—” Taehyung cried out before burying his face on the crook of the male's neck. “I— I thought I lost you.”

“Oh, shush. Vampires always a second chance in life, dear.” Yoongi answered as he placed Taehyung back on the bed and gave him a smile, this smile though immediately disappeared before his face wrinkled. “So, what were you doing on the floor?”

Taehyung's eyes grew wide and was about to leave the bed once again when Yoongi held him down. “You are not getting out of bed.”

“But— But my child! My child, Yoongi! What happened to him?!” he began to cry out once again.

Yoongi sighed and sat down beside Taehyung. He took the younger male's hand and enclosed it with his before gripping it tight. “When we found you... You were barely alive.” he paused and shifts his eyes out the window. “We tried— the doctors tried their best. To keep both and your unborn child alive, but we almost lost both of you. They gave your father, the one that I have under my wing, a choice, to let you die with your child or to save you and get your child out of you. You father— your father picked the latter, of course.”

Taehyung broke down. “No. Please.” he softly muttered as he brought the vampire's hand up to his face. “You should have just left me to die to. I wanted to die, Yoongi. I still wanna die. Why did you have to save me? I don't wanna be here anymore.”

A soft knock on the door disrupted the two. A pink haired male entered, his eyes immediately landing at Taehyung. He gasped before he dashed towards Taehyung and embraced him, pushing Yoongi away in the process.

“Hey, you!” Yoongi exclaimed and was about to tear the boy away from Taehyung when he saw him sobbing on omega's embrace.

“Uh?” Taehyung uttered, confused.

The pink headed male pushed himself away from Taehyung and pouted. “Do you not remember me? Hmm? Daddy?” he asked.

“K-Kai?” he stuttered out, eyes shocked at how much his little Kai has grown.

Kai nodded before pulling his father back to his embrace. “I missed hearing your voice so much. I thought— I thought you were gonna leave me too.”

How could he? How could Taehyung forget about his little baby who he spent almost everyday with? “You've grow so much. I— Was I really asleep for that long?”

“Almost 11 years.” Yoongi responded. “You were a coma for almost 11 years. Everyone was scared that one day, when we enter your room, we'll find you lifeless. You're precious to us, Taehyung. Saying you wanna die pains me.”

“So what? Now that your first love's awake you're gonna replace me with him?” a familiar voice spoke.

Taehyung looked over to the person who just entered who hand his hands on his hips. “J—Jimin?”

Jimin looks at Taehyung and grinned at him. “Hi! You're finally awake!” he exclaimed. His grin immediately morphed troubled one as he approached Taehyung. “I know you hate me. Because of what I've done in the past. What I did to you in the past. But I'm better now and I’ve moved on from you, and yes, I'm dating Yoongi. Unfortunately.”

Taehyung stared at him before chuckling. “You're dating the guy you murdered?” he asked as he gazes at Yoongi. “Is this your kink? Like— Do you like the idea of—”

“Oh shut up before I knock you back to coma!” Yoongi exclaimed annoyed. “He was the one that kept on chasing me, okay? I felt sorry for him so I said yes, we can be together— and no, Jimin, just because Taehyung's now awake doesn't mean I'll just toss you aside. Besides, Kai doesn't approved of me.”

“You're too ugly for my dad.” Kai responded.

“Yah! Do you want me to tell your dad about Soobin?” Yoongi threatens.


“My father— Wonwoo. What happened to him?” Taehyung asked as he grips the sheets, remembering the scream from his father as he ran away from the pack house.

“He was dying. But I was able to save him in time.” an unfamiliar voice joined.

Taehyung shifted his eyes to person who joined and raised an eyebrow. “And you are?”

The man laughed. “Of course! How silly of me!” he exclaimed before he walked towards Taehyung and hands out his hand to shake with Taehyung. “I'm Joowon. Your father.”

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