Chapter 8

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Taehyung stood up, while holding the duvet in place to prevent it from falling down as he approach his wardrobe. He opened the door to reveal his clothes before grabbing a white shirt, a boxer, and a black pants. He rushed to the restroom to change leaving Yoongi outside who's flushed cheeks turned back to it's normal pale state.

"Taehyung, I'll get going now." Yoongi finally spoke up before standing, and hearing a 'Go ahead' from Taehyung he exits the male's room, walking down the stairs and about to leave the house when a gentle voice called out for him.


He turns to the male who called him, his eyes glistening with curiosity because of the sudden change of attitude of the alpha. "Good morning, sir."

Wonwoo chuckled as he gestured for Yoongi to come and join them. Once the mint haired vampire settled down however, Wonwoo once again spoke up, "Don't be shy and start start calling me father and call Ji Hye mother, after all, you're about to become part of the family."

Yoongi smiled. "Of course, father." Yoongi responded. He then glances at Taehyung who was approaching them. He looks at the head alpha, "Thank you for picking me to be your son's husband. You don't know how happy and grateful I am."

"It's nothing, I know you'll take care of him."

"Didn't you say you were leaving?" Taehyung questioned as he sat down beside Yoongi.

"Your father called for me, he wants me to join the breakfast." Yoongi answered.

"Okay. Narcissus." Taehyung responded.

Yoongi gently laughed, "Oh? Is that my nickname now, love? How about calling me darling instead of that?"

"Oh shut up."

Yoongi was about to reply when Jungkook came in to his peripheral view, his eyebrows were furrowed—  almost meeting in between and his lips were pressed into a thin line. The young alpha met Yoongi's eyes, causing for him to shoot a glare at him, a glare that was full of wrath.

"Good morning, Jungkook." Taehyung answered with a sweet and energetic voice which calmed and straightened the crease between Jungkook's eyebrows and for his lips to curve up into a smile.

"Good morning to you too, Taetae."Jungkook greeted back as he sat down in front Taehyung, beside his mother.

Oh? Interesting. Yoongi thought as he glanced from Taehyung to Jungkook. An idea came into his mind, and deciding to do it he called Jungkook's attention. "So Jungkook, I heard that you're marrying Park's only daughter, am I right?"he asked as he placed his arm around Taehyung's waist.

"Yes."he firmly answered as he once again furrowed his eyebrows eyes staring at his hand that held Taehyung's side.

Yoongi nods his head, delightful of the alpha's answer. "Good. The two of you look good together. She's very pretty, and she too is very, very... wild."

Jungkook was about to stand up and grab Yoongi from across the table when Wonwoo spoke, "So about Jungkook and Taehyung's coming of age."

"What is it, dear?" Ji hye answered,

"It's the day after tomorrow, so we'll have to start decorating the house, after all the celebration is tomorrow, by midnight they will be officially adults."


sauce: Mr. 100% Perfect

Edited: 4th of Aug, 2020

Do you know what happens during a werewolf's coming of age?
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edit's note: Nothing happened. Because you were too lazy.

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