Chapter 35

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Taehyung ties his long locks as he walks beside Jowoon. His eyes looking around, spotting many familiar yet also unfamiliar face, everyone has grown, they were older.

“Wonwoo was found in his office. Barely alive, but was still holding on.” Joowon opened up as they reached the head alpha's office. The room was organized, clean from the accident of that fateful night 10 years ago. “Jungkook severely damage Wonwoo's vocal cords, rendering him unable to speak. However, despite that he was still able to tell us by writing down that Jungkook went after you, and that you were in danger.”

Jowoon paused and sat down on the swivel chair. “When we first tried to leave, Hae in stopped us... She said that we should stop interrupting with your lives, and let her son be happy. That Jungkook deserves to be with you, to have you.” he sighed as he grabbed Taehyung's hand. “I'm sorry for not being there as fast as I can... If only... If only I arrived earlier then maybe we could have also saved your son.”

“He wasn't meant to be my child. If he was, then the moon goddess wouldn't have taken him. Or maybe it was my punishment for attempting to end both our lives. It hurts, it hurts a lot.” Taehyung responded his tears starting to stream down his face as he grabbed a chair and took a sit beside his father. “But what can I do? What happened already happened.” he continued and gripped his father's hand, tight. “Even if I regret my choices back then, I cannot bring my child back and you did everything you can to find me, and that's not your fault.” he sighed and then added, “But there's something else you should be sorry for. Where were you? All my life, I was living in a lie that Hae In was my mother, and person I love was my brother, my twin at that. And— and those memories... Those memories that belonged to you—”

Joowon sighed and held Taehyung's face with one hand. “I'm sorry. When... When Jinyoung died... Wonwoo had no choice but to marry Hae In, and in fear that our parents will force us to get rid of you, I had to go into hiding. We bribed the pack doctor into saying that Hae In was carrying twins, when in fact she was only carrying Jungkook, I had to step away, for you. I thought... I thought everything would be okay and I would be able to go back to the pack once I gave birth and that I could silently take care of you but even with your grandparents' death I couldn't. I saw... I saw how happy Wonwoo was with Hae In, how happy you guys were. I couldn't bear to wreck the family that you guys have built. What I saw between you guys is what I've wanted us to become, and that was enough for me. To see you well, and happy, I wasn't expecting that you would see my visions. Maybe, it was fate intervening, letting you be the bridge between me and your father. Maybe, the moon goddess finally felt bad for us... I'm sorry, Taehyung. I'm sorry for everything. But I swear, I will be able to stay by your side now, I can finally be with you.”

Taehyung remained silent as he stared at his father's eyes. This man. This man gave birth to him, and it was obvious, they we're strikingly similar, only he had a much more mature appearance than him— And he feels it. It was a strange feeling of familiarity, despite meeting for the first time.

“I was in love you, and I am still in love with you.” a hoarse voice joined.

Both of the omegas shifting their gaze towards the door.

Taehyung's eyes widens, Wonwoo was standing there, he had a large scar by his throat and another across his face. “Dad.”

“The doctor said you shouldn't talk yet, Wonwoo. Your vocal chords is still healing!” Joowon exclaimed as he stood up and rushed towards the alpha.

Wonwoo sighed as he took Joowon to his embrace, pressing him close to him. “Every single day, I wished for you to return to the pack. Every single day, I yearned for love and warmth. I may appear happy but I wasn't, every day I would hope for you to enter my office and give me big warm hug. You were the one I loved, the only person I will ever love. No one can replace you and—”

“Stop!” Joowon exclaimed, his face was as red as tomato. “I understand, I understand! Can you— Can you stop? It's not good for your throat.”

Taehyung, who was watching the two, laughed. “Look you at guys, you're both too old for this. This is disgusting.” he said as he wiped the trails of his tears from his face.

“Ah— you. Come here you!” Joowon was about to approach Taehyung when a black haired male entered the room. “Oh, Soobin!”

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “Soobin?” He asked. The name was so familiar, but he couldn't remember who or where he heard it from.

“Your son's boyfriend.” Wonwoo replied as he turned his back from the three and quickly left the place.

Joowon glanced at his son and saw him with furrowed eyebrows. He awkwardly chuckled before he tapped Soobin by the shoulder and following behind Wonwoo.

“So, you're that Soobin?” Taehyung pointed at the chair in front of him, as if telling the black haired male to sit down.

Soobin, who was standing in the doorway, walked closer to Taehyung and knelt before him. “I came here after finding out that you have finally awaken, I-I'd like to ask for your blessing between me and Kai's relationship. I promise I won't hurt him. I'll make him happy.”

“You're a beta.”

“Yes. But— But I love your son. I— I'll do my best inorder to be a fitting man for him, ple—”

“Do whatever you want. You have my blessing. I trust my son with his choice. He's smart. He's not stupid. And I don't care if you're a beta, an alpha, or an omega. If you can love my son, if you can take care of him, if you promise to not break his heart. Then, my blessing is yours.” Taehyung cuts off. “However, if you... Hurt him. In any way, I won't hesitate to hunt you down and tie you to the front of the pack house, naked. Now, go. I'd like some time alone.”

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