Chapter 33

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Hi! It's been awhile! In fact it's been a year! I wasn't really planning to go back into writing but I owe you guys an ending, if anyone's still reading this, of course.


The door swung open. Blood red eyes met Taehyung's fearful one's. Wonwoo who was beside Taehyung grabbed him by the elbow and hid the boy behind him.

“Jungkook.” Wonwoo uttered. “Don't even come close.”

The raven head chuckled before he shifts his eyes towards the omega. “That's my mate you got there. My omega.”

Wonwoo's eyebrows furrowed before he turned to Taehyung and mouthed something to him. He looked back at Jungkook and lowly growled before saying, “Go.” as he let goes of Taehyung's arm.


In a split second, Jungkook was squatting down before them, looking at them with sharp eyes and wide grin, his hand on Wonwoo's throat, the other on the table supporting himself.

“N-now. Taehyung.” he managed to utter as he held Jungkook's forearm, stopping him from going anywhere.

Jungkook laughed maniacally. “I'm gonna rip you apart! I'll shred you to pieces like that shitty vampire that I ordered to be killed!”

Taehyung's eyes grew wide before he took two steps backward before deciding to sprint out of the place. His ears picking up the sound on Wonwoo's scream.

Please. God. Someone wake me up from this nightmare. He thought as he ran through the forest, far from the pack house.

He stumbled. He accidentally tripped on a rock as he was running. He gripped his tightening chest, his other reaching out for his womb. “We'll be safe. We'll be safe.” he whispered as he stood up and started to run once again.

He clashed his teeth against his lips and endured the pain he was experiencing on his knees.

Jungkook. He can't believe Jimin's confessions were true. Jungkook was the person behind Yoongi's death, it came directly from his mouth.

I'm a fool. A fool. A fool. You fool! How could you have not noticed?! He was there. Jungkook was there. He thought. His subconscious endlessly screaming at him. He should have realized the moment he picked up the scent. He should have.

Taehyung stopped by a cave deep in the forest. He went in, and by ‘in’ it meant that he strode to the farthest back of the cave. He plopped his body down to the ground. The back of his head resting against the cave walls. He took out a knife that he had hidden on his pants.

He chuckled pitifully before he turned the knife to himself. “I'm tired. I—Let me end this. I want to end all of this.” he said to himself and was about to pushed the knife against his skin when he heard a faint heartbeat, his hand releasing the knife.

The tears that were already streaming down his face, gushes out even more. He held his abdomen. “I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry. I don't wanna do this anymore. I'm sorry for taking you with me. I wish I could have seen you, touched you, watch you grow. But I wanna end all of these here.”

Just as he was about to pick up the knife he heard his name getting called out.

“Taehyung? Oh, Taehyung ~ ”

Chills ran down his spine, realizing who the voice belonged to. He grabbed the knife and kept it close to him, he silently pushed his body against the wall and listened to the incoming footsteps and the voice that kept on talking.

“Come out now, love. You know I won't hurt you right?” he asked as he laughed. “Come on now, don't be scared of me. I'm here to pick you up. Father's dead, no one's gonna be between us anymore. It's just you and I, and Kai. We'll be a happy family, we'll rebuild everything, we'll take down the taboo. No one will go against us anymore.”

The footsteps halt. “You're just like everyone else. Once you learn the truth about me you get so scared and frightened. I love you, you know that. And I will never hurt you. Don't you love me?” he questioned.

Taehyung remained silent. That's not my Jungkook. That's not him.

“Taehyung! I said come out!” Jungkook exclaimed voice full of aggression. “I said— Come out... Love, come on. I'm not gonna hurt you. Just. Just come to me.”

Taehyung shook his head. I'd rather be dead than come to you. He thought as he kept on wiping the tears that kept dripping down his cheeks.

“Please. Taehyung, I need you right now. Please. I'm here, waiting for you so just please.” Jungkook begged, his voice now full of sadness and sorrow.

Don't get swayed. Don't get swayed.

Taehyung heard Jungkook heaved a sighed before the man spoke again. “Taehyung, please I know you're scared, I— I've been there. I'm scared of myself and the things that I can do too. But I'm trying my best to be better, for you, for us, for our family.”

“No. Leave me alone... Jungkook. Please. Leave.” Taehyung softly muttered.

“You don't want me coming directly to you, Taehyung.” he said, his voice stern and lifeless. “I'm going to count till three. If I don't see you in front of me by then, don't expect to get out of this place unscathed.”

Taehyung stood up his grip on the knife getting getting tighter as he pushed forcefully pushed his back against the wall as if with enough power he will merge with it.


“I AM NOT COMING!” Taehyung yelled.


“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU'RE SCARING ME, JUNGKOOK!” Taehyung cried out loud as he collapsed to the ground, his last bit of strength leaving his body.

However, his body quickly straightened when he felt a breath behind his ear. “Three.”

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