Chapter 11

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PS. Wrote this after updating this story so basically I don't have any inspirations yet at that time but now, I'll probably write bettee, but I wont change this cause I'm lazy.

"Taehyung? Taehyung? Babe? Wake up."a voice called out.

Taehyung felt a hand caressing his face, the familiar scent that his alpha has has spread through his room. "Kookie?"Taehyung utters as he opens his eyes

"Yes, babe?"Jungkook asked, a small smile pasted in his lips.

"You know I love you right?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Then you'll cook breakfast for me right?"

Jungkook chuckled before saying, "Of course, anything for my queen."

Taehyung pouts. "I'm a guy."

"You're still my queen."

Taehyung just murmured a whatever before he stood up and held Jungkook's hand. "Let's go."

"Before that. I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Taehyung... wake up-"

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, his eyes immediately meeting Jin's worried one.

"Oh hey, what happened? Is everything okay?"Taehyung asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Before that, what happened to you?! Did something happen?! Why are your eyes so puffy?! Wait have you heard the news already?!"

"Calm down, Jin. I-I was just watching a really sad movie last night that's all."Taehyung responded, his heart in pain. "Now tell me, is everything alright?"

Jin stiffened, before he sighed. "Look, I have to tell you three things, but you decide which one I will tell you first. Uhm ehm. There's a good news, a not so good news, and a really really bad new-"

"The not so good one."Taehyung immediately responded.

"Ehm. Jimin's back."

"Shouldn't that be the wor-"

"Yoongi's dead."


"Your brother's getting married in two weeks."

"WHAT?!"Taehyung exclaimed, tears about to roll down his cheeks.

"I know Yoongi's death is kinda overwhelming but please don't forget to be happy for your brother."

"Why should I be happy Jin?! Huh?! Huh?! Tell me?! How can I be happy if my mate is marrying someone else?!"

"Mate? Wait! Jungkook's your ma-"

Taehyung covered Jin's mouth before his eyes grew wide. He then mouthed, "Keep it down, will you?"

"Sorry, sorry, but whoah. Really?"


"Is it like how the books describe it?"

"Kinda yes."

"What do you mean kinda?"

"Well, we rejected each o-"

"You did what Kim Taehyung?!"

"Jin, you know it's a taboo to be mates with your sibling-"

"Who cares about that taboo in our pack?! Taehyung, you guys are fated mates, it's something precious and and- wait a minute, how are you not in pain btw?"

Taehyung frowned, clueless. "Why should I be in pain?"

"You told me you rejected each other that's why you the recessive one, should be in pain, but well of course excluding the emeotional pain, over all you're not hurting."

"And that means-?"

"You guys are still tied to each other."

- / / -

Yes, the update sucks. Plus dont mind Taehyung forgetting the fact that his fiancee is dead. Sksksks.

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